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Everything posted by Tuxlar

  1. Tuxlar

    Saint Alfonzo's Smorgasbord!

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B22sUllBm3Z2dlY2a2NkZFlubjg/edit?usp=sharing Berserk wasn't my friend this time. Good map01-type map. Nice lighting effect with the grate texture. Lift barrels seem pointless, though.
  2. Tuxlar

    Doom Builder 2 3D mode lagging

    Sleep mode also seems to work.
  3. Tuxlar

    Delaweare Release!

    Feels like a demoscene in Doom map form.
  4. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Well, the lower difficulties are meant for exactly what you mentioned, so I'll probably do just that. I made this with idea of adjusting (mostly) only ammo/health between difficulties; not monsters. I'll likely consider that for 1.3.
  5. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Glad you liked it. If you can get me a demo or specific information, I could try adjusting the lower difficulties accordingly. Remember, I love demos! Give me alllll the demos! Om nom nom!
  6. Maybe a script exists that can be used to provide a brutal doom-only flag for things to filter them from the map?
  7. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Yes, I'm getting the same error. However, it appears to let me play it anyway. I'm not really sure what exactly causes this, or how to fix it. Actually, I may have an idea that I'm looking into now... I noticed there are unused texture patch graphics in the wad data (that I'd assumed SLADE to have removed, via. the respective removal option), but this does not seem to affect the error message. It does, however, shave almost almost 1mb of file size, so I may just for that release a new version... Edit: Hmm, I simply don't have the time to attempt guesswork solutions. There's probably a simple answer for this, but if it works, error or not, it works.
  8. Tuxlar

    Doom regrets

    What are you talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2yPfWXPIs0&t=14s
  9. Tuxlar

    Scariest monsters in video games

    Something just moved by my leg...
  10. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    v1.2 available. Changes: - Slightly rebalanced ammo and monsters. - Softened Jackhammer hit sound. - Minor bug fixes. - Reverted music (see previous post).
  11. Tuxlar

    New Super Shitty Map Contest!

    Oh, so you're talking about maps that succeed in legitimately offending players purely through design. Ideally through succeeding in building expectations, and then succeeding in destroying them in spectacular fashion, but preferably keeping the player able to remain engaged to be further subjected to such abuse. Not so much a map with 'shitty' elements as a map that creates a 'shitty' experience, I guess would be my understanding.
  12. Tuxlar

    New Super Shitty Map Contest!

    What defines 'shitty'? Broken triggers? Bad monster placement? Unbeatable gameplay? Poor aesthetics? Best joke/troll map material? Better question is, how does such a thing make for a contest? Unless the contest is 'best joke map', there's neither meaningful skill involved to intentionally produce such a thing, and judging it is beyond the normal subjectivity expected for any contest. Maybe being a 'shitty' contest is meant to fit the theme...?
  13. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Odd, it didn't work until I switched browsers. I think it doesn't like my blocker addons or something. 0/10 wouldn't recommend for use. Nice attempt. Looks like the balance tweaks worked swimmingly (you ended up with exactly 0 rockets by the end of that flooded cavern). It's odd that archvile wasn't attacking until right up to the end, though. That's a bug. Anyway, I like the take on Subterranean, FuzzballFox, but the song doesn't loop well, so I'm considering reverting it. The previous version doesn't sound well on certain midi players, though, but it sounds fine on others. Oh well.
  14. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    It's neat that the gimmick is able to work, albeit being rough around the edges. It's a shame I couldn't manage it in vanilla, but it'd be very limiting even if I did, due to visplane issues. FYI, that upload site wants me to download an .exe to get the file. Could you try another, please? I really want to try that demo. :(
  15. Tuxlar

    crumpets.wad [on /idgames]

    FDA (prboom+) Pretty derpy run on my part, but I managed. Not the biggest fan of the use of music in the 2nd map, I did like the FFT music in the 1st. Other than that, maybe some weird geometry navigation, but it seemed pretty solid. First map was a better challenge, though.
  16. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Thanks for the FDA! I should note the room in question has a specific element to its solution, but I don't think it's your fault that it wasn't immediately obvious. I'll try to tweak it to resolve that. Your playstyle was pretty well suited for the map up until that point, though. I'll consider providing more ammo for that archvile encounter, as even for the modified skill 4 that was probably a bit much. Edit: Updated to v1.1b for minor tweaks.
  17. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    Can't fix that, unless I build new versions of the map with zdoom scripting, or something. Each 'uber-hard' element is more or less a puzzle, which unless you're playing in skill 4 (or else something in the map breaks), should be solvable in puzzle-like fashion. However, I agree that the main exploration element of the map should be the focus. These FDAs are really handy for learning how to properly implement balance for this. Glad gzdoom works. There are some triggers that mouse look can affect (for example, the slow-breaking pillars), unfortunately. Another of the quirks of retaining Boom compatibility.
  18. Tuxlar

    You Dig (v1.7)

    I love that PS1 song so much! I get the feeling I'd be pushing into full-fledged copyright territory to try to include it, though. XD (plus it gets a bit too dramatic towards the end for wad-use, IMO) That midi definitely is an improvement over the one I picked, so I might include it with a subsequent iteration. Hey thanks, man. I really appreciate hearing that!
  19. Exactly what it suggests.
  20. Edit: Old idea; retracted.
  21. Tuxlar

    (Old) 'Super-UV' difficulty?

    Heh, I wonder how you'd manage 'reversing' the mode order without some sort of boom-like scripting to manipulate the monster/item availability on the map between "Nightmare" and "UV". Actually, I think at this point you'd be better off just naming and designing them as if they're distinct, separate modes altogether. Nightmare might be an 'Any %' mode, ITYTD would be a 'Slaughter' mode, etc.
  22. Tuxlar

    (Old) 'Super-UV' difficulty?

    Wait... so ITYTD is a halved 'super-UV'? Wouldn't that just lower it back down to UV/HMP in measurable difficulty? Or are you referring to making a new mode altogether to keep the madness of such a 'super-UV', but with less of the difficulty? I like it, actually. On that note, I wonder how well toning down UV into a new 'easy mode' to let Nightmare mode exist as more or less the inverse of that idea would work... Right. It'd be a tall order to sell this idea, anyway. This is purely for personal/hypothetical decision making.
  23. Tuxlar

    (Old) 'Super-UV' difficulty?

    I guess the question should be: What's the value of an agreed-upon standard for UV? I mean, maps can and do often implement it their own different ways, but the iwad standard seems to keep yanking it back over the years. I guess the ambiguity isn't harmful itself, but I keep thinking there'd be a use to agreeing on a slightly modified "standard".
  24. Tuxlar

    Model of Cyberdemon Which took 30 Minutes

    Still better than Doom 4's.