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About JackCaliber

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  1. JackCaliber

    Doom 4 should have...

    I think what's REALLY kept the original Doom games alive all these years is the user created content. As such, I think that they need to focus on the providing the most mod-friendly single-player experience possible for Doom 4, while focussing all their multi player skills into Quake 5. After all, nearly everything I'd like out of Doom 4 goes for Quake 5 (Fatalities, stealth kills, alternate weapon fires, etc) but I realize that they need to take the series in separate directions to avoid feeling redundant (which I believe was Quake 4's problem), and I think that a highly modifiable package, and another free-to-play experience would be the perfect dichotomy. Edit: And yes, I do apologize for posting that one outside the thread :P
  2. JackCaliber


    She was in the bottom tier, despite instructing Doomguy, but I'd make my version as bad-ass as possible. Never thought of Doom as practical, but I'll definitely take your opinion into consideration. I've also got an idea on how I might make alternate costumes really fast, but more on that later. About that... my searches have turned up pages upon pages of forum questions, but no info on what they actually ARE. Are they like separate sprites layered over the character? Would I start by drawing them holding an invisible gun or something, because that's what I started doing anyway.
  3. JackCaliber


    Holy crap, I totally forgot Crash was from Quake 3... and her biography says she was Doomguy's instructor! Hell, she's the perfect candidate. Guess I'll just contact Virtue, see if he's still working on the project, and see if he wants to collaborate :) And by the way, she does have an exposed midriff in Q3: http://data.earthli.com/quake/images/warriors/p_crash.jpg
  4. JackCaliber


    You sure it's gone? If Jar Jar's Fritter thing is still around, I doubt that quality female marine sprites would just disappear :/
  5. JackCaliber


    Thank you esselfortium and GooberMan, I'm getting pretty pumped about this modding thing :)
  6. JackCaliber


    Alrighty! The Crash sprites seem to have the proportions I'm looking for, but... I'm kinda new to modding, and I'm not quite sure how the black-and-white sprites work, what's the deal with that in so many words (or a tutorial if linking me would be easier) I'm using Slade.
  7. JackCaliber


    Yeah, exaggerated features, a new face for the HUD, and a higher pitched voice screaming obscenities. The suit would be slightly modified, although I'm kinda debating whether it should have an open mid riff. If I commit to this, I'm gonna go all the way and make her Brutal Doom compatible with all the fatalities and bird flipping.
  8. JackCaliber


    I wanna make a female protagonist for the game (whose sprites would double as female marines you can free throughout the game), but only if there's a big enough demand. I dunno, think a Doomgirl would go over big?