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About StalkerZHS

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    Junior Member

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  1. What are the top 2 supposed to be for though?
  2. It's been years since I've last heard of an E4 / Doom 2 intermission screen, and none of the others before this were done so well. This is the best
  3. StalkerZHS

    Best status bar

    We need a wad where you, as doomguy, are a windows security program
  4. StalkerZHS

    IDKFA Cheat Code Meaning - Opinion Poll

    my headcanon was always "ID key floor ammo" dunno how that'd make sense, but...
  5. Here are my submissions for the music. TTL, MAP08, MAP10 and MAP11. I will not be able to complete the music for maps 7 or 9 Music.zip
  6. Oh god thank you I keep forgetting
  7. StalkerZHS

    The Ultimate Doom II : Doom II levels reimagined

    Then 29, 30 and 32 are all that's left. I've been waiting since 2015 for the BEST DOOM 2 REMAKE OF ALL TIME
  8. StalkerZHS

    Quakecon 2023

    Anyone gonna dress up as a house?
  10. StalkerZHS

    Question on repacking official content

    Maybe I should create a preview of what I'm trying to do...
  11. StalkerZHS

    Question on repacking official content

    I plan for the maps would be converted to udmf, and further edited atop that
  12. I am in the midst of creating a mod (so far for personal recreation) which combines several parts of all the official classic doom into one. Ultimate, Sigil, Doom 2, Final Doom, Master Levels, NRFTL, as well as console-exclusive content and Romero's bonus e1 maps. (This project is targeted for GZDoom and aims to do more than any other combination project I know of) If I ensure that an IWAD is still required, will there be any problems if I were to release it?
  13. I'm taking the music for maps 10 and 11, for sure