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Everything posted by bench

  1. Hello! I am currently trying to create a variation of the Demon that teleports towards the player when it's far away but I constantly get them stuck into walls. I think it should be fixable if I could stop my TeleDemonMissile from spawning TeleDemonSpot when there isn't enough room for it. I can't figure out how to do that though. I'd really appreciate some help. Here's my code: ACTOR TeleDemon { Game Doom Health 100 PainChance 180 Speed 8 Radius 30 Height 56 Species demon Mass 400 MeleeThreshold 200 Monster +ALWAYSFAST +FLOORCLIP SeeSound "demon/sight" AttackSound "demon/melee" PainSound "demon/pain" DeathSound "demon/death" ActiveSound "demon/active" Obituary "%o was bit by a teleporting demon." States { Spawn: TDEM AB 10 A_Look Loop See: TDEM AABBCCDD 4 Fast A_Chase Loop Melee: TDEM EF 8 Fast A_FaceTarget TDEM G 8 Fast A_SargAttack Goto See Missile: TDEM H 0 A_CustomMissile("TeleDemonMissile",56,0) TDEM H 0 A_Teleport("See", "TeleDemonSpot") Goto See Pain: TDEM H 2 Fast TDEM H 2 Fast A_Pain Goto See Death: TDEM I 8 TDEM J 8 A_Scream TDEM K 4 TDEM L 4 A_NoBlocking TDEM M 4 TDEM N -1 Stop Raise: TDEM N 5 TDEM MLKJI 5 Goto See } } ACTOR TeleDemonMissile { Radius 30 Height 56 Speed 25 Damage 0 Projectile +NOCLIP States { Spawn: APLS AB 5 Bright Goto Death Death: APBX A 1 A_SpawnItemEx ("TeleDemonSpot") Stop } } ACTOR TeleDemonSpot : SpecialSpot { Radius 30 Height 56 States { Spawn: APLS AB 5 Bright Goto Death Death: APBX A 1 Bright Stop } }(The projectiles will be invisible once it's working properly, it's only visible right now for debugging reasons)
  2. Wow, that was a quick reply! Everything you wrote makes perfect sense and I'll try to implement it now. Thank you for your help! EDIT: Sadly, the problem remains. Not quite sure why. When both the player and the demon stand in the same line right next to a wall and the demon teleports towards the player, it will still get stuck.