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About komojo

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    Green Marine

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  1. I just learned that the chaingun isn't an actual chain gun. That term refers to how the gun cycles the action to load each bullet (not a gun guy so forgive me if my terminology is slightly off.) Rotary guns with multiple barrels are a separate category.
  2. I'm picking up a long abandoned project that I started back in 2019. I got back to it a year later to try and finish it, but I got caught up in feature creep and wasn't able to finish everything. This time I'm trying to avoid the temptation to make a bunch of new levels and just finish what I have. That means playtesting and trying to finish a bit of custom graphics and music. I still may have bit off more than I can chew...trying to make 8 original songs is like making a whole album, and I don't know anything about music composition. Still, I'm going to press on and try to come up with something by the end of this month.
  3. komojo

    Post your Doom textures!

    Tileable Martian sky based on a NASA photo
  4. Count me in. I started a project for nanowadmo about 4 years ago, but I never finished it. This year I'll try to finally tie up all the loose ends and publish something.
  5. Count me in! I was working on the same project the last two times for nanowadmo, and it's already about 90% complete. I should be able to finish it this time, as long as I don't succumb to feature creep.
  6. Entering the final stretch... My wad for this month is basically finished, but I think I'm going to spend a few more days polishing it and then release it this weekend. I was able to finish 9 maps total.
  7. I tried this last year and only got halfway finished with a few maps. This time I'm working on the same maps and trying to actually finish them. Since I've got more time I decided to add a bit of custom graphics...so of course I've spent 3 weeks doing the graphics and barely started on the level design. It's getting there, though...
  8. komojo

    Any peculiar Doom habits?

    Not as much any more, but I used to try to view every line so it shows up on the automap. I'm still a bit irritated when there are lines that can't be seen without noclip.
  9. I liked it. I was expecting more libertarian politics, but it was mostly just cool stuff about VR and rockets, and geeking out about Quake. I think he's a bit too dismissive of crunch culture in game development. He seems to think that people mostly work long hours voluntarily, that implicit threats to your job are overblown, and people complaining must be disgruntled employees. Maybe he means well, but that seems very naive to the way a lot of studios operate. It's another case of the Just World fallacy. (In his defense, he also says multiple times that he's only speaking from his own experience.) I only bring that up because it's the one part where I disagreed, it's definitely worth listening to if you're a fan of Carmack or Joe Rogan.
  10. komojo

    let's stop calling them "things"

    The name comes from the THINGS lump in the WAD file. That's what most editors call them, so I don't think it's going to change any time soon. I'm fine with calling them Things, the word is used often enough in Doom editing that it's usually easy to recognize the context.
  11. komojo

    Thought experiment: Dithering in Doom

    The problem with this method is that it doesn't really work for sprite scaling. The Doom engine uses nearest-neighbor scaling with no mip-mapping, which means it's always skipping over rows of pixels. Your image looks like it has an ordered dithering pattern, which means you'd see a bunch of moiré patterns (look at the brick walls on MAP12 in vanilla Doom if you want to see what I'm talking about.) It might look better with a non-repeating dither function such as Floyd-Steinberg, but it still wouldn't look perfect. Theoretically you could render a high-color image and then apply ordered dithering to the whole screen, but in that case you probably wouldn't need to dither the image in the first place. It's interesting to think what they could've done with a more expansive palette, but in that case they probably would've used flat shading instead.
  12. komojo

    On the subject of a very infamous texture.

    I use it when I'm making out-of-bounds areas for monsters to teleport into the map. If it's something the player isn't meant to see, I will choose a crazy texture like FIREBLU or SP_FACE1.
  13. komojo

    Doom Rendering Pixels Taller than Wide

    320x200 (VGA mode 13h) was the most common 256-color video mode at the time. The explanation I heard is that it's due to the video memory size. 320x240 pixels is 76800 bytes, whereas 320x200 comes out to 64000 which fits within a 64k address space.
  14. komojo

    NaNoWADMo 2018

    I only set out to make 8 or 9 maps, and I got halfway finished with 6 of them. I think it's enough for me to keep going, though. I'll probably work on it a bit more this weekend and release it when it's finished.
  15. '90s: Random angles and clashing colors '00s: 45/90 degree angles with brown bricks and metal '10s: Thoughtfully constructed angles with artistic colors