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About Burktross

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Fellow Group A members, do not be deceived. Voiceguy1 is, in fact, part of Group B-- the very group he purports to despise.
  2. I just wanna DOOM for god's sake. https://i.imgur.com/boY9PTv.png
  3. Burktross

    jpg.pk3 -- v2

  4. Can someone tell me if Zandronum handles "RandomSpawner" differently in multiplayer than in singleplayer? Actor HunterSpawner : RandomSpawner 16101 { //$Category HM Spawners //$Sprite HUNTA1 //$Color 16 DropItem "XenoHunter", 168 } Actor HunterSpawnerLow : RandomSpawner 16102 { //$Category HM Spawners //$Sprite HUNTA1 //$Color 16 DropItem "XenoHunter", 100, 8 DropItem "FaceHugger", 230, 1 } Actor FaceHuggerSpawner : RandomSpawner 16108 { //$Category HM Spawners //$Sprite HUGRA1 //$Color 16 DropItem "XenoHunter", 150, 1 DropItem "FaceHugger", 190, 10 } These things work perfectly in SP levels, but the second they are put onto a Zandronum 3.0 170416-0710 server, the spawners make things at practically 1/4th the rate they should be.
  5. Updated the mod with a third level and updated all previous levels to include a new dynamic spawning system. This means that no area is permanently safe from roaming aliens! (Alpha 5) https://mega.nz/#!M1ADUDJJ!3j4oFr9BTeK0zOzDlUGVGwt-vFjAyu7fE2sFbU_ypM4 https://www.mediafire.com/?f7mampw18xdwvw1
  6. Burktross

    What's the best doom editing software for a beginner?

    That's Odd. I don't think I've ever had GZDB crash on me.
  7. I fixed my code I had issues with before! actor AmbientDaemon 16001 { -SOLID -Shootable -NoPain -NoBlood +LOOKALLAROUND +Float Speed 0 radius 16 height 40 States { Spawn: EGGY A 5 EGGY A 1 Thing_Hate(0, 1000, 4) EGGY A 1 EGGY A 5 Goto See See: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 2 Fast A_Chase EGGY A 1 A_NoBlocking EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(512, "Check") // Checks if the player is within 512 // Ignore me // EGGY A 5 A_JumpifInTargetLOS("Daemon", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP | JLOSF_CLOSENOJUMP | JLOSF_NOSIGHT, 512, 256) // Loop Check: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 1 A_Log("Got to check phase") // Debug script to check if line 19 was triggered EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(256, "See") //Aborts if player is in the minimum range, 256 EGGY A 1 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS("See", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP, 512) // Aborts if player is in eyeshot goto Spawner Spawner: EGGY A 1 A_Log("Got to spawn daemon") // Debug script to check if lines 25 and 26 were NOT triggered. EGGY A 400 Goto see Pain: EGGY A 1 A_Pain Goto Spawn Death: TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_Scream EGGD ABC 6 A_NoBlocking EGGD C -1 Stop } } Its a bit sloppy, but it turns out that Thing_Hate and targetting only take effect if the monster is in its A_Chase state! To keep it stationary, I merely set its speed to 0.
  8. I amended the script accordingly:actor AmbientDaemon 16001 { -SOLID -Shootable -NoPain -NoBlood +LOOKALLAROUND +Float radius 16 height 40 States { Spawn: EGGY A 5 EGGY A 1 Thing_Hate(0, 1000, 4) EGGY A 1 EGGY A 5 Goto See See: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 1 Thing_Hate(0, 1000, 4) EGGY A 1 A_NoBlocking EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(512, "Check") // Checks if the player is within 512 // Ignore me // EGGY A 5 A_JumpifInTargetLOS("Daemon", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP | JLOSF_CLOSENOJUMP | JLOSF_NOSIGHT, 512, 256) // Loop Check: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 1 A_SpawnItem("Xenohunter", 0, 1, 0) // Debug script to check if line 19 was triggered EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(256, "See") //Aborts if player is in the minimum range, 256 EGGY A 1 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS("See", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP, 512) // Aborts if player is in eyeshot goto Spawner Spawner: EGGY A 1 A_SpawnItem("Facehugger", 0, 1, 0) // Debug script to check if lines 25 and 26 were NOT triggered. EGGY A 400 Goto see Pain: EGGY A 1 A_Pain Goto Spawn Death: TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_Scream EGGD ABC 6 A_NoBlocking EGGD C -1 Stop } } With a player TID assigned by the following ACS Script "PlayerTidDaemon" Enter { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 1000 + PlayerNumber()); // This assigns the TID } I can confirm that my player entity is assigned a TID with a in map trigger that prints the activator TID, which would, as expected, read 1000. The script, however, still doesn't call the "Check" state.
  9. I've been completely roadblocked in making a random actor spawner. My theoretical thought process for this is: 1. Actor spawns in and transfers to a perpetual "See" state. 2. Every number of tics, it checks the distance from it to the player. 3. If it is closer than 512 units, it proceeds to another state 4. This state checks if the player is closer than 256 units; the intended minimum distance. If so, it skips backs to "See" 5. If the player is out of 256 units, it then checks for LOS (there is supposed to be none). If it does encounter LOS, it again skips back to "See" 6. If none of these abort commands are met, then the actor should spawn another actor. In this case, a dummy actor for debug purposes. But I'm completely unable to do this. The actor will go to its see state, but not jump when the player is in range. actor AmbientDaemon 16001 { -SOLID -Shootable -NoPain -NoBlood +LOOKALLAROUND +Float radius 16 height 40 States { Spawn: EGGY A 1 Thing_Hate(0, 0, 0) EGGY A 1 A_NoBlocking EGGY A 5 Goto See See: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(512, "Check") // Checks if the player is within 512 // Ignore me // EGGY A 5 A_JumpifInTargetLOS("Daemon", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP | JLOSF_CLOSENOJUMP | JLOSF_NOSIGHT, 512, 256) // Loop Check: EGGY A 1 EGGY A 1 A_SpawnItem("Xenohunter", 0, 1, 0) // Debug script to check if line 19 was triggered EGGY A 1 A_JumpifCloser(256, "See") //Aborts if player is in the minimum range, 256 EGGY A 1 A_JumpIfInTargetLOS("See", 0, JLOSF_DEADNOJUMP, 512) // Aborts if player is in eyeshot goto Spawner Spawner: EGGY A 1 A_SpawnItem("Facehugger", 0, 1, 0) // Debug script to check if lines 25 and 26 were NOT triggered. EGGY A 400 Goto see Pain: EGGY A 1 A_Pain Goto Spawn Death: TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("XenSplatter",random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(-16,16),random(0,0.1),random(0,0.1),random(-1,1),random(0,359)) TNT1 A 0 A_Scream EGGD ABC 6 A_NoBlocking EGGD C -1 Stop } } Fruitless in debugging it, I turned to ACS, but I can't even get a simple distance script to work. script "DistanceChecker" (void) { int selfx = GetActorX(0); int selfy = GetActorY(0); int selfz = GetActorZ(0); int plaX = GetActorX(AAPTR_PLAYER1); int plaY = GetActorY(AAPTR_PLAYER1); int plaZ = GetActorZ(AAPTR_PLAYER1); int distance = sqrt((selfx - plax)^2 + (selfy - play)^2 + (selfz - plaZ)^2); Log(i:"distance"); } Always outputs a log of "0" when called by the spawner. What way would be the best means of accomplishing my task, and how would I go about overcoming its respective roadblock?
  10. Burktross

    What's the best doom editing software for a beginner?

    Why even bother starting with DB2? GzDoomBuilder is everything DB2 is and more, with as little complexity or as much as necessary. And yes, Slade3 is pretty good.
  11. That's odd. Maybe its your browser? Mega is really finicky. No problem mate, glad I could help.
  12. Thanks, but you'll be glad to know that headbob is a clientside variable in Zandronum and Zdoom! Type "movebob 0.125" in console to halve it.
  13. Burktross

    Doom 1 Short little map Blue Base

    A bit too bright with some odd texturing here and there. By probing through Id maps, generally they follow these rules: Lights should create contrast with the environment, not ~just~ serve to illuminate Rooms lower than 128 in normal circumstances should be 144 units of brightness Rooms 128 or higher should be 128 units of brightness Dark areas or shadows should be 112 units 96 units should be used rarely for VERY dark areas. Normal lights are 192 Lights that fill an area are 160 Also, please no floor switches. Overall though, bretty good.
  14. Burktross

    doom3 alpha mod UPDATED

    Its neat. My one gripe is that its not really possible to play in any software rendering style; map are very dark. It's pretty short, too.
  15. This project has been my baby for the last week or so. What started off as my first decorate script ever has turned into something I think is worthy of uploading publicly. So I present to you: Hives and Minds - Another Aliens Wad. I've included two levels in this so far, not counting the Debug area. The focus for singleplayer / coop is a highly replayable and challenging survival horror. Aliens bob and weave when getting shot, making short controlled bursts a necessity, lest you be caught reloading. Ammo conservation is also a necessary skill, as ammo placement is randomized on map loading, as with all other items, including bandage rolls, stim injectors, and audio cassettes (for saving your game). No two playthroughs are the same. But this is more of a training exercise. My real intentions are to make HM into a Left 4 Dead versus styled gamemode, with a squad of 4 Marines attempting to reach and objective, and hordes of disposable aliens trying to stop them. I want to make it class based, with Marines choosing their loadouts at the start of the game, and Aliens having to wait for and score evolution points as the game progresses. ====Alpha 5====(Zandronum 3, Doom 2 Base) https://www.mediafire.com/?f7mampw18xdwvw1 https://mega.nz/#!M1ADUDJJ!3j4oFr9BTeK0zOzDlUGVGwt-vFjAyu7fE2sFbU_ypM4 Added dynamic xenomorph spawning and a third level. ====Alpha 4 (Initial 2 level release)==== [Tested with Zandronum 3 beta, should be Zdoom compatible] https://mega.nz/#!04IVlBhJ!30psVPqBLWLg9wniI1Xgqq-AD-09B8GDpiAACTdioqc http://www.mediafire.com/download/2gw8sn2cbjo3s1e/Hives_and_Minds_%28Alpha_4%29.zip Features: -Randomly generated map spawns -Medical bandages take time to apply and give you between 15 and 30 health [Slot 1] -Stim Syringes are inventory items which can heal you instantly, but only for 15 health -The M41A Pulse Rifle is currently the only weapon present. 99 round magazines. Reloading scraps the current mag, -Three alien types: Hunter, Facehugger, and Egg -Hunters run faster, jump, and strafe to dodge when under fire -Facehuggers jump up as expected -Eggs have a random chance of being mature enough to hatch, and when mature, hatch randomly when they have a visual of you -Huggers and Hunters make rudimentary tracking noises -All aliens bleed acid when shot and killed. These pools damage your health if you're hit or step in them, but burn through the floor soon enough to make the area safe. -A Tape Recorder allows you to use audio cassettes to save your game. Find more tapes by exploring the maps [Slot 0] Big thanks to CC4 and Justin Fisher for many assets! Be advised, the wad is brutally difficult. I cannot emphasize enough: Check corners and control your fire-- this isn't just a nod to Aliens, this is your only chance for survival!