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About Nihlith

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  1. Nihlith

    Blasphemer discussion

    I was going to add the suggested sounds for a run through but when I opened the file I saw I had no idea how any of it works. Everything I've done has been in gzdoom/decorate/zscript. Feels a little awkward to critique without being able to understand the issues. When I said that I thought it'd be easy for me to do. I had to double check the Heretic staff to make sure. Of course you're right, but would it be impossible or just mission inappropriate to add data without a direct equivalent in Heretic if said data has no numerical or temporal effect?
  2. Nihlith

    Blasphemer discussion

    Everyone has been doing an incredible job. Here's a playthrough of level 1 of city of the damned. I think all of the elements here are looking at least as good as the release it's emulating. The sword is better than the staff, the wand is as good as the old one and the crossbow looks and feels better. Good, good. The weird birds are awesome, the zombies are excellent and the weirdly tall goblin things are looking very good. A+. Sword definitely needs a swing sound and a different sound for hitting enemies and walls. Maybe for the swing? https://freesound.org/people/petenice/sounds/9509/ or maybe https://freesound.org/people/SypherZent/sounds/420670/ Maybe for enemy hit? https://freesound.org/people/ethanchase7744/sounds/448982/ Maybe for wall hit? https://freesound.org/people/Debsound/sounds/168822/ Those would probably be place holders but they'd be easy quality of life edits until better sound effects are found. Edit: Very nice sky, textures, items, and music. Its really coming together.
  3. Nihlith

    Share Your Sprites!

    Lady Marines Alternate death sequences
  4. Nihlith

    Advice For Monster Creation

    Base resource monsters tend to be about as big in units as their sprites are in pixels. You can scale them with default settings to match the image with the monsters size if they don't match. Turning monsters tends to be a challenge, especially for the diagonal sprites. In the original game they used models to overcome this. Most people seem to edit existing sprites in order to get past this but if you can use a model, do that.
  5. Nihlith

    How to make basic dual weapons for Doom?

    That's a good idea. My tinkering has all been in the gzdoom sandbox so that's what I did for dual wielding. There is some stripped down zscript code that JeKellygrim made that's also an awesome resource but it's got the same problem if you don't want to use gzdoom. https://github.com/jekyllgrim/Easy-Dual-Wield
  6. Nihlith

    How to make basic dual weapons for Doom?

    Take a look at the mismatched pistols by ctlcdn. The trick is to make different layers for the animation of separate states that look for the fire and altfire separately. https://www.realm667.com/en/repository-18489/armory-mainmenu-157-97317/doom-style-mainmenu-158-94349?start=90
  7. Nihlith

    Need Help With Title Map

    Probably need a little more info in order to do what you're describing but this thread has a list of the pictures you could replace in order to make your title screen and menu look different: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=58946
  8. Nihlith

    HUD is giving me HELL.

    Why would you want to? More user options seem like a plus when you get down to it.
  9. Nihlith

    Custom Weapon not working?

    I'll try that. It's been so long I feel like there should be angels singing.
  10. Nihlith

    Custom Weapon not working?

    Just bumping this up. I am also very interested in scaling weapon sprites. 🤔
  11. It's a good way to get your wad out there, it could get a following.
  12. Haven't been able to play with this as much as I have wanted to so I still haven't gotten through Recreation, but this is an impressive piece of work, I'd strongly recommend this as a solid wad. Have you thought of Moddb?
  13. Nihlith

    Share Your Sprites!

    This is fucking awesome! I'm always looking for rips from the other games. Is there any code for this beast?
  14. That helps a lot. I've played this from the beginning a half dozen times and it gets more intimidating each time. On the other hand it's a chance to play with a new mod. Options are good 😊.