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About ZioMcCall

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  1. ZioMcCall

    Does anyone else relate to this image? In which WAD?

  2. >unfortunately it is coming out April the second. Bro forgot that time zones are a thing
  3. ZioMcCall

    Doom 2 Sucks 2 - A Critical Analysis

    Never. EVER. Use Civvie 11 as a informative source regarding Doom. Dude literally believes the "Doom is not 3D" lie.
  4. Try "Not Even Remotely Fair (NERF)" Is a wad that was designed around Nigthmare difficulty,maybe you'd find it more enjoyable.
  5. ZioMcCall

    Best map pack(s) since Eviternity?

    Try Not Even Remotely Fair (NERF)
  6. Don't use Brutal Doom,duh. In fact,you shouldn't even play this on GzDoom.
  7. This explains why" Standard" looks very balanced compared the rest. Which make me wonder why Graf decided to make "Dark" the default one instead of keeping "Standard"
  8. Been thinking the same 'till i checked.
  9. Man,i'm currently feeling a bit sad for Darkcrafter07.
  10. Texture Filtering is so goddman obnoxious and ugly on Doom' sprites so it definitely needs to be disabled by default. It should work better on things like models and higher definition sprites. An other default setting i'd change is switching the sector lighting from Dark to Standard.
  11. ZioMcCall

    just upgraded to windows vista

    I genuinely thought this was a thread from 10 years ago. Like,upgrading from XP to Vista in 2023? What the actual f*ck man?
  12. ZioMcCall

    Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.

    I will spread the voice the best i can. Laz Rojas work it's the main reason why my Brutal Wolfenstein project ever took foot to begin with. I won't allow him to rot because of a garbage """"justice"""" system's mistakes.