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    Doom Pictures Thread 2023

    AI draws :) it's kinda cute and funny

    Sad news on new unreleased content

    OMG. I wasn't expecting this to blow up as it did. I haven't read every answer in this thread yet, but yeah, I didn't wanted to confuse anyone or made anyone angry etc, just wanted to share what I learned myself. yes, the discord server was nuked that day, but I didn't remembered if this discussion happened before or after nuking. John answered a good bit of questions asked that day by many people and this was just one of them. And please, don't harrass the person who asked the question, it's not me. And no, I did not wanted any attention. To be honest, I did not even expected, that one of the most devoted to Romero's games community don't even know they can talk to the man himself in his chat channel

    Sad news on new unreleased content

    well, it was screenshots from his discord server, he talked all evening yesterday, go check it out for yourself https://discord.gg/Ab9tnd5y
  4. this is from today's discord discussion apparently now we are on our own

    Doomworld Musicians, serenade us with your beautiful music!

    I make some music for the Schism mod. Here are two that's ready
  6. Somebody should make a doom runner mobile game with this aspect ratio. The player will need to shoot, open doors and strafe :D

    Is Left 4 Dead (1) Coop only?

    should be enough for l4d1, not sure about l4d2 though. you can always refund on steam anyways. Or try out "demo" version. I mean, torrent edition.

    Is Left 4 Dead (1) Coop only?

    if you are on windows press Win+Pause and take a screenshot. That way we will know your CPU and ram. then click Device Manager on the left and see what Display Adapter you have

    Does Anyone Play at 35 fps?

    Most of the monitors back in the day worked at 60, 70,72, 75 or 80Hz. Maybe even higher with lower resolution. So 35 fps was a nice choice at the time. Wolfenstein 3D works at 70 HZ IIRC, and Quake was capped at 72(?). I can't remember numbers now, but it was suitable for the hardware at the time

    Does Anyone Play at 35 fps?

    I play 35fps from time to time on my 15" 70Hz CRT. the way it means to be played. Looks pretty normal to me, at least better than on 60hz lcd
  11. This thread degrade quickly from a simple quietion to in depth analysis

    Is Left 4 Dead (1) Coop only?

    if you just want to play casually go with the l4d2, it has all of the maps from l4d1. it's a bit different though, as l4d2 has more weapons including melee, more special zombies, slightly different weapons and models for them. Somewhat like if you occasionally encounter a revenant or mancubus and ssg in doom1. Just watch l4d1 intro on youtube before you start. you can find a list of l4d1 campaigns on the net to separate them from l4d2's

    screen capture of 1992-1993

    you do know that screenshots don't degrade over time if not converted to lossy formats over and over again? btw, here's even cleaner shot of the second one

    Things about Doom you just found out

    It's not about whether it was or wasn't in the original but simply a question of usability. It's hard to think of modern re-release of a game without that kind of QoL feature - it neither affects gameplay, neither makes game better without it. It's usually as common a feature as an updated screen resolution and gamepad support