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Everything posted by NinjaLiquidator

  1. NinjaLiquidator

    Fractured Worlds [Final Release/Idgames]

    It would be great if you renumbered maps 01-07 to 10-16 so 06's secret exit can exit in 31, 31 to 32 and 32 to 16 so D2ALLs will contain all maps?
  2. NinjaLiquidator

    Changing max health / armor ingame

    OK thanks, I will try
  3. NinjaLiquidator

    Changing max health / armor ingame

    Hello, I just got random idea - and now I am fine even with Zdoom compatibility, not just PrBoom. There is a max health you can obtain by medkit, max health you can obtain by supercharge, max armor you can obtain by green and blue armors. Is there a way how to modify those limits ingame? I want to split every damage you take into healable and non-healable one. You have 100 health, and you get 10 damage? Then 5 will be healable and 5 not (medkit will heal only to 95 from that time). Any way to do that?
  4. NinjaLiquidator

    Changing max health / armor ingame

    Thanks, nice. And is there a way to do such a function even on taking a damage?
  5. NinjaLiquidator

    Doom Streams

    More NOVA 3 www.twitch.tv/macin_doom
  6. NinjaLiquidator

    Doom Streams

    NOVA 3 www.twitch.tv/macin_doom
  7. NinjaLiquidator

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Finally I have fully working rotating 3D items. Here is ingame screenshot and editor screenshot of all triggerwork. For those who dont believe, here is a PrBoom prove: https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteObeseKaleTebowing I need to get rid of movement sounds. Probably I will replace wad wav by silence cause if one item is doing such a mess, then the loot before slaughter fight will shake the plastering from all houses near
  8. NinjaLiquidator

    Tinder: have you used it? Do you recommend it?

    Best is going out and get a girl IRL. If you need a dating sites, then the best is Twitch. The webcammed channels. -You can see the real personality and real reactions on situations. -Go after those which have low viewers. Those are normal casual people that will reply most likely -Stream with webcam yourself so some girls can come. Dont expect that much, but what you get (if you will) is way more real than Tinder and other "dating" sites. -Careful with clips. Try to not rage. -Careful with fakes. No other follow than you = usually a fake made to troll you
  9. NinjaLiquidator

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Surprisingly, midtex grids are way faster in PrBoom than in Zdoom. I made those trees now:
  10. NinjaLiquidator

    Mappers' first world problems

    There is no geometry bend in Doom Builder
  11. NinjaLiquidator

    Post your Doom textures!

    Too bad those colors dont work in Doom, so I had to turn blues to grays in final
  12. NinjaLiquidator

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Specular walls and yes it changes with movement. Watch this:
  13. NinjaLiquidator

    Convert gfx to floors

    Hello, how to BATCH convert imported images, to appear as floors? I have imported 256 of them and I want it all to batch convert. There is no problem with walls. They work, appear as textures and I can use them. But floors dont appear at all. I was doing it before in XWE, but it does bullshit since I have different comp. Fuck XWE. It for some reason doesnt save when I change patch to floor. In Slade3, for change, I dont see any menu like "save as flat" or something. I am stuck like 30 mins on this. Please help or I will tear my dick off.
  14. NinjaLiquidator

    Convert gfx to floors

    I gave Doom Flat (Paletted). Then "Convert All". Then it wanted to save. So I saved that. First fucked up thing after that, is that under type it said JAGUAR TX. Second is that tex is BROKEN after that and throws error loading entry: size is 4096, expected 320. Please go there, if you are still online, so you can see: https://www.twitch.tv/macin2
  15. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Its fine even if you dont
  16. NinjaLiquidator

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    I got converter from voxels to midtexture grids working. That means you can get PRBOOM COMPATIBLE plastic walls and fully 3D looking MODELS. Cant wait for flexing with this effect in some my map. Test succesful:
  17. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    FOR THOSE WHO THINK MAP05 IS HARD - skip to 15:16 (improved UV Max of whole Ep1): I think even Dragonfly doesnt know that we can rape the map this way. Route is now pimped to the limit, I did 20:11 with no missed monster, theoretical possible min is 19:17, but I will leave it to local MLGs and move on other eps.
  18. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Bars should be full, not just 32px high
  19. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Map12 RL room, first archvile fight. Possible to AV-jump bars back (outside) and map is unplayable after that
  20. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    @antares031Agree that 14 is hardest from Ep3, but if they find that BFG it stops to be problem :) Cool map. Anyway, 2 monsters dont teleport (right downmost trigger room) so its not maxable
  21. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Eviternity sucessfully avoids that (and if not, its a techbase where ortho is fitting)
  22. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Played through Ep3 (so far no speedrun). My fav there is Map15 cause it actually looks like a medieval castle, not like some abstract orthogonal shit with medieval textures (99% "castle" maps suffer from this). I have found a glitch there. You can turn on purple switch, then run forward and use the lowering switch as a ramp and jump thru window to central place, but there is no way out.
  23. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    I forgot on this - Ep2 run: So far I vote Ep2 for most fun and Ep4 for nicest visuals. Btw. Am I the only one who thinks Ep1-2 have best gameplay? Ep3456 starts to switch on usual kind of gameplay with too long maps, too much ssg and too much tank monsters, but Ep12 has play smooth as Doom1 and its something you dont see in usual high quality megawads
  24. NinjaLiquidator

    [FINAL RELEASE] Eviternity

    Maxed Episode 1 in 26:something. I dont waste time with cowards so some mons are missing in Map02 LOL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kEmTtZZXXA Right now, I am compiling video of Episode 2 (maxed in 30 minutes with 2 missing mons total). I found place in Map09 where you can be stuck. It is after second blue door, then you go forward downstairs. On those stairs, try to fall between the column - there are invisible impassable lines, fix it please. If not clear, where it is, I will mark it in my video when it will be uploaded. Map16. Rl baron pit is too OP. Replace stimpacks with stacks of 10 health bonuses please. Map17. I would love to have like 20 more rockets. You spam monsters but I have to SSG them all which is boring.