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About RaikohZX

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  1. RaikohZX

    Doom 32X Resurrection

    Honestly, if something like this existed in 1994, it would've defined itself among the best of the ports alongside the Playstation and Jaguar, and had a leg up on the Jaguar one at that with the music. This is seriously awesome stuff I'm seeing.
  2. RaikohZX

    Quake Remastered

    Kinda wish certain things like the explosion sprites were replaced with those neat gradient effects when you're running Quake 64 add-on, even if mostly just as a few slightly-transparent frames to simulate the authenticity more, and that you could do something like split-screen co-op on it or bring its deathmatch map takes in on the fun; trying to run that seems to jump to the default maps instead. But that's just wishing for things that aren't really that important and would be more novelty compared to the whole main package. Sure there's bugs and kinks to work out, but having an official port this good after all these years still can't be denied. Great job to all those involved.
  3. RaikohZX

    Thoughts on ray tracing...

    Technically speaking Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition pulls off full raytracing on a fancy triple-A game, so it's not like it's impossible for this stuff. Most studios just want to push a constrained amount of it for NVIDIA sponsorship I presume, or so it doesn't get in the way of the rest of the game. It'd be a lot of work to give Doom Eternal's lighting a complete overhaul just for raytracing, when the entire point of the update was moreso for the Xbox Series and Playstation 5's sakes.
  4. RaikohZX

    Thoughts on ray tracing...

    I am a bit disappointed that it's reflections only, and inconsistent at that. Doom Hunter Base is filled with wetter and shinier parts, and then right next to that are more matte surfaces that reflect absolutely nothing but generic point lights that an RTX reflection will show doesn't even exist. Even the wet and nasty Super Gore Nest is filled with "this is super reflective" and "this doesn't reflect anything at all". I honestly think the game would've benefited from a larger suite of RTX like enhanced lighting and so forth, but just this by itself is kinda.. eh? It supplements the visuals and that's just about it. I've already played the game plenty of times, not exactly a big reason to dive back on in.
  5. RaikohZX

    The Ancient Gods 2 - Impressions and Story Spoilers

    The hammer bothers me very much not just because it bends the game over its knee, but also because there's nothing for it prior. You start the DLC and there's no goal of getting the hammer, Valen's ghost magic stuff lets him just hand it off, and unlike the main campaign's Crucible where there's build-up to getting it step by step before you forge and then try it out, it's entirely incidental. If the Slayer got the Crucible sword handed off like it was just another weapon pickup with next to no fanfare I'm sure people would've found that strange.
  6. RaikohZX

    Did the Slayer become Doomguy again? [Spoilers]

    I mean, he's still a guy that killed armies of demons for unknown amounts of time before becoming the Slayer, and if we take Episode 1 from the original game as him dying at the end, even death won't keep him down properly. Plus Slayer is mostly a title for his Sentinel work, the title wouldn't just disappear because of the Dark Lord. If he lost the powers then he can't absorb Argent from his slain foes anymore, but that doesn't magically render his interactions and history moot.
  7. It kind of almost completely invalidates the whole first two levels of the DLC if everyone else could casually warp in after the Slayer had to jump through those hurdles.
  8. One big problem they have is being the ambush enemy type. There's not even a sound cue or a unique audio for them, no way to know one's in the area until you've already encountered it or played things before. It exists almost entirely to be a "Gotcha!" moment (no, not to Doom II) on your first playthrough and a UN run ender, because there's only like three of the damn things in the campaign, and if you can catch it before it hits you it dies just as easily as any regular Prowler. It's one thing to be surprise-slapped by a teleporting jerk without even seeing him first, it's another when their slaps turn your legs into jello and require a strong slap back after they already teleported away. Maybe you can't just remove them now that they're here, but if they never existed in the first place they wouldn't really leave some gaping hole in TAG2's pacing or design.
  9. RaikohZX

    This does not feel like a Doom game

    Honestly I don't mind if a property changes things up a bit. Doom 3 may be a weird black sheep, but as a game it's still a very solid alternate take on the same core premise. I don't want, say, Quake to suddenly become a multidimensional skateboarding career simulator or something, but it's like saying Quake 2 and 4 aren't Quake games because they're objective-driven and have Strogg instead of whatever the hell the devs felt like that day. Eternal's going to take some adjusting and replays to get its full value for me, but the fact that it's "not Doom" because of your personal dislikes for how the game was handed is simply that - your personal opinion.
  10. I'd rather the games be tongue-in-cheek given the premise than super turbo duper serious hardcore manly man. It actually makes a good contrast; here's the Slayer with his literal toonami mancave of guitars, nunchucks and guns, whose response to his enemies involves death glares and buckshot while he plays with action figures of himself, and then over here the demons and not-angels and others all speak with a severity and seriousness like they think they call the shots as the ones in control that can overcome him. You don't need a Marvel snark to be a multidimensional character.
  11. Some have taken the Samur-Samuel thing to be that Samur's manifesting in the robotic body somehow rather than having been Samuel the entire time, the man had a rather established business family and documented human life as well as seemingly little prior knowledge of anything involving Argent or Hell until his personal discoveries. It says a lot that despite the ambiguity of the two characters being one, Eternal distinctly has Samuel rejecting his past priorities once he realizes how bad he messed up, so I don't think he's been Samur the entire time or else he's one really bipolar dude.
  12. RaikohZX

    Empearen Key Bug [solved]

    You want to talk about inconvenient, I used cheat codes for some completionist stuff before reaching the mission with the 6th Slayer Gate, but because I didn't disable them on the mission select menu, the main campaign simply did not spawn the gate's key because it registered me as having cheats enabled. Even despite the glowing light for it on the floor. Had to do the whole mission over again to be allowed to actually get the key to spawn.
  13. I'm not sure if any rockets can daze him, or just the flare/master upgraded ones, but he auto-blocks everything he's facing if he's not vulnerable, and anything behind or around that shield is valid even if he doesn't stagger. You can notice this behavior if you fire the BFG in a large open area, he faces the rays to block them the entire time, and since he's usually facing you all the time it's hard to notice.
  14. RaikohZX

    Doom Eternal's Deathmatch Shaped Hole

    To be fair, Pete Hines is notoriously stupid and arrogant, and should not be taken as the face of id's opinions. Just look at him disparaging Fallout fans for not appreciating 76.
  15. You want to melt him, set up the Ballista and Super Shotgun for quick-swap between the two. Then stagger him with the SSG, swap and shoot him with the Ballista for more damage than what a second SSG shot would do. Alternatively, you can use grenades and sticky nades as well as remote detonation rockets to bypass his shield.