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About VGames

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  1. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Live by your own convictions brought on by prayer and fasting.
  2. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Matthew 7:14 sums up a lot Why are u guys so quick to mock? Religion aside its rude. I'm not bashing or mocking any of u. Yet u mock and bash me up and down. I can't even have a simple conversation with u guys. I think most of u have some growing up to do. Got to go. Fear the Walking Dead is on.
  3. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    I could care less if I die for His true word. I know where I'm going. I've stated this in another thread. And my movement was the first movement. Started by Jesus himself. I know I'm on the right track.
  4. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    It can happen. Speaking in tongues is to speak in another language and some possessed have spoken in languages not of their own. But don't get things confused. And don't try to confuse. The devil tries to copy what God does in every way. So of course he would put that thought in your head to give u a negative outlook on the idea. Which I'm sure is what you're getting at. I have seen a man filled with many demons. He never spoke in another language but he did tell us names of several different demons that inhabited him that were of foreign decent. Pretty cool stuff.
  5. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Because what I'm telling u is in the Bible and what they're telling u is not. If u believe then u need to go by the book. U can't pick and choose. Don't u find it weird that the majority of the major "Christian" religions are putting down the one Chrisitian movement not religion that is growing everyday unlike their religions which have been losing people daily for a long time now because they have nothing real. And they dont have to mention Catholicisim to be a part of it. It's in their baptism. If they don't baptize in Jesus name then they come from Catholic backgrounds whether or not they admit it. I already explained where that false baptism came from.
  6. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    None of them conflict. U just don't understand what you're reading. I'll break that chapter down for u. 1. Repent of your sins 2. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins 3. Be filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues That's it. Peter explains it all. 99% of the primary "Christian" religions do not do any of these. Therefore they preach a false doctrine and should be stayed far away from. I subscribe to nothing. I have been chosen. I am not a "member" of my church. Either I'm in or I'm out. Apostolics is living in truth. Those other religions that don't do these things are more then likely branches of the early Catholic Church started by the Roman ruler Constantine in 326AD. That's when man changed the way salvation was to be acquired. They stopped baptizing using the name of God which is Jesus and started using the phrase "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost". Why they did this is beyond me. But this started a chain reaction for the Church throughout the rest of time. And on top of all that 99% of churches don't even preach the tongue talking aspect of salvation. What the heck??!!
  7. VGames

    Hating doom is cool now?

    I don't think they really care what u or anybody thinks about the game. It's successful. That's all that matters. And the original shadow warrior was nothing more then Duke Nukem with a reskin. I love the old game but it's not exactly something I still turn to for fun. The new shadow warrior is a hit no matter who hates on it. that's why we're getting a sequel. The original SW didn't even get a second look. It was a miss. Sadly.
  8. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Acts chapter 2 is a good place to start.
  9. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    I'm kind of feeling sarcasm from u but I'm not sure. If u are serious then thank u. But it's not my version. It's the truth.
  10. VGames

    Hating doom is cool now?

    Wow... Good one.
  11. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Are u talking about the Bible? That's Him so I don't think so. Or are u talking about the video in the OP. Because that's nonsense.
  12. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    Standing up.
  13. VGames

    So the Ashley Madison leak...

    My mistake I thought he was referring to the son from 19 kids and counting since he's pretty much been at the front of this scandal as far as an individual goes and he's "Christian". Didn't mean to attack. Just meant to clear up that "Christian" thing.
  14. VGames

    Morphic resonance

    U guys need to speak to a real Christian before u make such accusations about one. U sound ignorant. If this guy hasn't gained true salvation he's not a Christian. He's a "Christian".
  15. VGames

    Hating doom is cool now?

    U sound like u haven't been following this game at all so far.