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About Gzegzolka

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  1. Yes, I also have this bug, all switches are green but computer say there is still no power to operate bridge. Overall I think it is good update. New ending level is better on showing why Waker decide to escape. I like new merchants in Michone station. On second map, that small town with npc characters there is funny Spire radio advert above gas station. On Outskirts map, is there a way to enter the sawmill building without killing that bandit near Wendigo monster? His voice lines suggests he is very stressed. On Cordon map, near hotel with Ezra body is locked gate with graffiti about Varni. Is that some easter egg? It can be seen only if You noclip. Overall maps in Hard Reset got lot of geometry in not accessible places, like backgrounds and vistas. City ruins are full of empty extra rooms. In Cordon near exit You can even find nice small house with small forest behind it. Why? Normally players will never seen them. Choka factory got hidden portrait in not accessible for player ventilation shafts. If You noclip hard You can even find some streets and ruins from first Ashes 2063.
  2. Gzegzolka

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I belive code was written somewhere in control room near that locker. On paper, on glass, or on computer screen I do not remember exactly.
  3. I found lady in red dress again this time on Choka World map, she is near exit, if You turn left, You can spot her far on roof. I belive her name is Robin, She is ghost of Walker dead wife. Her name appears once when You speak with Porcelain in Michone bar.
  4. I found her three times: first at start of abandon fun park, she is behind locked gate in distance, second at cater part of stadium arena and last time I spot her on security camera in shopping mall. I do not know if there are more places with her. As for laucher You can find it if You buy map on first metro station. There is cola drink museum stage and near end of it there is single wild scav, You have to kill him.
  5. I manage to mess my hardware / software display options to the point it actually starts working as it should. How many times did You find lady in red dress?
  6. I have an issue with this mod , it crash just after I select difficulty level. I go to advanced options and change display render for software, game crash for me on hardware (looks like my computer is too ancient). Now when first level starts everything outside school got strange blue opacity and when I am indoors colors look normal.
  7. Gzegzolka

    DooM 3 gog version CD-key problems ... ?

    Gog version install both D3 and RoE as single instalation. When You first run it, it will ask for keys. I checked it. Serial keys are in place I write earlier, go to gog Web site, to Your game list, find Doom3 and open it. You will see page with installer download and offline files download, go to "More" and click on "Serial keys", it will open page with those keys.
  8. Gzegzolka

    DooM 3 gog version CD-key problems ... ?

    I am sure on Your game page on GoG site should also be those keys. Check more -> serial keys .
  9. Gzegzolka

    Doom 3: Phobos

    I can confirm it works on GoG version of Doom3, just copy files and it runs well, widescreen need some changes in cfg files to works.
  10. Gzegzolka

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Awesome news, congratulations on finishing this episode.
  11. Gzegzolka

    Dosbox-Staging 0.81.1 Has Been Released

    I was using dosbox ages ago, for me it always lack save states support. Few months ago I downloaded DosBox-X and I will not back to old version. (Maybe back if something do not work here, but works there).
  12. I think They are still working on it, sometimes They post some new pictures on their Twitter account. I belive their project is not dead it is just that focus more on their work than on social media. I do not follow them that much, two episodes are already made and next one is in works. Maybe they missed release date that was planed, but I trust them to finish their work.
  13. Gzegzolka

    Immersive Armaments for Doom 3

    Do stuff as You like. It is bit sad that there is no feedback. I am sure there are people who like to download new stuff but have no need to share opinions.
  14. As I said in Dream games topic I have lot of fun with RAGE, but game got mixed scores for what it was and what it was trying to be. Many people trash it for weak plot or not open enough world. I wonder, hypothetically, if You can fix, make it better what would You do? 1 - Embrace full open world game map (no two towns, two separate hub maps, but everything on one map) with many activities to do/paces to visit - like first island in FarCry 3? 2 - Or rather make more linear approach, make more closed experience with small open maps with few missions and than player move to different hub for different missions - something like Ashes Afterglow? Personally I would love to see Rage fixed with some "quality of life" stuff. I think it could be implemented with 3 phases, each one require more digging in game engine. 1. Stuff that could be or can be done in current game: - increase amount of save files to match number of main missions and Scorchers missions together - I want to have save at start of every important mission, for Rage without DLC missions that amount is right - increase duration of time that gore, body parts, ripped armour parts, bullet holes and bullets casing stay visible - They should still disappear but later, so You can see result of Your gunfight - increase duration of time that mutants dead bodies stay on ground - they should still fade away/melt but later, so You see result of Your work - fix rag-dolls collision so dead bodies do not clip together - remove decline button from missions text screen - there is no point in decline taking mission - decline button should be only on those job board mission that automatically take You to mission destination - decrease max ammo You can buy and hold for avoiding player stick to only one gun - there are some guns that got right amount set like nail gun or cars stuff that would require change game in editor, use dev tools: - add quick exit to Windows from game without need to exit to main menu first - increase load-out variations, always give 4 guns, 4 ammo types (if avaible), 4 items in selectable scenarios - in selectable scenarios add ammo refill items/boxes - add more new scenarios based on multiplayer co-op levels - more explosive red barrels, gas tanks, breakable boxes/planks on maps - it depends how much You can simple drag and drop on existing levels to add new stuff without spending too much time on coding and modelling. stuff that would require create new content or heavy edit existing one: - spawn more different car power ups when destroying other bandit cars, stuff like universal additional ammo for car guns, car armour repair, extra cash, or extra car item not only useless boost refill - more cars to buy, car parts upgrades, more body paints for cars - more places with water that works with electo-bolts (or other electro charged stuff) - more fuse boxes that when shoot activate doors or traps - repopulate finished levels with new mutants, bandits from different clans, open new patches to explore in this maps - open more places on main open world map and mission levels to explore, make more dead ends, more doors that player could open, make more places player can jump over - add new locations to visit and explore, extend open maps with more canyons, caves, ruins - add new monsters, animals, bandits with unique abilities, female bandits - show player how bad is authority by showing them some result of their work, stuff like kidnapping people, experiments, executions - make game story more personal for main hero - like Authority would arrive and kill everybody in first two small settlements when You were doing Your missions - improve boss battles so bosses got more places to move, give them more moves - Scorchers gun ship was awesome boss fight - create boss fight for authority capital prime level - add important npc's to important missions for few segments so You can feel not only player is doing his work (something like Wellspring underground wheel fight with ghost clan bandits where near end player encounter small group of town guards ), Rage got awesome npc characters with great look and good voice actors - add radio tower/bandit outpost gameplay mechanics from FarCry3 or something else - maybe player can enter mutant nests and set explosives there - add events on world maps like traps set by bandits, convoys, people that need You help, crazy taxi stuff, wild animals, scouting bandits groups, travelling merchants with unique ammo types, different bandits clans that engage in fight with themself
  15. Gzegzolka

    Your Dream Games

    Yes, I have lot of fun with Rage. It was not as great as first F.E.A.R. but sometimes it was close thanks to great animations, and enough well made AI. I will create another topic for RAGE. Another dream game would be F.E.A.R. 2 - but with combat encounters more close to first one. Where there would be more different covers/routes/obstacles for AI to chose. I replay FEAR many times and find it great that sometimes enemies react in different way to me, go to different places, sometimes retreat or flank me. FEAR2 looks great with so many details and nice architecture, but usually each time I play it enemies do same thing and follow same patches. Also I would introduce Alma bit later. You can keep those visions from start, but without her. Player could start to see her after hospital evacuation level when he reach devastated city.