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About VoidEater

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    Green Marine

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  1. Hi, I know that there isn't a function or identifier built-in with ZScript that allows you to track player position however, I am attempting to write a script for a mod that potentially needs to know the player's position so that it can spawn Actors around the player in a set radius. Is this something that is possible at all with ZScript? I've looked around a good bit and so far haven't turned anything up.
  2. VoidEater

    Event Handler in ZScript Issue

    Tested and your code works! Reading this I can understand why mine wasn't going anywhere in a hurry. Going to spend the next few days gluing myself to ZScript documents and learning more.
  3. VoidEater

    Event Handler in ZScript Issue

    Ah thank you, I'll give that a read and see what I can come up with. Seems I completely misunderstood event handlers in my initial research.
  4. VoidEater

    Event Handler in ZScript Issue

    After converting a few parts of my pk3 over to zs, I decided to see if I could convert part of my ACS over to an event handler in zs as well to kind of streamline and give me more options with it. My goal is to make it so that once a particular inventory item reaches an amount of 0 or less the player dies. I know that I only really partially know what I'm doing, but despite knowing I'm doing things wrong, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Is this possible? If so, any suggestions on how to get what I have so far to actually work? class SanityHandler : EventHandler { int SanityAmount; string death; SanityAmount = Sanity; override void SanDeath () { if (SanityAmount <= 0) { let death = Owner if (death) { A_SetHealth(0); } } } }
  5. So there I am, happily mapping away on a WAD inside my PK3 file, making lots of progress and feeling proud of myself. I save the map and close the editor, open Slade and save the map and then do a bit of scripting before saving and reopening my map. "Unable to find maps using any game configuration. Does this wad contain any maps at all?.." I open the wad in Slade and it's dead empty. I load the backup of the PK3, the wad is still dead empty. I open the wad in Notepad++ and it's full of all the information about everything in the map down the the last vertex. So all in all - what? I don't understand how a map empties itself and becomes unusable like this despite everything still kind just being there. Is there a known reason for this kind of thing? If so, are there any fixes or is it just gonna be a start from scratch jobby? EDIT: I managed to rebuild the map using the very useful TEXTMAP feature with UDMF by literally just creating an empty map within the WAD using Slade so that it generates a map file, TEXTMAP and ENDMAP, I then went about copying and pasting from the Notepad++ file into the TEXTMAP lump and saving it, then saving the PK3 afterward and running it with UDB, opening the ACS compiler, copying the ACS from the Notepad++ file into that, compiling and saving and closing which then rebuilt the BEHAVIOUR and ZNODES for the WAD. Everything is back in order.
  6. VoidEater

    Issues with actors in ZScript

    UPDATE! I changed nothing and just kept switching weather types. After changing to snow and then changing back all weather types work. I'm at a loss. EDIT: The issue appears to be with the ACS. #include "zcommon.acs" script 1 OPEN { ScriptCall("Weather", "SetPrecipitationType", "MedRain"); } For some reason when running the mod, no matter what weather it is set to, it won't run. If I, however, run UDB and open the ACS script through the builder and just hit CTRL+S and then run the mod through UDB's tester, the weather, in fact, does work. If I don't do this and I just load up UDB and run the game the weather once again doesn't work. I'm trying to figure out why this could be.
  7. VoidEater

    Issues with actors in ZScript

    This solves the issue of not being able to test, however, my DECORATE actors are still missing from the "Things" list. It seems that, for some reason, despite the fact they can work in tandem, my DECORATE and ZScript are arguing.
  8. VoidEater

    Issues with actors in ZScript

    I remember having to do this before, but stopped because if I do that I now have the issue where all my DECORATE stops workin alongside it stating in errors that all my GLDEFS do not exist and only my ZScript actors work. I get the following errors when running the game through UDB: Execution could not continue. File C:/Users/USER/Documents/Nimi Place/Folders/DOOM/DOOM Projects/God Hunt/gzdoom.pk3 is overriding core lump engine/commonbinds.txt.
  9. VoidEater

    Issues with actors in ZScript

    Posting a G Drive link for people to look through my archive to get a better idea as to how I have it layed out like ramon.dexter said. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ur1EbFMT0WId5gZrhK97MnKq39BsxKJz/view?usp=sharing I have set up my doom ed nums in my mapinfo, was originally using doomednums as its own script but that worked even less for some reason. My archive is linked above. I've discovered that I'm able to use the summon command for my ZScript actors, however if I place them in a map editor they won't appear in the map when testing in the latest dev build of GZ Doom.
  10. VoidEater

    Issues with actors in ZScript

    I've been attempting to use the Universal Rain and Snow prefab in a pk3 mod and working with currently very limited knowledge in ZScript. Now, unlike with Decorate, in my "Things" menu I don't get a "ZScript" folder like you do with a "Decorate" folder that lists all the actors you have that can be placed in a map. I have compared the way I've set it up in my mod to Dooming the Bar (DTB), which also uses it. I can't see any differences and yet mine simply will not work. I've checked for the need to assign actor numbers like in decorate but can't see that being done in DTB. I've seen the use of "DoomEdNums" and I don't know what that's for, however I have it all set up. I haven't seen the set DoomEdNum for "Weather" called or referenced in any of the scripts but I'm not sure if this is necessary. This may be too big of an issue and a simple "go learn ZScript" but after copius searching I've not been able to find any solution to my issues yet so I thought I may as well give an ask here and see. EDIT: I've noticed that if I use Slade's built-in map editor, the ZScript folder for Things shows up. If I use Ultimate Doom Builder, however, it doesn't. Equally if I use Slade's editor to add the Thing in and test-run the map, the weather effects still don't take place. I have also set up the required ACS script for the level I'm testing on.
  11. VoidEater

    Custom Damage Types [SOVLED]

    I ended up solving this issue after doing some digging in some other mods. So thanks a bunch to the dev for Golden Souls 2, your coins helped me solve this. I started by creating an ACTOR that inherited directly from the Inventory and couldn't go above 100: I then created an actual ACTOR that acted as an item pickup to add to the inventory item I had just created and had it inherit from CustomInventory: Finally, I simply added it to the HUD. In my instance I simply replaced DOOM's ammo counter on the OG HUD (I had designed a custom HUD in photoshop for this): Lo and behold, it works! Increases, decreases and I've even now programmed the player to die when Sanity reaches zero thanks to help I received over here.
  12. I don't know. I've tested it and as long as my sanity is anywhere between 1-100 then my character stays alive. If I then set it to 0 or have an item bring it below 0 my character dies. Here's a video showing it working.
  13. That makes a lot of sense. I copied your script and played around with it a bit but nothing seemed to be working. Ended up bringing the IF statement back into the script you proivided and boom, it worked. Looks like this now: Thanks a bunch for the help man!
  14. I'm trying to write an ACS script that runs a WHILE loop checking as to whether the sanity inventory item is less than or equal to 0, and if it is, to then kill the player. Here are two different versions of the script I've tried: While("Sanity_Pickup" <= 0) { Thing_Damage(1, 5000, MOD_UNKNOWN); } While("Sanity_Pickup" >= 0) { if(CheckInventory("Sanity_Pickup") <= 0) Thing_Damage(1, 5000, MOD_UNKNOWN); } I know that neither of them should work just based off of the fact I'm using a WHILE loop but I'm at a bit of a loss on what to replace it with honestly.
  15. VoidEater

    Linking DamageType with CustomInventory?

    I gave that a go but it didn't really seem to do much. I think it's going to be a matter of me just spending some time learning ZScript and going from there. For now I'll keep to there being no indication you're taking sanity damage.