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Everything posted by loser

  1. loser

    New Idea

    Well, maybe it was done before and it's not so new. Anyway, like rocket jumping, we could have "ArchVile jumping". If you jump while being burned by the ArchVile, you can jump up a ledge that is 128 units high. That would be an interesting twist in a new level... (Maybe give the player a megasphere before.)
  2. loser


    My editor does not create a .waw file, WadAuthor does. When you make new entries, or load entries, those changes are immediate and final. They are written straight into the .WAD file, so you should be able to see the changes anywhere. BTW, I've already fixed those things we talked about, plus some other bugs with the Texture Editor. I'm going to add Find Texure now. Did you receive all those emails I sent you from my Marchmail account?
  3. loser


    I checked it on another computer, and you are of course right. The first time things are out of place, it tries to read some settings from the Registry that are not there. I will fix it, thanks. The help worked fine though, I'm not sure what could be wrong with that. It's not at all final anyway. You can insert a new texture by clicking Textures|New. Search and sort was one of the things I wanted to add too. Sprite offsets can be saved, by clicking Image|Apply Alignment. I guess it's not that obvious. Each type of entry has it's own menu, which is only visible when that entry is open. Saving graphics as .BMP still won't help, it just saves the lump as it is (in it's Doom graphic format). So at the moment there is no image export, only import. I'll be honest, I just take a screenshot and paste the image to my graphic editor when I need one. But I will add this too. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. And keep 'em coming :-)
  4. loser

    Sky texture editing questions...

    You can create and edit the MAPINFO lump with my editor. http://wadedit.50megs.com
  5. loser


    I use SLIGE, and I agree with you: it's a lot of fun. I just didn't think there was anything to talk about... I too would be interested in a new version.
  6. loser

    Sky texture editing questions...

    WadAuthor can edit ZDooM maps nicely. Under the Utilities menu here at DoomWorld.com you can find the link to it, and the link to the ZDooM configuration file (zdoom.wcf). Also, The ZDooM homepage has a very good techincal reference about ZDooM wad files.
  7. loser

    Editing with ZDoom...

    First of all, you probably should have posted this in the Editing forum, you might get better replies. Editing levels *with* ZDooM? I doubt that, ZDooM is just the engine, that let's you play with levels. You need a level editor to edit anything. ZDooM has many more special effects besides the fog, which by the way doesn't need an ACS script, but I could be wrong. Maybe you should take a look at the ZDooM technical reference here: http://zdoom.notgod.com/reference/index.html
  8. loser

    Recording Demos?

    From the command prompt: (Z)DOOM -skill <s> -record <filename> <s> is skill level (you probably want to record UV = 4) <filename> is the destination, don't use extension. It will create <filename>.lmp in the current folder. You may also want to warp to a certain level. These LMP's go straight into your WAD, just rename them to "DEMO1", "DEMO2" and "DEMO3".
  9. We cannot be certain about that. If the new engine can do more than Doom and Doom2, it can probably do 'as much'. With the help of a (probably complicated) converted, we should be able to convert almost anything. Otherwise your idea is interesting.
  10. loser

    Endoom editing...

    My virtually unknown program has an ENDOOM editor as well at http://wadedit.50megs.com/ This is the only one for Windows I think. Anyway, those shades are achieved by characters #176, #177 and #178. These three characters are patterns, 176 being the lightest and 178 the darkest (well, that really depends on the background and the foreground color, though). This below is probably going to look awful since the font in this message is using a proportional width font, anyway: _*_*_*_* *_*_*_*_ #177 looks something like that. Or: one pixel is background color, the next pixel is foreground color. I hope that clears this up. Therefore, if you use dark blue as background and light blue as foreground, you can have 5 shades of blue. Also you might want to use character 219, which is a full block (all pixels are foreground color). Since you can only use the 8 darker shades for backcolor (the other 8 will flash (unless you program your VGA to use the highest bit as luminance (that's easy, just call int 10 with AX=1003 and BL=1))), by using e.g. bright yellow as the forecolor and the #219 character, you can achieve the effect of a full yellow block. Hope that is clear too. And one last thing, since these characters don't have corresponding keys, you can enter them by holding ALT + typing the number.
  11. A sound entry in a WAD file seems to have the following header: 2 bytes: $0003 2 bytes: Sample rate 2 bytes: Data length 2 bytes: (??? bytes per sample - 1 ???) followed by the sound data. Does anyone know whether the '3' at the beginning is a signature (so that's how we can tell that this is a sound entry), or does it mean something? What about the last one? This is all just guesswork. I'm suspecting there's a WAD file description document out there. Is there?
  12. loser

    Technical question about sound entries

    Thanks for the info. It is pretty useful, it confirms some of my finding. This is what it had to say on sound entries: (1) 3 (means what?) (2) 11025 (the sample rate, samples per second) (3) N (the number of samples) (4) 0 So I'm still no further ahead on that one.
  13. The original Doom WAD files seem to have a 14 byte 'record' length in "LINEDEFS" entries (7 words). The newer ZDoom formatted(?) WAD files have 16 bytes per record (8 words). We seem to have the same issue with "THINGS" entries (10 bytes vs. 20 bytes). Does anyone know how software should detect the difference?
  14. loser

    Technical question regarding LineDefs

    Maybe I what I said wasn't clear enough, or maybe I'm missing something. Even if the new or newly modified entries are always longer, my point is the same. Example: We have a WAD file, with 500 entries in the directory. If Entry #250 needs to be replaced with a longer entry, we can deal with it two ways: 1) Create a new file. Copy the first 249 entries, then the new one, then the remainder of the file. All entries after the modified one will have a new position. The resulting file is 'perfect'. 2) Copy the new entry to the end of the existing file, and update it's directory entry. The space within the file, that is still occupied by the old entry, is now 'wasted', since nothing is pointing to it. Therefore this file is not 'perfect'. When I try to see the pros and cons of these two options, it seems to me that the first option can be slower. So I choose speed over space. After all, once I'm done with a file, I can 'clean it up'. So, considering all this, are you saying that WadAuthor will always 'insert' the new entry? Maybe you are right, I never actually tested how fast or slow that would be.
  15. loser

    Technical question regarding LineDefs

    Thanks for the idea. By the way, a while back in one of your posts (Progress Update #2) you were wondering about doing an operation first, or queueing them. In my software, I do them immediately, but wastefully. That is, if the user modifies an entry, the size of the original and new one is compared. If the new one is smaller or equal, the new entry goes straight into the file, and the WAD directory is not modified (only size, actually). Otherwise, the new entry is written to the end of the file, and the corresponding entry in the WAD directory is updated (new position and size). Advantages: Simple (to code), safe, very fast. Disadvantages: Wastes space, almost always (except when the entries are the same). But... you can keep editing your WAD file, when it's done just click File | CleanUp. This rewrites the entire WAD file, directory first, then entries in order. Tight. Keeps a backup. I'm doing this since your editor edits maps so well, but I wanted to deal with all the rest. Link: http://wadedit.50megs.com If you want the source, it's yours.
  16. Hi, Interested in a (relatively) new, free wad file editor to take care of all the things WadAuthor doesn't? ;-) Try EXWE! http://wadedit.50megs.com/ Terrible acronym, I know. Like it? Dislike it? Want more features? Send feedback to wadedit@marchmail.com Sorry I don't visit these forums often.
  17. loser

    To Ape Tickler...

    ...who dislikes WinTex so much: So do I, and that's why I started a new wad editor. For now it's just a browser. Download and have a laugh. Source included. http://wadedit.50megs.com
  18. loser

    Toughest Doom/Doom2 Enemy?

    Hi all, I just thought it would be interesting to vote on which is the toughest enemy to beat in Doom/Doom2. Anyway if y'all think it's a dumb idea then let's just forget it. BTW, my personal "favorite" is the Renevant. Hate that guy... So damn fast and I'm so damn lame.
  19. loser

    Contests, and stuff...

    How about creating levels with only one sector?
  20. Does anyone know how to play Doom over Microsoft Networks (LAN?) Is any of the source ports capable of doing this? Thanks
  21. loser

    Doom over Microsoft Networks?

    Thanks for the info. Now I think I see what the problem is: under "Network" I have NetBEUI installed as the only protocol for the Ethernet card, and TCP/IP for the modem. I looked at the other machines here at the company and they all have NetBEUI protocol as well. Can I add TCP/IP too? What's the difference? Are the network settings gonna get screwed up??? :-( BTW, what's IPX? [back to work...]