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About DeltaValkyrie

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. DeltaValkyrie

    What are we allowed to talk about?

    Extreme left wing and right wing are two wings that touch, two sides of the same coin, two strips from the same cloth. Just both as equally bad. Just both as equally evil. Mr H in Germany murdered a lot of people and so did Mr S in Russia after all. Anyway I'm assuming as long as it doesn't get too political or the thread gets too random or ponies aren't involved. It's OK :)
  2. DeltaValkyrie

    Most underrated games you've ever played

    Doom 64 People complained about the controls but I can play it on the controller just as fluidly (if not better) than I can play it on the keyboard/mouse setup.
  3. DeltaValkyrie

    Get ready for some Ultra Cyber Violence!

    Although it is true you can harrass people constantly by said mediums (such as Facebook, Emails, etc), I feel it is lack of common sense when people interact online. 1) Never store personal information online. 2) Don't give complete strangers personal details. 3) That Nigerian Prince wanting your credit card details to get rich. Would you believe me if I walked up to your door asking the same thing? 4) Don't overreact, indifference is the best countermeasure to online harrassment. People will get tired bashing a wall and they will stop ... if they don't then joke's on them. 5) You wouldn't give phone numbers to strangers so don't give out your email addresses to strangers either. I feel that the only time online harrassment is truly an issue is if you know the said harrasser in real-life and/or they are affecting you in real-life. The only thing which I will add to this conversation would be the fact that laws really haven't caught up with the medium. Internet is expanding faster than laws can keep up with.
  4. DeltaValkyrie

    If the smoke is what is bad, why do you hate E-cigarettes also?

    Haha I wouldn't take it that far... just plain bored xD Though I wonder how long the rope is at the moment...
  5. DeltaValkyrie

    What happens to this community after Doom 4?

    Sadly I can see this happening. But I would argue that they will be utterly different games... not that many agree :S
  6. DeltaValkyrie

    If the smoke is what is bad, why do you hate E-cigarettes also?

    I care therefore nobody is incorrect. Also can be as dweeb as I want to! (Rants endlessly) But I still stand on the fact that tobacco does more harm than good. Unlike Maccas which is not addictive to the same degree tobacco is.
  7. DeltaValkyrie

    If the smoke is what is bad, why do you hate E-cigarettes also?

    At least this thread is on topic... unlike my one which went to hell lol!
  8. DeltaValkyrie

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    I want this ^
  9. DeltaValkyrie

    If id had made Doom 3 in 1995...

    Or it would be litterally Doom 64 :P
  10. DeltaValkyrie

    What are we allowed to talk about?

    https://www.doomworld.com/vb/post-hell/74886-post-hell/ MY POST WENT TO HELL! Woke up this morning and saw it was there :( R.I.P post on Post Hell in Post Hell Funny thing is stuff can go to hell for well... just about anything xD P.S. I bet Vertical Seafood Taco made it go to hell...
  11. DeltaValkyrie

    If the smoke is what is bad, why do you hate E-cigarettes also?

    Reason would be you pay tax on them. Essentially when you DO get lung cancer, you have already paid for it (the operation) in advance lol...
  12. DeltaValkyrie

    What happens to this community after Doom 4?

    Nothing will happen lol The original Doom will always be something special since it came first. Something that Doom 4 will never be xD
  13. DeltaValkyrie

    If the smoke is what is bad, why do you hate E-cigarettes also?

    I find that is quite silly and it's the same in NSW xD But to be honest with you I really believe that smoking should be phased out ASAP... Tobacco based cigarettes don't offer ANY health benefits whatsoever and are essentially a drug that becomes a habit you find it hard to break. E-cigarettes are still new so its hard to say if they are really a "better" alternative, remember that around the 1930's, cigarettes were highly recommended as a health benefit only to have that turned around completely in modern times as a menace to your health. We really don't have enough research on E-cigarettes to make a good judgement call as of yet. Until we get proof E-cigarettes are safe I am going to remain sceptical on them.
  14. DeltaValkyrie

    Re: Doom 64 EX

    Downloading it now xD Thanks for the link.