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Wild Dog

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  1. -Widescreen -Native Resolution Since bethesda released the new version of Doom 1 and 2 for pretty much all the consoles, phones and PC. It just give what i just want, something that's close to Vainilla Doom but with widescreen resolutions. Before that i was pretty much using either Chocolate Doom or Crispy Doom, even in Delta Touch.
  2. Wild Dog

    Doom 3 deserves more official support! (+ Doom 64)

    People wanted a Doom game not a Silent Hill that had a bit more action. The Flashlight was something pretty much everyone when the game was released, are you telling me that the UAC went to mars, they could teleport people, but they can't put a flashlight to a combat armor or they can't put a flashlight to a shotgun..... Doom 3 BFG got so much hate because people went into snob mode, because the flashlight was not mounted to the armor... All the sudden so much people loved that they had to switch to flashlight, because "it was a core part of the game".... or even worst "ohhh my god they did destroy DOOM and DOOM II no red crosses!!". Quake gameplay is more fitting to those add-ons, Doom 3 not so much. Doom 3 is mostly a single player history driven game and they know it. I rather see a Quake 2 remaster with all those add-on rather than a Doom 3. What i would love that ID would do with Doom 3: A release with 4k textures, bug fixed, the add-ons and something that will make everyone happy..... "OG mode" "BFG mode" You want the old armor and the flashlight?? Here go and have fun.
  3. Was Romero working for ID when he said that??? No, he was on a EGO TRIP working on Daikatana, thinking he was the ONLY reason why Doom and Quake were popular. and everyone knows that Daikatana was big blockbuster.
  4. When i got the shareware on my old 386, didn't find scary, neither i find it now. I just loved to blast demons with the shotgun.
  5. Both of them have source ports, map builders, both of them are fun to play, both of them have nice communities. BUT there is ONE KEY difference. Doom as franchise was always owned by people that was wise with the Marketing and PR. On the other hand Duke franchise is a big mess. Doom is just like Mario, the owners do care about the product and try to sell stuff that has good quality, while Duke was Sonic, owned by Sega wanted to be edgy way too hard...
  6. Wild Dog

    What should I run Doom 64 on?

    If you have the Steam version, use that. Otherewise there are some good source ports Doom 64 retribution being one of them.. There is nothing wrong on the steam version of Doom 64, yes some people will tell you "It is crap!! the only way to play Doom 64 is on real hardware with on a Sony Trinitron, that was made betweeen 1994 and 1999, because pre 1994 models don't have that N64 felling and pre 1999 are just too new. Also the stick of the N64 controller should broken which was a common issue back. That's how you should do it, otherwise you are not doing it right!!".
  7. That's the issue when you have a very edgy fan base.. They will push you into becoming the ULTIMATE EDGE LORD!!! "Hey are you playing DOOM with a CONTROLLLEEEER!! YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!!" Oh STFU I'm not going to play Doom with a gamepad i will play it with a touchscreen or maybe try to play it somehow on a pregnancy test
  8. And that's the magic of the source ports, we have enough for every single taste... For me the best port is Chocolate Doom. I don't think there is THE best port, just different ports with differentes ideas behind them.
  9. This... A lot of fake "old school" and "1337" gamers.... that just need to be hardcore "Hey if you don't play doom on an old 486dx with a 14" CRT you are doing things wrong maaa dude!!" Doom is so simple when it comes to controls that it plays great with a gamepad... Forward, Backward, strafing with the left stick turning with the right stick.. No need to aim up or down.. RT to shoot. A to open doors... LB and RB to switch weapons Gamepad for quick weapons.
  10. He used to be funny and make some good points on some ports and older games.. I used to have a nice time with the videos he made... But then he started to become more "edgy" to please most of the fans to the point that know the videos he post are most of the time full of wrong info, elitist crap and just non sense....
  11. Wild Dog

    Delta Touch on Android

    Shame i don't have any android phone anymore, but is quite nice that Beloko updated Delta Touch with Doom 3 engine. Beloko apps are top notch. Even he sent me a key for Delta Touch, after i told him that i had bought the old version that was removed from the store.
  12. I was not talking about him, but about some of gman followers...
  13. Sadly in this day and age, seems to be the case... "Hey you are pointing my mistakes!!! THAT'S HATE SPEECH!!!