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Everything posted by bowserknight

  1. https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=47980 Alright, so a few weeks ago, the mod Colourful Hell (as seen in the link above) has finally seen its full release! For the past 2-3 years I had been working on a test map for it, where you can screw around in all kinds of ways with all the new monsters added in the mod. This map is actually the 2nd version, I made another one at first but didn't like the result so I just started new from scratch. I had stopped working on it a while ago but since the full version of Colourful Hell is now finally out, I decided to give it another go and actually finish it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.file-upload.net/download-15210781/CH_Test_newmod.zip.html (don't forget this needs to be played with the mod) CHANGELOG: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX So generally this map is divided into 4 areas, each serving a different purpose. Next to each entrance is also a monitor that can be used for a brief description. AREA 1: THE ZOO This area is just to look at all the regular monster variations, meaning everything from the base monster up to their black & white boss versions. You can see all their individual combat stats like HP, how much damage they deal, how fast they move etc. The monsters here are normally dormant but can also be woken up if you make a sound in their room. I also gave the Spectres vision on you because you won't even be able to see some of them unless they try to bite you, just don't try to pet them... AREA 2: THE GAUNTLET This area is for all the people who are looking for a challenge. In here you can pick one of 17 routes. Each route has you face off against all the regular color variants of one monster type. So for example, if you walk into the Mancubus teleporter, you'll have to fight against all the different colored Mancubi, finishing with its black & white boss versions. You're supposed to do this with vanilla weapons and you only get limited ressources for each encounter. And skipping fights is not recommended... This area also enables you to actually finish the map, by beating all 17 routes in a row, since they eventually all give you keys which will allow you to open the exit door. I honestly have never been able to beat this myself yet but who knows, maybe somebody is up for the challenge... (I also still need to test a lot of these fights because some of the bosses tend to be too hard) AREA 3: TEST LAB Probably the most fun area. You have a selection of every single monster type and color tier and can spawn any specific monster that you want into an arena. You can do anything you want here. You can either watch monsters bash each other's heads from a distance, or join them, or just fight against them one on one. It's actually impossible to die in this lab, so you can battle to your heart's content. There's also an ammo closet up in the watching zone that fills up your entire inventory everytime you use it. This area is perfect if you're just curious to see which monster would win against another monster, or if you want to practice against a specific one. Once you leave this area, your immortality wears off. AREA 4: THE OPTIONAL TIERS This is basically the exact same as the ZOO area, just with all the optional monsters. These monsters only show up if you activate them in the settings. There's 6 rooms in here, each for a different optional color tier. They are: Fireblu, Gray, Cyan, Brown and Abyss. The 6th room is for special boss monsters, called EX bosses. These are even tougher versions of already tough bosses. If these are activated in the settings, they have a chance to replace their normal black / white (sometimes even red) counterparts.
  2. bowserknight

    Colourful Hell: Test Map V2 [DONE]

    The thing with the skeletons is fully intentional, it only happens in the Zombie gauntlet since the Necromancer is the main boss there, I felt it's appropriate. None of the other monster paths should have those skeletons in them.
  3. bowserknight

    Your own "Lost Media"

    I've just been wondering if anyone else has had this experience: In the past (either as a kid, teenager or whatever) you created something just as a little fun project for yourself, you never really shared it online (maybe because you didn't know how to back then) and now after you've become much older, you don't have access to it anymore and wished you could go back in time to play, watch, listen to it again, depending on what you've made. I've had this happen a little over 15 years ago, twice. Back then, I wanted to try out what it's like to make your own game and levels, so I downloaded the old RPG Maker. Both me and my brother made our own game about our cat called "Stupsi". The game my brother made was a short story about a day in the life of our cat, inside our old home we used to live in. It had all of our family as characters in it, with references to everyday things we used to say, our hobbies and stuff like that. It was only like 5 minutes long but it would still be nice to play it again today, especially since this cat died 2 years ago... I can't even remember what its name was, I think "Stupsi's Story" or "Stupsi's House", something like that. Then I myself, made a more arcade-like game about our cat. Back then, I found a game on a CD from a videogaming magazine called "Chocobo Panic" where you basically just have to run around small levels and trying not to get caught by any enemies for as long as you can. I liked the idea of this game and made my own game in this style, again starring our cat. The first level of the game was inside the living room from my brother's game and you basically just had to complete mini-tasks in each level to proceed to the next one, like catching a certain character, collecting items or simply just reaching the exit, while trying not to get caught by any enemies. It also was a very short game, maybe 15 minutes and it wasn't overly difficult, just 10 fun levels to go through. I simply called it "Stupsi Panic" in reference to the Chocobo game. Lastly, there's an old jump'n run game called "Pekka Kana 2" which is one of my favourite games ever. You control a weirdly shaped rooster and have to go through a bunch of levels, with your only means of attacking enemies being a megaphon that allows you to scream at them, or by laying eggs on them. The game had really cool music and visuals and I could recommend everyone to try this game out some time. Anyways, after beating the game twice I decided to try out its own level editor and I made my own series of levels for this game. The levels were quite tough and I even included custom textures that could only be found in a secret room, showing the main antagonist watching some stripper chickens on TV (nothing explicit), as well as some other ones. As far as I remember I made 4 levels, the first one being a haunted forest, then some sort of canyon, followed by a factory-type level and for the finale, a long chase sequence where you gotta run away from the final boss, without any weapons to fight back until the very end. I wouldn't call my levels 5-star quality or anything, but you could see that they were made with love and thought put into them. There was even a theme of a long pipeline that could be seen all over the first 2 levels, leading the factory at the end. Unfortunately none of these things are available anymore. We used to have them burned on a CD, or maybe even a USB stick but those are long gone now. It would be so nostalgic seeing some of this old stuff again... But what about you, does anybody have a similiar situation?
  4. bowserknight

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Here's another glitchy texture thing I found: On Map 28, I went through the Northern part, the bridge with several crushers, then returned to this staircase close to the red key area. Suddenly there were hella glitched crushers here, with missing textures on all sides (you can't see it too well in the picture, but I tried). There's like 2-3 big crushers next to each other without any textures.
  5. bowserknight

    Partial Invisibility not working correctly (GZDoom ?)

    oh I understand then. I thought I had to replace that file manually or something. Alright I'll just wait.
  6. The past few months I've been playing through several wads with GZDoom (I've always been using it) but very recently I noticed something strange. The Partial Invisibility doesn't seem to work anymore. What I mean is, the pwoerup does make my model transparent, but the aim of monsters is unaffected. While they still can't see me if they haven't been alerted yet, the shots and projectiles are still aimed right at me as if I wasn't invisible. Does anybody know why this happens? Is it because of GZDoom? I updated my version yesterday and it didn't change anything.
  7. bowserknight

    Partial Invisibility not working correctly (GZDoom ?)

    thanks didn't know they fixed it already! But dumb question: What do I do with that website, do I have to download something? I could download "shadowinlines.h" but I don't fully understand these github sites and what to do with those files...
  8. bowserknight

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Found a "glitched" texture in map 12. It's at the very north-eastern corner of the map, it shifts up and down as the ceiling is moving. It's the light blue one the gun is pointing at
  9. bowserknight

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    aah that makes sense, thank you. Yeah most of the time I just search for Sector Effect 9 as you said. I found the secrets I'm missing now. By the way I also noticed something about the music in some of these maps. For example in maps 10 & 11, there's sectors that start playing a different track, but it can be repeated infinitely. Especially in map 11 the music keeps alternating between 2 tracks if you enter the beginning sector. It's not too tragic but still a little irritating.
  10. bowserknight

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I'm really loving it so far! There's just one thing I'm a bit confused about: In some maps the secrets seem to be a little messed up for some reason? I'm playing on GZDoom, maybe that has something to do with it? What I mean is: For example in map 08, when I open the automap it tells me there are 4 secrets. However I can only find one of them (the SSG), and when I look in Doombuilder, it also only shows that one secret. The same happened in map 10, the automap tells me there's 1 secret hidden somewhere, but when I look in Doombuilder there are 0 secrets in this map. All I wanna know is, is the automap correct or Doombuilder?
  11. bowserknight

    After Doom (seven maps )

    Are you saying that by playing this, the lightmode stays at "dark" even when playing other wads?
  12. bowserknight

    Old Still Life .wad

    Currently I'm at map 04 and I think that one's my favourite so far, mainly because you have a bit more space to move around. So far I'm a bit torn on how I feel about these maps. On one hand, the design is truly great, the fights and the layout are really well thought out. But on the other hand, I'm not having that much fun playing and find myself lost and a bit frustrated at times. As other people have said, the secrets are too hard to find, and even the mandatory path is sometimes riddled with needlessly strange switch sequences, or sometimes it's just not clear what you have to do. That, and the fights often feel pretty claustrophobic. But I really don't want to sound like a hater, I can see that a lot of love and thought went into these maps, maybe it's just not my thing. I'll still finish the rest of the maps over the next few days, on stream. If you wanna see what I think about it live, feel free to stop by at www.twitch.tv/Der_Angelord :)
  13. bowserknight

    Old Still Life .wad

    I'm currently playing this live at twitch.tv/Der_Angelord I've already completed the first map but I'm replaying it because I wanna find all secrets. I see 2 of them but have no idea how to get to them...
  14. bowserknight

    Colourful Hell: Test Map V2 [DONE]

    well it would only be a tiny update, correcting some HP values and stuff because I saw that some enemies got buffed / nerfed, but also I'm not sure if it's really worth since I also uploaded this onto the idgames archive and I don't want 2 different versions floating around. What issues did you find in the mod?
  15. bowserknight

    Colourful Hell: Test Map V2 [DONE]

    I'm debating on updating this map, since Colourful Hell got updated as well...
  16. bowserknight

    After Doom (seven maps )

    I saw this wad in a random video and thought it looked really cool, so without spoiling anything I decided to try it out myself. Overall I really like this one, since I'm a big fan of Doom 64 and I noticed that this one seems to take lots of inspiration from it, as well as using sound effects / music from that game. At first I thought it would be more of a horror experience but halfway through it kind of turned into a heavy metal shooting fest (mostly talking about the smaller city map with the allied marines), just to turn back into a more dark / scary theme. A few times I had the feeling like the wad doesn't really know whether it wants to be scary, moody, or if it wants to be more action-based. But a mix of both works too. There were lots of cool sections and some genuinely scary rooms (especially with the giant Pinkies who look scary as fuck, and also all the rotten enemies later on) but I gotta be honest, of all the maps, I found the first one to be the most memorable one. Very cool secrets, scary atmosphere and the whole intro section is awesome with the timestop effect. I also find it interesting that this map has 2 secrets, the 2nd one being hidden and is just there to scare you. All maps after that are cool too but they feel more like "normal" maps, but with a dark atmosphere. Don't know how to explain it really. Difficulty-wise it was mostly relatively easy with tons of ammo, I was stacked on ammo nearly all the time. The only time I ever was at the risk of running out was towards the end, especially the final map. Difficulty and lack of weaponry ramped up significantly in there. Only real issues I had was well, the darkness in some places. In most cases the darkness works well but especially in the map "Deep Darkness of Hell" I found myself being a little annoyed, actually spending a lot of time on the automap because I just couldn't see in a few spots. I like the secrets in these maps but even with the Computer Area Map that you can find in every level, I wasn't able to find some of them. Apparently I also missed quite a few secret enemies / mini bosses, judging by the credits map.
  17. bowserknight

    Insanity Edged

    Good luck with that, some of the hidden items are pretty hard to find, some even require you to do something out of the ordinary. They were probably way simpler to find in Winter's Fury.
  18. bowserknight

    Insanity Edged

    ah thanks!
  19. bowserknight

    Insanity Edged

    Oh right, I keep forgetting how pk3 files work, I'll see what I can find. Thanks!
  20. bowserknight

    Insanity Edged

    hey I was just wondering, is there a place where we can see where all the music used in this mod is from? I know that some of the track names are in the ending credits but is there also a text document or something?
  21. bowserknight

    Worst way to die in any doom game

    What about an annoying platforming section at the end of a long, difficult map? I already hate platforming in Doom but some mappers go crazy with it. I can't think of a specific map but I imagine it would piss me off a lot
  22. bowserknight

    2 Musical Gaming Mysteries

    This is just something that randomly came to my mind when I was driving around on my own tonight. I remembered 2 different instances where I thought I heard particular tracks from videogames, before the respective videogames actually got released. Or at least so I thought at the time. Maybe someone can help me make sense of this, especially with the first instance. #1: I remember many years ago, I used to binge websites with free videogame collections, you know, flashgames and stuff like that. Games made by random people. Around the time when Super Smash Bros. Brawl was in development and youtube poops were really popular, there was a vertical SHMUP game floating around the internet. I can't remember what the story was or even who the main character is. But I remember that it was set in space and it only had like 4 levels. In the main menu, there was a hidden way to fight Weegee (yeah, that meme version of Luigi) but I forgot how exactly it worked. But what sticked to my mind the most was the final boss, which is also the reason why I started this whole thread. It was some kind of sword, I suppose at least, with some differently colored crystals floating around it. The boss didn't really do much, it just chased you around slowly and had a shitton of HP if I remember right. The music used for this fight, was the music of the final boss in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Tabuu. What's weird was, is that SSBB wasn't even out at that point. I'm pretty sure that the game still had like 9 more months until it finally released. Now, does ANYBODY know which SHMUP I'm talking about? I cannot find any videos about it and also, how is it possible that it uses music from a game that wasn't even finished yet? Or maybe SSBB already released in Japan or something? #2: This one is much simpler. It's about the music from Sonic Mania that plays in Studiopolis Zone Act 1. The music is quite the banger, which is why I added it to my playlist. The thing is tho, that I'm really irritated by this track. Sonic Mania came out in 2017... but I distinctly remember hearing the music being used in some youtube videos long before that. Especially this part here that starts at 0:55: I remember hearing this part of the music used in some meme videos and similiar stuff like that, in a sort of trolly way, long before Sonic Mania got released. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or is it maybe like, that this music already existed before Sonic Mania or something, and they decided to use in the game? Or maybe the music already got revealed while the game was still in development? When I heard this full music for the first time, I distinctly remember going something like "Wait I know this one! Finally I know where it's from! But wait a minute... Sonic Mania only came out recently??"
  23. bowserknight

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    what is MIRV?
  24. bowserknight

    2 Musical Gaming Mysteries

    that game doesn't fully load for me unfortunately, it just keeps getting stuck at some point... but yeah, that SHMUP I was talking about wasn't neccessarily a Mario game, the secret Weegee boss was just a random easter egg in that game
  25. bowserknight

    2 Musical Gaming Mysteries

    nah it was definitely the part at 0:55, only thing I'm not completely sure of is when exactly I heard it or which exact videos it were