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Everything posted by Ironhound

  1. Ironhound

    Romero releases another new map: E1M4B

    FFS Romero stop it. I have shit to do today. At least put your maps up on the weekend or something.
  2. Ironhound

    Possibly new trailer? (GONE NOW, SPOILERS AHEAD)

    Thank god for Doomleaks, This is by far the best trailer so far. Just wicked. "Hahaha,You've returned, the only flesh and blood to walk between our world, and theirs." SO FUCKING PSYCHED RIGHT NOW MY BODY AND COMPUTER ARE READY!
  3. Ironhound

    What are your thoughts on the Snapmap stream?

    Basically this. That limit is going to be a killer for people wanting to create proper multiplayer experiences tailored in a retro fashion. You guys make loadouts, and demon runes optional and you practically scream 'make excellent multiplayer modes' and then you kill us with this awful 4 player limit. It boggles the mind.
  4. Wow. 2.5 years for concept art? I mean really. You guys could have at least thrown together something in the Unreal 4 engine. Conceptually it sounds great, but I can't help but feel like Romero is a bit out of touch. He knows all the buzzwords, and he's clearly paying attention with promises of DRM free and modding capability, but to throw up a kickstarter, to convince financial backers and publishers that gamers still want something like this, WITH NOTHING TO SHOW BUT CONCEPT ART. Hell the idea is shaky too, holograms? Really? So lets take the holodeck from star-trek and base our 10+ hour game on it? What made Doom and Quake so good, was the consistent feel of the levels and how they meshed together to form a believable and enjoyable experience. IF Romero hadn't made that excellent map a few months back, I wouldn't even consider backing.
  5. Ironhound

    Post-Millennials: Why do you play with Doom?

    I think Doom stays popular because there is really nothing else like it. Modern shooters all follow Halo and Call of Duty. Look at the new Wolfenstein. A cover shooter seems to be the only shooter. Doom is fast paced, and it NEVER gets old killing demons. Whereas generic soldier 330 who pops up, shoots, and lobs a grenade gets old FAST. Doom is also challenging, and a pure adrenaline rush on higher difficulties. Then again I was born in '89 and raised on Doom so I probably don't count here. :P
  6. Ironhound

    Post Your Opinions About Doom (Whether Controversial or Not)

    Thisx9000. I really hated They Flesh Consumed. ...I strongly dislike Doom 2. Its got some seriously crap levels, and I think people like it for the new demons and super shotgun.
  7. Ironhound

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I don't like Doom 2. I've never beaten it. Not because its overly hard, but the level design. Doom 1's was borderline perfect until Thy Flesh Consumed. Doom 2 and Thy Flesh Consumed really go hand in hand, for sure convoluted irritation. I felt like Doom 1 had a more logical progression, whereas Doom 2 had puzzle maps about finding the key. I think people just like Doom 2 more for the super shotgun and additional Demons. There. I said it. Shots fired.
  8. Haters gonna hate. The music is fuckin great.
  9. Ironhound

    DOOM beta weapons question

    Except the spin up would KILL the weapon as anything other than a flanking gun. First shot is everything in any FPS, and as an example, Planetside 2's chaingun is universally panned. Even with a spin-up upgrade, in 1v1 pretty much any other weapon wins. Which makes the user become a sort of ambush flanker... which other weapons do better. 1 hit kill would be a tad silly, so I can't see them releasing it that way. Even the Rocket Launcher doesn't 1 hit kill.
  10. Ironhound

    How do i use heavy assault rifle effectively?

    Man, the HAR is a real pain to use. Ive found scoping to be kind of useless, as it restricts the view, but I hate sniper weapons to begin with so... ...I use it to soften up targets for the super shotgun, but I suppose its useful in a team role, as you can flank and chip away at enemy targets. That being said, I feel the Plasma and Lightning guns are completely superior for this. The HAR is so inaccurate that I just cannot use it to the same degree as the Lightning gun. I did notice a HAR headshot does 13 damage as opposed to the lightning gun's 10, but thats assuming you hit with the wonky weapon spread. Basically, I think the HAR is too much of a handicap against an equally skilled player armed with pretty much anything else.
  11. Ironhound

    (SPOILERS) doomguy origin speculations (SPOILERS)

    I mean. I see your point, but its FUCKING DOOM. The series isn't known for its story elements. What the shit happened in Doom 3? Scientist goes mad, scientist kills everyone, scientist gets turned into a bat, marine cleans up the mess. ITS GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING DOOM. Take your paragraphs back to Bioshock and Wolf:New Order
  12. Ironhound

    John Romero signed my chainsaw!

    Ok, that is fucking cool.
  13. Ironhound

    Reverse Sleeve Time Lapse

    Oh look, my new wallpaper. Excellent work. Looks amazing. Although I may be biased, the original is one of my favorite pieces of videogame art of all time.
  14. Ironhound

    [UPDATED] The DOOM System Upgrade Thread

    Ah, thanks man! I'm trying to learn as much as possible for future upgrades. Your post helped clarify what the hell is going on in the CPU world.
  15. Ironhound

    (SPOILERS) doomguy origin speculations (SPOILERS)

    Pretty much this. One of the key aspects of Doom for me, was that Doom didn't shove some nonsense 'immersion' down my throat. There was no Doom Marine, I was kicking ass and taking names. Doom 3 at least I was a normal dude, I could easily see myself in his shoes. It was relatable, and I could really focus on what the game was about. Killing Demons. I'm going to do my best to ignore any and all story in this game. Hopefully most of these tidbits are just in audio logs or something.
  16. Ironhound

    Doom 2016 on Oculus

    I disagree, in that I doubt Carmack saw things that way. Even he has to know that VR is niche at best for the forseeable future. I have yet to meet anyone in real life who even knows or cares what it is. On the average gamer, I feel like its going to have the same effect as 3D did. Its not affordable, its not really integrated into any great games that don't have cockpits, and its a serious hindrance to anyone who needs to pause and get up and deal with kids etc. In short its not overly practical yet, and I HIGHLY doubt anyone thought Doom would make a good VR game, especially Carmack, someone who is working on it daily. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but I've found no sources indicating Carmack left for those reasons. ...(that being said, my google-fu has and always will be, shit.)
  17. Ironhound

    New trailer: DOOM - Open Beta

    I actually figured they wanted to test the game with a larger playerbase. Closed Beta participants aren't exactly a large group of people. Multiplayer games need to be stress tested or something ALWAYS falls apart. What works with a couple thousand, doesn't always work with a hundred thousand. :P (Although I would be VERY surprised if it hit that number. 3,000K at once seems to be the steam average for this type of game.)
  18. Ironhound

    [UPDATED] The DOOM System Upgrade Thread

    Could you elaborate on this? I just bought a 6400 and I'm curious about your issues with it.
  19. Ironhound

    New snapmap image found on amazon

    Oh! Is that the demon pack armor? Cool.
  20. Ironhound

    Uncharted 4 Delayed to May 10th (Bad news for DOOM)

    Pretty much this. The average Joe isn't willing to put $120 down on video games in one month. Working Joe has bills to pay, and no wife is putting up with that kind nonsense, after all she needs another pair of shoes. Working Joe has to make a choice. Working Joe can choose Doom, a game he vaguely remembers from decades ago, or he can plop down that cash on a proven AAA series that consistently reviews well with every release. This may hurt Doom. Which is already horribly marketed. My friends at work ask if I'm excited about 'that halo rip-off'. Doom isn't exactly a big deal anymore. No matter how much we love it. Uncharted is.
  21. Ironhound

    Can Doom be E-Sports material?

    I doubt it. IMHO competitive E-sports games are completely centered around one thing: Player skill. A good e-sports game highlights a skilled player and punishes an unskilled one. Counter Strike, Quake 3 and Starcraft are examples of games that have an extremely high skill-ceiling. A good player is noticeably good. Its not like Call of Duty where a bad player can hide in a corner racking up kills until he gets his insta-win supply drop. Sadly, I think the Demon-rune and Gauss Rifle would need to be removed for the game to take off competitively. Don't get me started on the hack things. (Seeing where my killer is going? Talk about removing skill.) Also. Arena based shooters aren't doing well from what I can see. Quake 3 is dead. Unreal has a handful of servers across all the titles. (Except the new engine.) Quake Live is hurting in a bad way... ...that's really all I can think of. I booted up Doom 3 and found a whopping ONE server. :P
  22. Ironhound

    What Do We Want From Doom IV ?

    All I want is a new kind of Doom game. My love of Doom outshines all other shooters. Half-life 1/2? Beyond seeing the aliens fighting soldiers, I found it tiresome and boring. Especially the puzzles. Halo? Sure the combat was fun in the first game, but after that the story became so overbearing it stopped being a shooter, and more of a Master Chief fan fiction. FEAR? Fun at times, but the boring jump scares got old fast. The story also went off the rails in the later games. Crysis? Another example of a fun first game followed by two mediocre second games with overbearing story and awful cover mechanics. I could go on, but nobody else has attempted to do what Doom did. Lots of enemies. Fast paced action. Quake was the beginning of the high HP enemies era of gaming, and from there it just got worse. What happened to one-two shot kills? LOADS of enemies popping up, and being forced to stay moving to stay alive? Doom is mobility. Doom is powerful guns. Doom is lots of enemies. Doom 3 was such a departure. Fun, but it doesn't make me giggle like a child because of pure ENJOYMENT. Basically, I can't handle another jump-scare/covershooter/storytime "FPS". I need a new DOOM game.
  23. Ironhound

    [UPDATED] The DOOM System Upgrade Thread

    So. I have an Intel Core i5-6400 CPU. (2.7ghz) The minimum spec CPU is the Intel Core i5-2400. (3.1ghz.) I'm scratching my head here. Which is faster? Both are quad core or whatnot, but I don't really understand CPU's, and if mine will be strong enough. The 6400 was recommended in this thread, but I'm not sure why. What makes it beat the minimum requirements? Am I going to need to overclock?
  24. Ironhound

    Doom theories

    What did I just read?
  25. Ironhound

    Doom UAC Edition

    I probably would have felt the same way had I not played TF2 competitively. (Yes there is/was such a thing, and yes it is/was fairly hardcore. Dont rocket jump 3 seconds out the gate, and watch DOTA level toxicity flood your chat bar. :P) Basically Brink had all the potential, and I feel that it squandered it. Even Dirty bomb feels better... ...UAC Edition of Doom is a money grab, but I actually liked paying a bit extra for unique stuff. Lets take Warframe as an example. In beta they gave out a rare skin for one of the characters. It was released in one batch and never released again. Seeing one is like seeing a rare unicorn, and the dude struttin' it, looks like a baller. I'm fine with that, that's cool, it adds a bit of flavor to the game. The UAC edition? Patches? A poster? A HANDBOOK!? Wut. 99.95!? Are they out of their minds?