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About Winial

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. Thank you! Now I can see Alternative HUD. But still can't see HUD MOD. This is strange.
  2. Which means that, I'm not just can't see any HUD MODs, but also alternative HUD that GZDoom source port gives me either. Honestly I experience this before, but I thought that happens just because I use bad PC. But now, I don't know what is wrong.
  3. What? This happened 2014? I guess it's time to play my all time favorite FPS again! Thanks :D
  4. Yeah I'll never touching it. It's not what I want either. Show me what I kill and how much I kill is one of reward. If they give me a taco salad for killing 100 demons, I'm fine with that honestly. I gladly hunt them for that. :P Woah, this was I wanted all time! How did you made that? Is that possible all along? Did you have a plan to share that? :D
  5. No, I don't know what is correct term for English but, I want to find FPS game that has reward system. And it's not like a borderland but more like a…I don't know. Killing itself rewards me? It's hard to explain with lack of language skill I guess.
  6. I try really hard to find this kind of video game, and I keep fail. This idea is too dumb to world? But I wish to play it so much. :(
  7. Originally, this idea came to me when I was rolling in the bed and want to playing Doom without turn on my hot desktop. I know there is a mobile port for Doom, but I don't like the idea of touchscreen FPS control. So, yeah, I like when you guys show me some cool stuff and share the ideas. Thanks. I love that DoomBox. And yes, I guess Doom is too complex to make a dedicated device. Specially when I want to make a level or download and play some PWADs. Or hard to do multiplay maybe? But it can be done with simple internet support I think. I don't know. I'm not experience Doom multiplay yet.
  8. My dumb idea is about Original DOS Doom series. Not include Doom 3 or further. Not Even a Doom 64. What will be looks like? What function will supported? It'll just like a, I play doom on my small laptop? I'm curious for others thinking. By the way sorry about my English if you don't get my point. I'll explain more when you asking.
  9. Winial

    Some little Megawad idea from me

    This was the answer I want. I know someone already do this. Thanks. :) How can I say um…I thought that's a beauty of final boss. It's a textured wall with not moving monster spawner, so make that interesting and not boring is really hard work.
  10. Sorry about my bad English if you don't understand my point. Try to make it short and clear. Recently I sink into Classic Doom. All day playing and make some amateurish levels. And I just thought two Megawad idea, maybe already there but I can not find. 1. Final Boss mashup. I imagined some 30 levels fight of final boss and 2 hidden level with cyber demon and spider mastermind. 2. Demon's Body theme levels. I talking about Doom E3M2 style. Foot to the head, 8 levels game will be good. I'm not thinking deeply, because maybe there is similar concept of wad already there. That's why I make a thread on here. Register to Doomworld forums for this. Thank you to read.