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About Xeliv

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  1. Xeliv

    What if there was a flamethrower?

    That could have been a cool mod for the assault rifle (instead of the scope). Like some kind of underslung flamethrower.
  2. Xeliv

    DOOM easter eggs / references / injokes

    I don't know if that has been posted yet but the Jetboots are called "Delta-V" which is a physics joke. Delta-v or ∆v is the change in velocity or impulse needed for an action and is used in flight dynamics.
  3. Xeliv

    Weird thing about the Gauss gun

    You are right, only coilguns are called "Gauss gun" (not only in fiction). Given the form of the gauss cannon and the codex stating it fires a steel projectile it definitly is a railgun and not an energy weapon.
  4. Xeliv

    Where are the BFG mods ?

    I know but that doesn't change the fact that both are cutscenes which gives more opportunities of adding special effects that might be too performance-hungry or hard to implement during actual gameplay.
  5. Xeliv

    Where are the BFG mods ?

    Given how much has changed compared to the E3 gameplay and that the BFG shown probably wasn't an ingame weapon the changes to its visuals don't surprise me. The end of the E3 Demo was more of a rendered cutscene (zooming in on the cyberdemon; sudden cut to black) so they went for a more cinematic look of the effects that may be hard to reproduce during gameplay. Also the shortened charge time is better for its intended role as an "emergency weapon".
  6. Xeliv

    Why do so many people hate Doom 3?

    - Vagary and Tentacle Commando: They are the only true new ideas in the game and I have no problem with them existing. - Cherubs and Maggots: Why do we need more monsters that can jump in your face when Imps can do that too? - Z-Secs and Chaingun Commando: Except from the rare shield guy they are this game's former humans. - Zombies: They aren't really a threat, more an annoyance. I do like the Chainsaw Zombies but those are way to underused. - Trites: would be okay if the game spawned a lot of them at once so they would swarm you but in vanilla Doom 3 they are Zombie-level dangerous. - Wraiths: Maggots with a weird teleport gimmick that is to slow and obvious to be interesting. RoE brings us a few more enemies: - Bruiser: a mix of Hell Knight and Mancubus. I like the design and due to it being so aggresive it feels like thats what the Mancubus should have been. - Vulgar: It's an Imp with slightly different behaviour. So yeah, while the statement "all new enemies add nothing new" might be wrong I would change that to a "a lot of the new enemies feel pointless".
  7. Xeliv

    Why do so many people hate Doom 3?

    I think Doom 3's problems were that it is rather repetitive (a lot of the levels look similar because of the darkness), the new enemies didn't add anything that wasn't there already and that it had some really annoying sound effects (especially that one when demons spawn).
  8. Xeliv

    Olivia Pierce

    I'm feeling the same about the colour. If they had maybe used a darker tone or two different colours it would be easier to distinguish her from the suit and the exoskeleton. As of right now she just looks like one white/beige human-shaped mess.
  9. I'm pretty sure shards only give you +3 on UV. Other than that enemies have more hp on Nightmare and Marty said in one of the streams that enemy AI is more aggressive on higher difficulties. From my experience that is something best seen on the Imps as they will swarm and flank you more on UV than they do on HMP.
  10. Xeliv

    Favorite rune.

    I was mainly using Armored Offensive, Vacuum and Equipment Power during my playthroughs but sometimes swapped one of them for the more-ammo-rune. Getting 2 or 3 BFG ammo drops during larger encounters is always great. But as the triple chaingun is my favourite weapon I found myself switching to Rich get richer when I was replaying some of the early levels or playing on lower difficulties.
  11. Xeliv

    Your opinion about the soundtrack of new Doom?

    I really like it. Favourite track is "Argent Combat". Sure there aren't that many iconic riffs in it but I could imagine listening to some of the tracks outside of the game. If there will be an official soundtrack released I'm definitly going to buy it.
  12. Xeliv

    Favorite weapon

    For me its a close one between the Chaingun and the Gauss. The Gauss with the Siege Pulse mod is the second best problem-solver in game (after the BFG, of course). Corridor full of soldiers? A group of Revenants/Hell Knights/Cacos? Have a Summoner-based problem? Siege Pulse got you covered. The only enemies you can't oneshot are Barons and Mancubi. On the other hand, the mobile turret is just awesome and I used it when enemies are spread out or I don't feel like using the micro-missiles.
  13. Xeliv

    Things You Thought Would've Been Cool to See

    I would have liked more diverse mods for the "heavy" weapons (Gauss, Gatling) as the gauss rifles mods are just "charge for more damage" and the gatling's mods are both "more bullets in less time". If they had made the gauss more of a laser style weapon (something like a Spartan Laser) you could have a mod the creates a continuos beam or so. Maybe more equipment items. The tesla rocket from MP would have been nice.
  14. Xeliv

    A bad impression from poor performance?

    From what I've found it seems you have Gigabyte's OC version of the 650. As far as I know the difference in gaming performance between Win 7 and 10 is only ~1% in favor of Windows 10 so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you're concerned about your PC overheating you could use a program to monitor your system's temperatures.
  15. Xeliv

    A bad impression from poor performance?

    The 660 Ti has 2GB of memory.