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Doktor Mandrake

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About Doktor Mandrake

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  1. Doktor Mandrake

    PHØBØS¦ The Argent Anomaly

    I managed to play one of the maps in co-op, sadly it looks like all the others make the client crash, this is a bug in snapmap ever since the latest update.. They'll work fine solo but some of your maps are unplayable co-op due to that damn bug the devs introduced Anyways, we both died after getting past the red door, not only did we loose all our weapons, we also lost the redkey card.. Thus we couldn't progress any further because the game spawns us back at the start :p Another thing to keep in mind, you should always set it so when one player picks up a keycard, the other player gets it as well.. I had to relie on my friend to open the red doors Other then that, first impressions were great.. That custom geo is fantastically done and the pacing/gameplay was spot on, not too hard, and not too easy! I'll get around to trying them again sometime, and give them a proper playthough.. Atm though I'm just hoping the devs fix this damn snapmap bug >.<
  2. Doktor Mandrake

    Something that bothers me

    Honestly I just mostly want them to fix this one particular bug, which makes the client crash/freeze when trying to play certain maps on snapmap, this bug was introduced in the latest update Not sure if this bug effects console users too, but on PC it basically makes co-op on snapmap impossible, unless you stick to old maps that haven't been updated with any of the newest features
  3. Doktor Mandrake

    Something that bothers me

    Damn, not sounding too good then :-\ I still hope you're wrong though and we get one last big update, or at the very least some bug fixes.. But yeah, it's not looking too likley I guess :[
  4. Doktor Mandrake

    Brigandine [RC2, updated 2017-05-13]

    I think the area I struggled with ammo the most was probably the room with arch-vile Though that could of just been me missing too many shots on the enemies and not being careful enough with ammo :p I'll try and make a video playthrough sometime, I'm a casual player so if I make a video it should give you a good impression of how your average joe would tackle the map
  5. Doktor Mandrake

    Brigandine [RC2, updated 2017-05-13]

    So I eventually got round to trying this last night, and wow, that was really good! incredibly polished and professional made mod, only played it on normal but defintely going to be replaying on UV! It did feel a little short on ammo in some spots but that could of just been me About to go try out Breach now! :)
  6. Doktor Mandrake

    Something that bothers me

    Before the game launched, they 'specifically' said we'd get a year of free snapmap updates, it's not been a year yet, still another 3 months until May That said, maybe the season pass has sold poorer then they expected and thus they might pull the plug on anymore free snapmap updates Hopefully we have one last update, even if it only means fixing the bugs because snapmap has some pretty major bugs that need fixing
  7. Doktor Mandrake

    Brigandine [RC2, updated 2017-05-13]

    Wow this looks amazing! What source port would you recommend for playing this in? Will it work with zandronum?
  8. Doktor Mandrake

    Snapmap loading times seem unreasonable?

    So if you're not trolling then why are you even in this sub-forum? I know you might think differentely... But I think you'll find nobody cares about your opinion :)
  9. Doktor Mandrake


    Good to hear HALFRATS, always really enjoyed your campaigns and can't wait to see what else you come up with! That youtube channel, so every video they do, they only do good maps?
  10. Doktor Mandrake

    Decals break Multiplayability of SnapMaps .

    Well that sounds like some BS, even if they can't reproduce it doesn't mean they shouldn't look into it, who did they test it with, people on the same lan? >.< I googled the problem and this is all I could find on the matter https://www.reddit.com/r/snapmap/comments/5lgf49/snap_map_coop_crash/ Not sure if it relates to our problem as well but I think it does Someone said BOB and ROTATE have to be enabled to stop the crashing
  11. Doktor Mandrake

    Decals break Multiplayability of SnapMaps .

    Sorry to bump just an old topic, but has anyone heard anything about this lately? I've not been playing DOOM but was hoping they would of put out some kind of fix for snapmap by now :-\
  12. Doktor Mandrake

    Server Maintenance - 4hvwtbg2 - campaign

    Oh god you're playing with my heart strings now And I agree, it would make sense to save that for last.. And that would be one awesome as fuck last update! :) (along with bug fixes ofc!)
  13. Doktor Mandrake

    Server Maintenance - 4hvwtbg2 - campaign

    Have they stated they stopped supporting it? Because they told us originally we'd be gettin free updates to snapmap for a year But yeah, if they could get that bug fixed, along with bug that makes playing co-op/mp on maps impossible.. Then snapmap would be perfect!
  14. Doktor Mandrake

    Server Maintenance - 4hvwtbg2 - campaign

    Yup same here Was really enjoying it up until that point too :(
  15. First time I played Doom was first game in late 90s, can't remember exactly but think it was around 1997-98. I wasn't born until 1990 so I would of been too young to remember when game first launched in 1993, and then first time I owned it was the shareware version on floppy, don't know if that really counted as 'owning' it since it wasn't full version though heh