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Everything posted by Relinquished

  1. Relinquished

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    @paymentplan You have no choice but to finish it now, because I want to play it ;)
  2. Relinquished

    Technomancy - A Sunlust inspired slaughtermap.

    Thank you again for everyone who has commented so far, a lot of good points have been raised. @rdwpa, thanks again for your input. I was concerned the player could abuse that spot in the revenant fight, so I'm glad your play through highlighted that. I'll have to pay more attention when designing this kind of fights in the future. Yourself and Killer5 have mentioned the difficulty picking up the items in the divots, so I'll have to be careful with this kind of thing in the future. I had it in my mind to add a telefrag for the first cyber as well, so I'll implement this before I submit it to idgames. @paymentplan, I'm glad you enjoyed playing the map! Yes I agree with Killer's comments about the second fight, so I'll look at changing this slightly. Not too much, but at the very least to clean up the teleporting enemies one way or another. I enjoyed making the revenant fight, and I'll likely expand on the general concept in the future and make it better. @Scotty, As I was focusing on the theme of the level, I've perhaps over used the Arch-vile turrets. I'll keep it as it is for this particular map, but I will keep a note of what you say as I'd like each fight to feel different. I was worried the fights may feel the same, but overall I think its acceptable in this one. I completely agree about the sky! I really wanted to change it, but I had problems creating a custom sky as it was showing vertical tile lines, which looked horrible. I'll need to look up some tutorials on how to make them properly. As for the first cyber, I'll definitely be implementing a telefrag before I submit to idgames :P. I'll have to block off that ledge as well without it looking crap.
  3. Relinquished

    Technomancy - A Sunlust inspired slaughtermap.

    @Killer5, thank you very much for the demo and the comments. You raise very good points in terms of the game play. I'll likely adjust the game play before I submit the map to the idgames archive, but I'll wait on further feedback to get a consensus.
  4. Relinquished

    Prboom - Custom texture issue.

    Thanks for the heads up @bzzrak, I'll make the necessary changes and make sure to get those Sky patches out of there!
  5. Relinquished

    Prboom - Custom texture issue.

    So I've finally finished my current mapping project and I wanted to get it working on Prboom for compatibility reasons. The wad does load in ok, however for some reason some of the custom textures show as HOM effects. I could understand it more if all of the custom textures displayed this effect, but some work ok, although most don't work correctly. I can load into the wad on Zdoom without any problems, and I've checked all the custom textures are added into PNAMES correctly in SLADE 3. I'm still new to all this, so I'm hoping the solution will be straight forward. I've been trying to fix it myself this evening but I've had no luck. Here is the current version of the wad I'm working with: Technomancy I'll be very grateful for a solution to this. I only ask you delete the wad file after using it for testing.
  6. Relinquished

    Newmaker [3 Level WAD] [1.2]

    Even though I don't have anything significant to add that hasn't already been said, I'd like to point out there is a good thread in 'General' that is titled something like 'Tips for New Mappers.' It might be off the front page by now, but it has a star icon next to it so you should be able to spot it. It has a lot of good advice in there so you might find it useful in the future. I've played through your three maps and I like some of the ideas you have in there. As others have mentioned, I wouldn't worry too much about the fancy stuff for the time being (extra monsters, effects etc). It might be a good idea (if you've not done so already) to create a notepad document and take stock on the wads you've made already and areas you feel you can improve on. This way, when it comes to make your next maps, you can focus on these areas and have a structured approach to your mapping. Of course this method isn't for everyone, but it might be helpful so you can focus on adding things you've not tried thus far. I wish you luck and I'll look forward to seeing your next project, keep it up!
  7. Relinquished

    SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames!

    @Benjogami, Hi there. I'm quite new here, but I'm really interested in contributing a map for this, possibly more depending on time. I was wondering whether its necessary to 'book' a map placement? Or is it simply a matter of submitting a map when its finished, and if there is available space left? I'm finishing up a solo project at the moment, but I'd like to contribute my next efforts to this project :).
  8. Relinquished

    What are you playing now?

    I've been playing through the Japanese Community Project over the past couple of days, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There's only been one map I didn't like. I'm also doing a no save run of Sunlust, though I've only got to map 09 so far.
  9. Relinquished

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I've attached my final teaser picture of my current project 'Technomancy.' All the scenery and map design is now finished, and it is almost ready for beta testing. My final tasks are lighting and finalising the game play elements, which I'm going to test before posting. I'm really excited about releasing this, and it will be my first map posted to the idgames archive. It has taken a great deal longer than I expected, but I've really pushed myself with this one, trying many things I've never attempted before. I'm looking forward to showcasing it in the very near future.
  10. Relinquished

    My new WAD Rocket Hell

    No problem, I'm glad to help. I agree with everything Scotty has mentioned as well. When I get some more time I'll give it another bash once the changes have been implemented. You have some nice details going on throughout the map, and I wish you luck for your release.
  11. Relinquished

    My new WAD Rocket Hell

    Hey Jthom, I've had a quick go of your map this evening. I started to play on UV, although after re-reading your comments I noticed it hasn't been balanced for that difficulty, so I'll have to try it again on the lower difficulty setting. Either way, here are my initial thoughts and findings. I got stuck at a particular bit after entering the area where the steps fall to the ground, revealing enemies behind you. After I went into the next area the entrance closes behind you, and I was trapped inside. Another issue was I bumped into an area with a HOM effect, although its difficult to see in the screenshot. Caco's come from that area and they seem to appear from behind it, so it seems to be a minor texture issue. I've added a couple of screenshots to help point out where these two issues were found. There is some nice detailing throughout the map, and I particularly like some of the outside areas with lava falls and broken up platforms. For this area in particular I would advise against having so many enemies that are shooting the player from far away. Game play wise, it can be frustrating when you are getting hit by monsters that are half way across the map. I like to play the game as close to the original as possible, so I don't use jumping or mouse look. It makes picking off these far monsters a bit of a chore, although in many of the areas it wasn't too bad. I would say the blue key area takes it a little too far in this regard, as the player is forced along a very narrow pathway, so you end up getting hit unless you simply rush past it. There are some nasty traps about mid way through the map, but they did help to offer different types of engagements. I would recommend adding a few columns or other line of sight blocking scenery in some areas (but not all). I found in a few areas with Arch-viles I had no choice but to back out of the area entirely, as without any cover you are certain to get roasted. The large open areas in your map means certain enemies, such as the gunners and Arch-viles, will have guaranteed hits on the player in some situations that come up. As I found health to be scarce, or at least not consistently placed throughout the map, I started dying pretty quickly. As you mentioned though the UV difficulty requires a great deal of tweaking. Before a major fight, its good to give the player a soul sphere or something similar so they are able to combat the situation, otherwise you can end up feeling hard done by. If the monster count remains similar as it is now for UV, I would definitely look at adding several soul spheres, at the very least, in key locations. There is good variation in scenery dotted around the map, and it certainly feels like your adventuring through some forsaken canyon infested with demons! I would check out a post in the general forums called 'tips for new mappers,' the second post by rdwpa has a lot of useful links that I have found interesting and helpful personally, so you may find the info helpful as well. Keep it up, and I'll look forward to seeing your next maps. EDIT: I've had a quick go on HMP, and most of my points still stand. There needs to be more ammo for the amount of monsters on the level, as after you pass through the blue door the monster count ramps up quite a bit. I did notice some soul spheres earlier on the level at this difficulty, which is good! I'd be tempted to say you need them more after reaching the blue key area as I feel the difficulty ramps up from that point onwards, particularly the initial trap that occurs with a butt load of monsters appearing behind you. Large open areas and Arch-viles don't mix very well. The large semi-circle area with the star shaped building in the centre is a good example of this. The one inside the star shaped building is fine here, but there are a few others that come out of the small door after activating the switch near the barons + hell knight. Dealing with them one at a time without cover is one thing, but if you have multiples coming at you, and there is nowhere to hide, then there's nothing you can do in that situation. I'd look at cutting there numbers down a bit. You don't need to get rid of all of them, as at times you want them to apply pressure on the player, but its usually a good idea not to place too many.
  12. Relinquished

    Stardate 20x7 [/idgames]

    I downloaded this for the first time over the weekend. I really enjoyed playing through the first map, with its puzzle box style of game play. It was fun working out what all the switches do amongst the combat. I still need to complete Stardate 20x6, but I wanted to sample this one a little bit. I'm pretty new here, but your work (along with various others) have inspired me to improve my own maps. My current project is coming along nicely, but it'll be great to eventually do small map sets in the future. What direction those will take, I'll have to wait and see. I'm looking forward to playing through all of this one and checking out what direction the map set takes :).
  13. Congratulations on posting it up to idgames MysteriousHaruko! I've had a quick go of the map a few days ago, and I really enjoy the layout and scenery you have going on. I've yet to complete it, but I'll set aside some time to play more wads after my own project is finished. I'll look forward to seeing your next maps!
  14. Relinquished

    First post, first map offering to DooMworld.

    Thank you for playing the map and giving some feedback Paul, its very much appreciated. Rdwpa also spotted the areas where you can get stuck, but thank you for confirming this. I'm keeping it in mind for my current project and making sure the outside areas are constructed a lot better. I'd never built a starting area like this previously, so its been very helpful for people to point out the inconsistencies so I can improve my maps, and pay close attention to the design phase so everything fits together well.
  15. Important Info: IWAD: DOOM2.wad Map Replaced: Map01 Sourceport: Zdoom Diffculties Implemented?: Yes Build Time: 20hrs (One week part time) Map Link: Blood Temple Description: Hello, one and all. This is my first map I'm happy with sharing. I've been inspired by the likes of Ribbiks and dannebubinga (the Stardate and Combat Shock series in particular, not to mention Sunlust) and wanted to really get my mapping under way. This is a small map with Slaughter elements, though should be straight forward and enjoyable for experienced Doomers. The Red key fight is optional, and requires discovering a secret to access. As a side note, I wanted to stick with the original textures for this one. This was a conscious decision, as to focus on the game play, but I've also done some detail work. I'm looking for any feedback / advice on the map design, particularly the game play elements, and what you feel could be improved upon. Any testing around the different difficulties would also be helpful, as this is still a work in progress. I'm unsure if this is worthy of being uploaded to the idgames database, but hopefully you guys and gals will be able to point me in the right direction. I hope you enjoy the map, and thank you in advance for reading this post. Relinquished
  16. Relinquished

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Another map screen teaser of my Sunlust inspired work 'Technomancy.' I've still got a lot of hours to go before I can release the beta, but I'm certain it'll be worth it. I've almost finished the detail work and will move onto the game play elements, which will be the most important part. Keep posted for this one, I'm excited to have it finished.
  17. Although I don't currently have time to play the level, I've watched the videos posted up by others and I like the look of your map. As others have mentioned the music fits really well, and I like the cold colour palette (grey, black, white) with a few lava falls to inject some colour. I really like the water fall area you've created as it has a funky look to it, and contrasts well with the other areas. I'm currently neck deep in my own mapping project at the moment, but I'll play this when I can.
  18. Relinquished

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I'm currently working on my second map for DoomWorld and it is going well so far after 20 hours of work. I've attached an image of the current map view. After taking notes from my first map, this one is inspired by Sunlust map 19 "Blood Geometry" and map 01 "Chasing Suns." I wondered what might happen if you mixed these two maps together. As it turns out, my map is taking on a life of its own, but the inspiration should be noticeable. This is going to be a slaughter style map that will hopefully capture the spirit of Sunlust. I'd like to get this finished by next weekend, but I'll see what happens. I wouldn't normally post in-progress shots, but hopefully it will give me a little extra motivation to get it finished.
  19. These are nothing short of stunning. Thank you very much for sharing your work! I've been on the look out for new sky textures, but I never expected to see something of this quality! I will make sure to credit you if I include some of these in my future projects :).
  20. Relinquished

    Space Inferno (my first wad)

    This is a good first map and I enjoyed playing through it. I like the nukeage sewer details, and some of the fights are interesting (like with the Arch-viles at the end, I didn't expect that!) I managed to find a couple of secrets of my first playthrough, and I especially like the one where you have to climb through the bars, I thought that was well executed. As a few guys above have mentioned the rocket launcher fight with the PE and cacos could use a little tweaking. You could make it so the door into this room stays open, so when the enemies teleport in they will start to flood into the room. This would add an extra dimension to the fight and would prevent them getting stuck behind the door. Still, I enjoyed the level and I'll look forward to your next one. Keep it up!
  21. Relinquished

    Harvest - on /idgames

    I'll give this a go when I get home this evening, the screenshots look interesting. Edit: I've played the first map and I like the layout. It took me a few goes to get past the first section, but after that the rest of the map was relatively straight forward. I did find myself getting snagged on some of the walls (like either side of the first switch, triggering the first trap). This is more of an annoyance than a bug though. Overall I really liked the map! I'll look forward to seeing the next one.
  22. Relinquished

    First post, first map offering to DooMworld.

    Thank you to everyone who has replied so far. Your map making tutorials have been helpful Linguica, and I've still got plenty to finish reading, so I'll make sure to read them all before starting my next project. Thank you for the extensive and informative reply rdwpa! I'm at work sending this, so I can't send an extensive reply, but I'm going to sit down with a notepad this evening and list all the areas for improvement. I do need to work on my lighting in particular. It's an area I've not delved into too extensively, but I will take more time on it in the future. I will send a better reply later when I have the time, but thank you very much for the feedback. PS: Thanks for doing the demo! It's useful to see how you travel through the map, and fun to watch. Relinquished