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Marisa the Magician

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Posts posted by Marisa the Magician

  1. On 3/5/2023 at 11:21 PM, mrthejoshmon said:

    This "what if we make the beta" thing falling flat is a reoccurring trend in every modding scene, Half-Life is also an infamous example (wierdly enough it also has it's own promising standout like Doom Delta).

    Applies to Unreal as well. Those involved in anything related to the recreation of alpha/beta concepts (or stuff like the canned PSX port) happen to be "cursed" as well. If I had a dime for every time the Unreal PSX remake guy had some life-threatening event happen to him, I'd have enough to start my own bakery.


    It seems that with Doomreal I saved myself because I also kept it as just a gameplay mod and decided against tackling all the other parts.

  2. I was going to say the RNG damage with its ludicrous ranges, but there's something that bothers me even more than that: The delay between pressing the fire button and weapons actually firing.


    It's perhaps the most discomforting aspect of vanilla gunplay I know about. Especially after finally KNOWING it's there. Until I went and looked at the code I had no idea why it all felt so wrong.

  3. Detailing needs to be the last priority when making maps, the "cherry on top". It can be good, when done right and not excessively. A busy room will always be harder to navigate than one that's more sparsely decorated, after all.


    It's like adding spices to food. No spices, and the flavor will be flat, too many spices and the flavor will be overwhelming. You need to find that sweet spot.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Redead-ITA said:

    Well trying it so far, and sadly it doesn't seem that vanilla essence can imitate the old render system.

    that's kind of a bummer, but on the brightside this will be fun to play with Hideous destructor!

    Edit: Hideous destructor can't work because it changes a lot of the assets for it's own.

    i hope kinsies compatibility Zscript thingy can help fix things.

    i think the reason being is that mods that changes the character physics are breaking the MikoPortals

    Any mod that alters player behaviour should have safety checks for voodoo dolls, it's not too hard to implement.

  5. I think mods that use (and abuse) just about every scripting feature under the sun can also be something worth looking at. Take Lithium, for example. The work that goes on that mod is honestly astonishing. Recently, it implemented a dynamic weather system, of all things.

  6. The real problem is that people are going around slapping these palette reduction filters on their games without any care for the quality loss, or not even giving it any dithering (come on, dithering is important). At least, if you drew stuff using colors that more closely match the palette, they wouldn't look all grungy and riddled with banding.

  7. I'm one of those weird people who prefer to cycle through weapons using the mouse wheel alone, and number keys very rarely. To me, weapon wheels feel awkward, especially with the whole aspect of how you select weapons by "steering" the cursor towards them. Oftentimes, getting the selection juuuuuust right is a problem (especially when I'm tense), and I end up picking the wrong weapon. With the mouse wheel (and combined with having some way to preview what the "pending" weapon is, such as the number being highlighted in the hud, or a name tag showing up), things are much easier.

  8. Well, I have my fair share of regrets surrounding abort_m and all the attention it's garnered compared to other projects, but if there's something I've made that I would despise, that'd probably be my first and last jokewad: Total Madness.


    Look, I was an impressionable teenager back then, with very questionable influences. Stuff like that happens, but good god, simply thinking back to it fills me with a mixture of embarrassment and self-loathing.
