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    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    Yeah I got rid of it. Now I'm struggling to get it to auto run on the Raspberry Pi. Anybody have suggestions on that one?

    Chocolate Doom wont play custom wads

    I ended up figuring it out. The iwad I was using was shareware, so, doesn't work. ran with DOOM.WAD and everything is running nice now.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    lol youre all good. I realize what I was trying to do was probably confusing as hell because I wasn't even doing the right wads lol

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    Yup. so it was locking me out of everything. Which zdoom would run so I figured that getting zdoom and messing with decorates would be the answer lol.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    OMG YOU WERE RIGHT. I tried putting zdoom, gzdoom and like 90 other types of ports it seemed like to get it to work. All i need to do is make the custom level work. @bonnie youre the man, even though I feel like you trolled me all day. Thank you. Thanks for everybody's help actually!! @CapnClever @Bauul @Glaice

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    LoLOLOLOL @bonnie the map is doom1 for gods sake lol. Im dying over here youre killing me. Ok so if i just feed the doom wad that came with Ultimate Doom to chocolate doom i can run a file? Am I really that lost?
  7. So I've been trying to get my chocolate doom to run a map I map that was really basic just a big square to test if it will work. Chocolate Doom runs fine as long as i execute it as: pi@raspberrypi: ~/Doom $ chocolate-doom -iwad DOOM1.WAD How would i go about playing like a custom made level from doom builder? Any and all help is appreciated!!

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    Chocolate doom doesn't allow for files to be used. It says because it's shareware version it doesn't accept -file Anyway to get this to work? I own a version of Ultimate Doom could I use that instead of Chocolate Doom?

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    @CapnClever I dont necessarily have to add new monsters to vanilla doom but just knowing where the files are to change their starting health, and the players health would be sufficient. So like the starting health of player1 is usually 100 but you could bump it up to like 150 to make him stronger type of thing. Just little modifications to get a feel for how it all works. And within chocolate doom I dont know where the actual value locations are. I was curious it that was something that somebody else would know. I'm not looking to actually change large portions of the source code because there is way to much.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    I tried getting Dehacked and that doesn't work on my machine and is something I really didn't want to mess with to much @bonnie @Bauul Is there anyway to have Doom auto run a custom map from the start or would you have to manually load it each time?

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    If I can make just a map with a simple shape and place things as I wish that would be a good start and with ZDoom I can do it but I don't know how to do it with anything that Vanilla Doom will take and use.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    How should I start that? I have some experience with like how decorate files work but when I try to place them in Doom builder they never appear in things mode so I have no clue how to utilize them.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    Idk what udmf is. I'm new to everything Doom related. I have no idea what I'm doing and modifying source code would be something I have more experience with than using developing tools, because its written in C. Now if ZDoom works on my pi, I'm going to use just decorate files. But as things currently stand all I'm trying to do is learn. If you modify source code it would modify the game which is the whole point. My goal is to modify Doom, doesn't matter if it is by source or by Slade and doombuilder. If I go the route of source then the whole time it would be through written source .c files. If I use Slade and doombuilder it's going to be easier but I dont have experience with them and getting them to all work on a Linux Pi.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    I'm trying to figure out how to modify the chocolate doom source code but I'm struggling to find the values for like player traits. Any idea where those would be located? and how to change them? I am currently putting ZDoom on my pi and see if that works because i would like to run custom maps that ive made from doombuilder. But if anybody knows how to just adapt the source code to form a new map that would honestly be so much easier. I'm good at C coding I just don't know where the .c file is for Player traits or how a map is developed from the source files.

    DOOM 1 WAD problem

    Yeah I have no clue what I'm doing. Thanks for the constructive help though.....