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Everything posted by CorianderCastor

  1. Oh cool, the titlepic loads in EE now. I'm going to try to make an emapinfo lump for this. The tricky part, for me, is going to be getting the text screens right. I beat episode one in GZDoom earlier, great stuff. I need to check out those Quake maps.
  2. CorianderCastor

    PrBoom-Plus, ver.

    I found an issue in prboom-plus- If one binds a weapon slot with two weapons to the mouse wheel and then selects that slot with the wheel, then the game just keeps cycling through the weapons in that slot. Sorry if this is a known issue.
  3. CorianderCastor

    throwing the ball around. a community......experiment

    I should throw my hat into the ring on this. Reminds me of this Keen 3 community pack. But that's also not at all what this is.
  4. In the end, I like how this projected was/is managed. I can understand the distaste of this being a DMP, but Quakes and Dooms after 96, amirite? I think the best part of not allowing advanced engines is that all demos can be played in one engine, is convenient. Doom turns out to be a rather good spectator port. Although that hour and twenty some minute demo was a little of a drag. My favorite so far is that one cl2 map where the player just ran through. I'll play some of these maps (not in prboom+, ha ha!) once I finish viewing these lumps. I found that I almost always prefer the second play through of games after all.
  5. CorianderCastor


    Oh, I only played this before any replies were sent. I just got around to commenting now, sorry. I bet the EE issues still persist. Not that I think the author should make this compatible with non-ZDoom engines. I just wanted to point out my ignorance in regards to texture additions in Doom maps.
  6. CorianderCastor


    I also noticed no music and the red key being inaccessible. I also loaded this in eternity, because of course I did. The textures didn't show up and the lift out of the red key room wouldn't activate. The red key was grab accessible there, but the lines could not be activated. I also found it rather easy, and I tend to play maps on normal (HMP).
  7. Actually, for *ZDoom 0-default 1-never 2-always. So, sv_crouch 1 for all games and sv_jump 1 for Doom and Heretic. Also, the ridiculous option. Separate configs that only have binds for keys you want to use for when playing vanilla levels. I wouldn't recommend this personally, but it's an option.
  8. GZDoom doesn't works this way for backwards compatibility with old maps. None of the games supported crouch, and jumping is Hexen and Strife only. You could use a launcher or batch files to load the original games with the settings you want via -exec of a custom config file with the proper console commands ("sv_jump 1" and "sv_crouch 1"). That's what I can think of. Especially for the games that did support keyboard freelook. (fun fact: it's possible to feed the dos executables of heretic and hexen mouse movement to use mouselook via an external control driver. See the application ravmouse) Does GZDoom have an option to have pitchless flight like vanilla, Chocolate, and Eternity? I did that once, when I was like twelve.
  9. CorianderCastor

    Mappers' first world problems

    The blue key in MAP06: The Crusher comes to mind.
  10. CorianderCastor

    Experimenting with control schemes

    That set-up would probably be fun with Wolf 3-D. I'm always tinkering with my controls and using non-standard input devices. I think Hover Tank 3-D works quite well with a fight stick, for example. I've even tried game pad and mouse, not bad, but keyboard has more buttons. Not to mention that sometimes analog control is not what you want. Ever played Doom with a cheap flight stick? I'm not used to flight sticks, so I personally find that rather difficult. Still fun. I even have a gaming keypad, most useful as a hot key device. So naturally not great for Doom. But with default settings it makes navigating the auto map rather easy, since there's a d-pad for your thumb. I even changed the dpi button on my mouse to the pause key. My common Doom set-up? W: "weapon 1" E: +forward R: "weapon 2" A: "weapon 6" S: +left D: +back F: +right G: "weapon 7" MOUSE1: +attack MOUSE2: +use MOUSE3: "weapon 5" MWHEELUP: "weapon 3" MWHEELDOWN: "weapon 4" In games with Z-translation I prefer to use mouse 4 and 5 for those actions. I still need to figure out how to cope with fps inventory, hmm. Quoted for truth. I have just thought of how to mod my set-up to maybe support SR50. Either mouse thumb buttons or use a and space for turning. Depends on where +strafe is assigned really.
  11. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I do do that. But console configuration allows for quick edits in game. Also I do use menus; more than I should even. I'm using vim on windows here while using approximately zero of it's power. I never said I was efficient. By the way, I play and enjoy most of id's early (pre RPG) oeuvre. Still can't complete their early platformers of Haunted Mansion and Shadow Knights.
  12. CorianderCastor

    Mappers' first world problems

    I get tied up in trying to do things that aren't mapping, and then don't map. Like trying to make mod patches for the Eternity Engine. Or trying to jury-rig custom configs for map editors, inevitably breaking things, and then staring at them for quite a while trying to figure out what's exactly broke. Like wondering why my broken UDMF mess will work in GZDoom and k8VaVoom, but not 3DGE or EE. Note to self: update to latest EDGE. I even managed to crash SLADE3 with a bad config.
  13. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I can't think of any active port that isn't fun to use, or at least historically significant. That being stated: My engine of choice is Eternity. EE keeps the part of Boom I like alive. Maybe it's more accurate to say it's the spirit of MBF and SMMU that I adore. I'm also partial to standardization and am not a runner, I'm a save user. I'm very comfortable with command consoles; I cut my teeth with Quake 3. Having to press enter to use left and right on menu widgets feels awful. Give me my page keys any day. I've no more problems with SDL 1.x mouse issues on my Win 10. Maybe an update fixed it, I honestly don't know.
  14. But, but McGee. Then again, I play Episode 3 of Keen Commander every now and again. I mean, it's only three levels to win. So I can't really see that as unending torment.
  15. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I'm going to try not to be passive aggressive friends.1 See I was thinking about Firestorm Viewer and a lot of the flack it gets. And how added features always lead to some headaches somewhere, the curse of progress as it were. So, we, as a community, have gotten past square v. rectangular pixels and opl v. gus v. native midi? And if we want to annal wouldn't 'vanilla' require no resolution higher than 320x240? 320x240 full screen as default is what should be then, no? Or would that be 320x2002? Not to mention the problems involving hardware and software limitations, but I digress. Ahahahahaahahahahah!!!111!!1oneoneone Okay personal history time to show where I'm coming from. In like 200X I wanted to play more by that company that made my favorite games I played on that 286 I destroyed: Commander Keen. And there was that GBC game, maybe that's why I can almost stomach it, too hard though. I mean that 286 also had Wolf, but I wouldn't like that for a while. I found Doom Legacy on the net, and shareware Doom. Sometime after Doom 3 came out, and I had already played Quake 3 and Doom II on GBA, I got that collection of Doom minus Master Levels that did not have original executables. So I got to experience Doom 95 on a Windows ME. Fun. And that's why I hate squashy-squashy doom. So after playing 'vanillia3' I moved on to Doomsday, with 3D models and all that Quake 2 stuffs. (Techbases and memories of Doomsday, you'd think I'd like Quake 2 more than I do.) There was a brief stint with Risen3D, because the maps by Sitters and Abbs. Then I wanted multiplayer, since my siblings wouldn't play with me. So I found Player Connector where I quickly became a Skulltager. I still was when Zandronum was being born, which I quickly changed to. But then Doom Classic Complete on PS3 happened, and I fell in love again. After playing Batman Doom and the Raven games in Chocolate I noticed the vanilla mapping era, like BTSX and DTWID and DINO. And Thou shall not save, and Skillsaw's Boom maps made me want to try out a Boom descendant, because I was more of a purist then. So I tried both PrBoom and Eternity, and hated both, that I just went to ZDoom anyway, but that annoyed me too. Then Retro came out and I was like, I can play NRFTL chocolate-like, heck yes! Eventually I came around to Eternity, I think Vaporware helped a lot there. So I think if I spent more time with any source port I could love it, maybe even Legacy again. But for now, Eternity works for me for what I tend to play. GZDoom for maps that require it, or with tag 0 lifts. GlBoom+ as a demo player, since most demos are PrBoom+ nowadays. Chocolate when I feel like it. I need more time with Crispy and Delphi, and even 3DGE, SLaVE looks interesting. Oh that's a wall of text with minimal editing, I hope I didn't Willits it. 1. Shoot, not even a sentence in. 2. See above 3. I was a child dang it!
  16. CorianderCastor

    The Doomguy Test

    No, I like it. I used to, but it's not fun. Yes. Yes. Oh god no. Yeah. I kinda did in middle school, although it was more a five level episode to utilize ZDoom features I didn't know how to use. No. Why would I do that? Heh, yes. More like 90%. Oh god yes. Nope. All the bloody time. Not really. No. What's that? Let's just say that I consider fps to be one of my least favorite genres.
  17. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I honesty can't see how anyone could think any menu perfect, and PrBoom+ seems to have it's share of feature creep as well. (I get shadows, but why health bars?) I mean there are always nits to pick if one wishes. Also, could a community ever agree on what the defaults should be without alienation? (Which is for the rich by the way.) The only thing that truly annoys me about the Eternity Engine is that, as far as I know, autorun is not in the menus. All we need is good documentation and a search feature. That's what makes power-user software awesome. But is it really power-user, since most things with that level of customization tends to be more popular in the parts I frequent. Although In high school I mentioned how what I want in games is a feature-full options menu to which I got a response in the vain of that's just the developers being lazy. Also, GZDoom has added so much to the experience in the last year alone, it truly is an amazing engine. I just prefer the way EE feels, how it handles. I really don't know what it is, but I love EE. However, I do not think onetruesourceportism is a good color on anyone, but I can see both sides on various engines here and I think the developers should do what they think best, for better or worse. It's what I'd do, and that's what makes them worth chancing.
  18. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I do use dir, hence PrBoom+ loading French Doom II. The reason I set both is because I have an awkward hierarchy of wad folders. The nice thing is that once I set up Chocolate Doom I can just type: chocolate-doom -iwad doom2.wad {-file, -merge} foo1.wad foo2.wad ... foon.wad -deh bar.deh While with Eternity I tend to use: set doom2=PATHTODOOM2FILES eternity -iwad doom2 -file %doom2%/foo1 %doom2%/foo2 ... %doom2%/foon -deh %doom2%/bar Replacing doom2 with whatever game I'm going to play of course.
  19. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    I forgot to mention, I think giving level designers the freedom to define their own end state is a great boon and mapinfo is the best addition. Sad that it took till Quake for that to be vanilla. Of course due to world map and such, Keen gives more freedom here than Wolf or Doom. I'm excited for the new universal standards in advance engine capabilities. Umapinfo is going to be a game changer, and if we have get a cross-port content definite language, a singular Chex 3 rewrite could work in most advanced engines. And this might not be the place, but this has been bothering me, why do most level editors not have full UDMF support? I'm guessing it's a whole use-case scenario. How many people are going to use the vanilla name spaces? They only are useful for someone who wants more control over thing placement, or needs to surpass the binary format size limits, right? Well, and debugging for engine programmers maybe. I managed to mess with the configs in the pk3 of Slade to produce a Doom name space map, but I couldn't figure out how to make the editor use the boom line specials. So I just entered 11 under special in the linedef property plane, and ran it through GZDoom, EE, 3DGE, and Doomsday. The exit switch didn't work in Doomsday, but otherwise it went well. I couldn't get that far with GZDoomBuilder-Bugfix.
  20. CorianderCastor

    The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfal thread

    Daggerfall is the reason I can't stomach Morrowind. One step forward, five steps back. Some of the best dungeon crawling I've ever had in an RPG. Funtastic class creation kit. A reasonable leveling system. Ridiculous life simulation systems. Not the Imperial Cult faction. Reasonable default speed. At Least Morrowind had true 3D and actual content I guess. Maybe I should just mod out the leveling system, but I didn't have to mod Arena, Daggerfall, or Skyrim to enjoy them. Not even community Patches!
  21. CorianderCastor

    Favorite Source Port? (Multiple Choice Poll)

    My Introduction to Doom was the shareware episode in Legacy of all ports. I am currently defaulting to the following: Wolfenstein 3d: ECWolf Doom: Eternity Engine Heretic/Hexen/Strife/etc.: GZDoom Quake: Mark V Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion Quake II: Yamagi Quake II Quake III: ioquake3 I like native resolution support, autorun, decoupling of turn and strafe (I'm looking at you Wolfenstein), mouselook in games that had look up/down keys, mouse 4/5 for move up/down, scroll wheel for inventory management, and a console is always a nice thing to have. I am also totally okay with hardware renders (gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, now that I know more of what a mipmap is), and I like that border around my screen in all of these 90s shooters. I like being able to do most setup with the menu as documentation and console for quick changes. I am so used to maneuvering Eternity's menu, that PrBoom+'s gives me headaches. Enter to toggle, page up/down don't do what I want (it's left and right), and I have to start at page one every time I close the dang menu, what is this? And why does PrBoom+ default to French Doom II‽ Also, is Chocolate the only port that actually uses %DOOMWADPATH%?
  22. CorianderCastor

    Why do you use the editors that you use?

    I've been mapping with SLADE3 due to the irrational reason that I could actually manufacture a UDMF map in Doom name space with it with a lot less tinkering than GZDoom Builder despite the fact that I'm probably not going to make maps in that name space. Then I actually liked the editor, and since I very much plan on using EMAPINFO in the future that's one less editor I need anyway. Which is weird since I tend to like a variety of specific tools rather than a swiss army knife. But it's really I put more time in learning SLADE3, and that familiarity makes me like it.
  23. CorianderCastor

    Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

    The horizontal auto-aim gets on my nerve sometimes, just need to git gud. On the other hand, I need to be less Good-At-Doom.
  24. CorianderCastor

    NASTY: Not A Sourceport, Thank You (Alpha 4)

    For some reason those automap screenshots surfaced repressed nightmares of using the Kafkaesque Daggerfall map. (Of course I'm joking, overhead view and knowledge of level curves worked wonders there.) This is truly crafted from fine beauty.
  25. CorianderCastor

    First person platforming in the Doom engine

    So, like a hip drop? Cool. Honestly I liked the platforming in The Golden Souls, so I'd probably enjoy this more. Due to the games I was raised on, I like it when the character winds up jumps, like Vorticons Keen, or those cinematic platformers, like Blaze Epic's oeuvre. Then again, SMB in the eighties has a learning curve to it compared with the average contemporary indie plat. Nintendo "fixed" that in the super version.