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About ChrisVR

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    Junior Member

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  1. ChrisVR

    ZokumBSP 1.0.10 finally released!

    Sorry, what is it and what does it do? Can we covert bsp to doom map files?
  2. ChrisVR

    Doom 64 in vr

    I'm not familiar with 64 ex, but someone has already played the 64 in vr. But now that i look at YouTube, all i see is brutal Doom 64 in vr..
  3. ChrisVR

    Quake 1 Stuff Ultra Reloaded - v1.2 Final

    Will it fix the multiplayer player model bug? When you fire any weapon, an axe is being drawn, and I think it's drawn at all players. It looks like everyone is meeling all the time :P
  4. ChrisVR

    Doom 2 in VR with custom mods

    Probably the similar crowd, but I haven't noticed here love-for-oldschool-only as much as on zdoom forum. People here seem to be more open minded about Doom possibilities.
  5. ChrisVR

    Doom 2 in VR with custom mods

    lol, i just got banned from official zdoom forum for being too enthusiastic about vr, in a thread of doom for oculus vr. these people are so delusional, and quickly dismiss vr without even trying it. typical oldschool doom neckbeards? Oculus Quest all-in-one headset with 2 6dof controllers has been announced few days ago, shipping in Spring 2019 for $399. I'm hoping that more developers will look into Doom for mobile once it's out.
  6. ChrisVR

    Last Official Secret of Doom 2?

    Oh man i have no reason to play Doom anymore..
  7. ChrisVR

    Doom 3 PBR textures

    I'm sorry for my language, but this is really fucking cool! Would you be able to apply these textures as replacements for OG Doom 2 textures?
  8. Is there any mod out there that has jetpack applied? I'm looking for a way to simulate 'fly' cheat code as inventory powerup pickup, that could be possibly turned on/off with remain health.
  9. ChrisVR

    having real trouble with height maps

    You should post a screenshot maybe. There is no easy way to get depth in flat walls, but the lighting reflection does work in gzdoom (3.5.1 here).
  10. ChrisVR

    How to display MD3 models in Gzdoom Builder?

    the code was like that - working perfectly in the game Path "models/props" Model 0 "arcade_gamemachine.md3" SurfaceSkin 0 0 "models/props/arcade_d.png" and this is modified version. keep in mind that gzdoom builder (standard) did not spit any error about model/path whatsoever. Only the fixed version provided me with this simple quote above which allowed me to modify my modeldef to.. Path "models/props" Model 0 "arcade_gamemachine.md3" SurfaceSkin 0 0 "arcade_d.png" I'm gonna be honest, this was frustrating as fuck.
  11. ChrisVR

    Simple PBR Demo

    I still have not been able to get it to work on any MD3 model..
  12. ChrisVR

    How to display MD3 models in Gzdoom Builder?

    Error while loading "models\props\arcade_gamemachine.md3": unable to load skin "models\props\models\props\arcade_bscreen.png" Error while loading "models\props\arcade_gamemachine.md3": unable to load skin "models\props\models\props\arcade_d.png" holy fuck... I am 99% sure i read somewhere on the zdoom wiki that it is better to point to a full texture path such as models/props/texture.png.. i have removed that part leaving only the filename, (path is defined before) and now it works omg... i have tried this just now with GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) R3039 (64-bit) http://devbuilds.drdteam.org/gzdbbf/
  13. ChrisVR

    How to display MD3 models in Gzdoom Builder?

    A separate file available here. Works in game, can't see it in the gzdoom builder. I have tried various sprites name, so try to modify my file if you think something is wrong. I have worked with voxels about a month ago and these were displayed for custom objects. On my recently released map "Piracy" I have also experimented with MD3 models and these did display at some point in the editor, although without a visible texture (UNKNOWN 64). It stopped working on it's own without me doing any changes, and the model visibility has always been on. I have also tried using sprites that does not have angle sprites, such as ELECA0, but the problem is still the same.. arcade_gamemachine.zip
  14. ChrisVR

    How to display MD3 models in Gzdoom Builder?

    I have copied an entire log, but heads up, I don't see anything related to anything with model. Mod is work in progress, so sprites reserved for models are unused. I am separating a single model to share it with you guys and to see with myself if my 'prefab' will work independently in gzbuilder... Resource "Dook_v6.zip" contains multiple files with the same filename. See: "Sprites\Others\EN1XA0" Resource "Dook_v6.zip" contains multiple files with the same filename. See: "Sprites\Others\EN3XA0" Resource "Dook_v6.zip" contains multiple files with the same filename. See: "Sprites\Others\EN3XB0" DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DNFMinigun3D.txt", line 45. Unable to find "Chaingun" class to replace, while parsing "Minigun". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeNukem3D.txt", line 141. Unable to find "Doomplayer" class to replace, while parsing "DukePlayer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeNukem3D.txt", line 283. Unable to find "ChickenPlayer" class to replace, while parsing "ShrunkDukePlayer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeNukem3D.txt", line 368. Unable to find "Blood" class to replace, while parsing "DukeBlood". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeNukem3D.txt", line 373. Unable to find "BulletPuff" class to replace, while parsing "DukeBulletPuff". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 17. Unable to find "Clip" class to replace, while parsing "PistolAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 35. Unable to find "Shell" class to replace, while parsing "ShotgunAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 107. Unable to find "ClipBox" class to replace, while parsing "ChaingunAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 126. Unable to find "RocketBox" class to replace, while parsing "RPGAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 167. Unable to find "RocketAmmo" class to replace, while parsing "PipebombAmmoPickup". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 171. Unable to find "ArmorBonus" class to replace, while parsing "PipebombAmmoPickup2". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 175. Unable to find "HealthBonus" class to replace, while parsing "PipebombAmmoPickup3". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 193. Unable to find "Cell" class to replace, while parsing "ShrinkerAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 211. Unable to find "CellPack" class to replace, while parsing "DevastatorAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 247. Unable to find "ShellBox" class to replace, while parsing "FreezerAmmo". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Ammo3D.txt", line 286. Unable to find "Backpack" class to replace, while parsing "Backpack2". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Blood3D.txt", line 203. Unable to find "IceChunk" class to replace, while parsing "NewIceChunk". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 20. Unable to find "Stimpack" class to replace, while parsing "DukeHealthPickup". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 47. Unable to find "Medikit" class to replace, while parsing "DukeBigHealthPickup". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 73. Unable to find "GreenArmor" class to replace, while parsing "First aid kit". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 97. Unable to find "BlueArmor" class to replace, while parsing "DukeArmor". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 119. Unable to find "Soulsphere" class to replace, while parsing "AtomicHealthOG". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 156. Unable to find "Infrared" class to replace, while parsing "Night vision glasses". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 194. Unable to find "RadSuit" class to replace, while parsing "Protective Boots". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 233. Unable to find "MegaSphere" class to replace, while parsing "Steroids". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 277. Unable to find "BlurSphere" class to replace, while parsing "Hologram of Duke". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 391. Unable to find "InvulnerabilitySphere" class to replace, while parsing "Icon of Invulnerability". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pickup3D.txt", line 428. Unable to find "Allmap" class to replace, while parsing "Map Scanner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 27. Unable to find "ExplosiveBarrel" class to replace, while parsing "DukeExplosiveBarrel". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 230. Unable to find "TeleportFog" class to replace, while parsing "DukeTeleportFog". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 241. Unable to find "DeadMarine" class to replace, while parsing "DeadDukeNukem". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 252. Unable to find "DeadZombieMan" class to replace, while parsing "DeadAlien_Green". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 263. Unable to find "DeadShotgunGuy" class to replace, while parsing "DeadPigCop". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 275. Unable to find "DeadDoomImp" class to replace, while parsing "DeadAlien_Red". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 287. Unable to find "DeadDemon" class to replace, while parsing "DeadAlien_Blue". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 298. Unable to find "DeadCacodemon" class to replace, while parsing "DeadOctoBrain". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 309. Unable to find "DeadLostSoul" class to replace, while parsing "DeadSlimer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 320. Unable to find "GibbedMarine" class to replace, while parsing "GibbedDukeNukem". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 347. Unable to find "GibbedMarineExtra" class to replace, while parsing "GibbedDukeNukemExtra". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 374. Unable to find "ColonGibs" class to replace, while parsing "DukeColonGibs". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 401. Unable to find "SmallBloodPool" class to replace, while parsing "DukeSmallBloodPool". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 429. Unable to find "BrainStem" class to replace, while parsing "DukeBrainStem". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Others3D.txt", line 444. Unable to find "ItemFog" class to replace, while parsing "DukeRespawnFog". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\CrackKnuckles3D.txt", line 50. Unable to find "Beak" class to replace, while parsing "NothingWeapon". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pistol.txt", line 76. Unable to find "Pistol" class to replace, while parsing "Pistol ". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Pistol.txt", line 186. Unable to find "SuperShotgun" class to replace, while parsing "Dual Pistol". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Shotgun3D.txt", line 77. Unable to find "Shotgun" class to replace, while parsing "Shotgun ". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Chaingun3D.txt", line 98. Unable to find "Chaingun" class to replace, while parsing "Chaingun Cannon". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\RPG3D.txt", line 85. Unable to find "Rocketlauncher" class to replace, while parsing "RPG". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Shrinker3D.txt", line 94. Unable to find "PlasmaRifle" class to replace, while parsing "Shrinker". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Devastator3D.txt", line 117. Unable to find "BFG9000" class to replace, while parsing "Devastator Weapon". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Freezethrower3D.txt", line 77. Unable to find "Chainsaw" class to replace, while parsing "Freezethrower". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\AlienGreen3D.txt", line 181. Unable to find "Zombieman" class to replace, while parsing "Alien_Green". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\AlienGreen3D.txt", line 440. Unable to find "DoomImp" class to replace, while parsing "Alien_Red". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\AlienGreen3D.txt", line 746. Unable to find "Demon" class to replace, while parsing "Alien_Blue". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\PigCop3D.txt", line 151. Unable to find "ShotgunGuy" class to replace, while parsing "PigCop". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Lizard3D.txt", line 152. Unable to find "ChaingunGuy" class to replace, while parsing "LizardGunner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeAlien3D.txt", line 136. Unable to find "Revenant" class to replace, while parsing "DukeAlien". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\DukeAlien3D.txt", line 433. Unable to find "HellKnight" class to replace, while parsing "NetherWorldQueen". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Octobrain3D.txt", line 137. Unable to find "Cacodemon" class to replace, while parsing "Octobrain". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Octobrain3D.txt", line 250. Unable to find "PainElemental" class to replace, while parsing "Psychobrain". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\PigTank3D.txt", line 193. Unable to find "Fatso" class to replace, while parsing "PigTank". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\PigFlyer3D.txt", line 125. Unable to find "Arachnotron" class to replace, while parsing "PigFlyer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Commander3D.txt", line 159. Unable to find "BaronOfHell" class to replace, while parsing "AlienCommander". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Slimer3D.txt", line 56. Unable to find "LostSoul" class to replace, while parsing "SlimerEgg". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\SentryDrone3D.txt", line 67. Unable to find "Spectre" class to replace, while parsing "DukeSentryDrone". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\BattleLord3D.txt", line 133. Unable to find "SpiderMastermind" class to replace, while parsing "BattleLord". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\OverLord3D.txt", line 75. Unable to find "Cyberdemon" class to replace, while parsing "Overlord". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Cycloid3D.txt", line 160. Unable to find "Cyberdemon" class to replace, while parsing "CycloidEmperor". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\AlienQueen3D.txt", line 124. Unable to find "SpiderMastermind" class to replace, while parsing "DukeAlienQueen". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 4. Unable to find "Berserk" class to replace, while parsing "BerserkSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 10. Unable to find "ShellBox" class to replace, while parsing "ShellBoxSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 16. Unable to find "Chainsaw" class to replace, while parsing "ChainsawSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 22. Unable to find "Cell" class to replace, while parsing "CellSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 28. Unable to find "PlasmaRifle" class to replace, while parsing "PlasmaRifleSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 34. Unable to find "SpiderMastermind" class to replace, while parsing "SpiderMastermindSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 40. Unable to find "CyberDemon" class to replace, while parsing "CyberDemonSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Spawn3D.txt", line 49. Unable to find "WolfensteinSS" class to replace, while parsing "WolfensteinSSSpawner". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\RobotAlien3D.txt", line 160. Unable to find "ArchVile" class to replace, while parsing "RobotAlien". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\Turrent3D.txt", line 84. Unable to find "CommanderKeen" class to replace, while parsing "OrganicTurret". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 16. Unable to find "Soulsphere" class to replace, while parsing "AtomicHealthOGReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 31. Unable to find "HeadCandles" class to replace, while parsing "HeadCandlesReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 39. Unable to find "Box" class to replace, while parsing "BoxReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 47. Unable to find "Fountain" class to replace, while parsing "FountainReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 54. Unable to find "HeadsOnAStick" class to replace, while parsing "HeadsOnAStickReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 61. Unable to find "HeadOnAStick" class to replace, while parsing "HeadOnAStickReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 67. Unable to find "FloatingSkull" class to replace, while parsing "FloatingSkullReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 73. Unable to find "Stalagmite" class to replace, while parsing "StalagmiteReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 80. Unable to find "BigTree" class to replace, while parsing "BigTreeReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 96. Unable to find "EvilEye" class to replace, while parsing "EvilEyeReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 102. Unable to find "ShortGreenColumn" class to replace, while parsing "ShortGreenColumnReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 140. Unable to find "DeadStick" class to replace, while parsing "DeadStickReplacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 147. Unable to find "Meat5" class to replace, while parsing "Meat5Replacer". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 168. Unable to find "RandomSpawner" class to inherit from, while parsing "ShotgunAmmoReplacer:2008". DECORATE warning in "Dook_v6.zip\Actors\randomizer.decorate", line 180. Unable to find "RandomSpawner" class to inherit from, while parsing "EnforcerReplacer:65". SNDINFO warning: sound "alienM/active6" is not defined. SNDINFO warning: sound "alienM/active7" is not defined. Missing patch lump "MODPATCH" while loading texture "MOD1Q0" Missing patch lump "MODPATCH" while loading texture "MOD1A0" Missing patch lump "MODPATCH" while loading texture "MOD9A0" Missing patch lump "0337" while loading texture "0337" Missing patch lump "0338" while loading texture "0338" Missing patch lump "0000_N" while loading texture "0000_N" Missing patch lump "0070_N" while loading texture "0070_N" Missing patch lump "0120_N" while loading texture "0120_N" Missing patch lump "0121_N" while loading texture "0121_N" Missing patch lump "0124_N" while loading texture "0124_N" Missing patch lump "0125_N" while loading texture "0125_N" Missing patch lump "0150_N" while loading texture "0150_N" Missing patch lump "0151_N" while loading texture "0151_N" Missing patch lump "0152_N" while loading texture "0152_N" Missing patch lump "0153_N" while loading texture "0153_N" Missing patch lump "0154_N" while loading texture "0154_N" Missing patch lump "0155_N" while loading texture "0155_N" 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"0206_N" Missing patch lump "0207_N" while loading texture "0207_N" Missing patch lump "0208_N" while loading texture "0208_N" Missing patch lump "0209_N" while loading texture "0209_N" Missing patch lump "0211_N" while loading texture "0211_N" Missing patch lump "0212_N" while loading texture "0212_N" Missing patch lump "0213_N" while loading texture "0213_N" Missing patch lump "0214_N" while loading texture "0214_N" Missing patch lump "0215_N" while loading texture "0215_N" Missing patch lump "0216_N" while loading texture "0216_N" Missing patch lump "0217_N" while loading texture "0217_N" Missing patch lump "0218_N" while loading texture "0218_N" Missing patch lump "0222_N" while loading texture "0222_N" Missing patch lump "0224_N" while loading texture "0224_N" Missing patch lump "0227_N" while loading texture "0227_N" Missing patch lump "0228_N" while loading texture "0228_N" Missing patch lump "0233_N" while loading texture "0233_N" Missing patch lump "0234_N" while loading 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loading texture "0259_N" Missing patch lump "0276_N" while loading texture "0276_N" Missing patch lump "0280_N" while loading texture "0280_N" Missing patch lump "0281_N" while loading texture "0281_N" Missing patch lump "0294_N" while loading texture "0294_N" Missing patch lump "0297_N" while loading texture "0297_N" Missing patch lump "0300_N" while loading texture "0300_N" Missing patch lump "0303_N" while loading texture "0303_N" Missing patch lump "0310_N" while loading texture "0310_N" Missing patch lump "0312_N" while loading texture "0312_N" Missing patch lump "0313_N" while loading texture "0313_N" Missing patch lump "0314_N" while loading texture "0314_N" Missing patch lump "0317_N" while loading texture "0317_N" Missing patch lump "0318_N" while loading texture "0318_N" Missing patch lump "0322_N" while loading texture "0322_N" Missing patch lump "0323_N" while loading texture "0323_N" Missing patch lump "0328_N" while loading texture "0328_N" Missing patch lump "0329_N" while loading texture "0329_N" Missing patch lump "0330_N" while loading texture "0330_N" Missing patch lump "0333_N" while loading texture "0333_N" Missing patch lump "0334_N" while loading texture "0334_N" Missing patch lump "0335_N" while loading texture "0335_N" Missing patch lump "DNWA1_N" while loading texture "DNWA1_N" Missing patch lump "DNWA2_N" while loading texture "DNWA2_N" Missing patch lump "DNWA3_N" while loading texture "DNWA3_N" Missing patch lump "0341_N" while loading texture "0341_N" Missing patch lump "0342_N" while loading texture "0342_N" Missing patch lump "0343_N" while loading texture "0343_N" Missing patch lump "0344_N" while loading texture "0344_N" Missing patch lump "0345_N" while loading texture "0345_N" Missing patch lump "0346_N" while loading texture "0346_N" Missing patch lump "0347_N" while loading texture "0347_N" Missing patch lump "0348_N" while loading texture "0348_N" Missing patch lump "0349_N" while loading texture "0349_N" Missing patch lump "0353_N" while loading texture "0353_N" Missing patch lump "0354_N" while loading texture "0354_N" Missing patch lump "0362_N" while loading texture "0362_N" Missing patch lump "0367_N" while loading texture "0367_N" Missing patch lump "0368_N" while loading texture "0368_N" Missing patch lump "0369_N" while loading texture "0369_N" Missing patch lump "0371_N" while loading texture "0371_N" Missing patch lump "0372_N" while loading texture "0372_N" Missing patch lump "0373_N" while loading texture "0373_N" Missing patch lump "0374_N" while loading texture "0374_N" Missing patch lump "0375_N" while loading texture "0375_N" Missing patch lump "0376_N" while loading texture "0376_N" Missing patch lump "0378_N" while loading texture "0378_N" Missing patch lump "0380_N" while loading texture "0380_N" Missing patch lump "0381_N" while loading texture "0381_N" Missing patch lump "0389_N" while loading texture "0389_N" Missing patch lump "0390_N" while loading texture "0390_N" Missing patch lump "0392_N" while loading texture "0392_N" Missing patch lump "0395_N" while loading texture "0395_N" Missing patch lump "0396_N" while loading texture "0396_N" Missing patch lump "0398_N" while loading texture "0398_N" Missing patch lump "0402_N" while loading texture "0402_N" Missing patch lump "0403_N" while loading texture "0403_N" Missing patch lump "0405_N" while loading texture "0405_N" Missing patch lump "0406_N" while loading texture "0406_N" Missing patch lump "0412_N" while loading texture "0412_N" Missing patch lump "0413_N" while loading texture "0413_N" Missing patch lump "0414_N" while loading texture "0414_N" Missing patch lump "0417_N" while loading texture "0417_N" Missing patch lump "0437_N" while loading texture "0437_N" Missing patch lump "0441_N" while loading texture "0441_N" Missing patch lump "0442_N" while loading texture "0442_N" Missing patch lump "0446_N" while loading texture "0446_N" Missing patch lump "0447_N" while loading texture "0447_N" Missing patch lump "0448_N" while loading texture "0448_N" Missing patch lump "0449_N" while loading texture "0449_N" Missing patch lump "0450_N" while loading texture "0450_N" Missing patch lump "0451_N" while loading texture "0451_N" Missing patch lump "0453_N" while loading texture "0453_N" Missing patch lump "0454_N" while loading texture "0454_N" Missing patch lump "0455_N" while loading texture "0455_N" Missing patch lump "0457_N" while loading texture "0457_N" Missing patch lump "0458_N" while loading texture "0458_N" Missing patch lump "0460_N" while loading texture "0460_N" Missing patch lump "0462_N" while loading texture "0462_N" Missing patch lump "0472_N" while loading texture "0472_N" Missing patch lump "0474_N" while loading texture "0474_N" Missing patch lump "0477_N" while loading texture "0477_N" Missing patch lump "0478_N" while loading texture "0478_N" Missing patch lump "0502_N" while loading texture "0502_N" Missing patch lump "0545_N" while loading texture "0545_N" Missing patch lump "0575_N" while loading texture "0575_N" Missing patch lump "0576_N" while loading texture "0576_N" Missing patch lump "0609_N" while loading texture "0609_N" Missing patch lump "0705_N" while loading texture "0705_N" Missing patch lump "0706_N" while loading texture "0706_N" Missing patch lump "0707_N" while loading texture "0707_N" Missing patch lump "0708_N" while loading texture "0708_N" Missing patch lump "0717_N" while loading texture "0717_N" Missing patch lump "0718_N" while loading texture "0718_N" Missing patch lump "0719_N" while loading texture "0719_N" Missing patch lump "0723_N" while loading texture "0723_N" Missing patch lump "0724_N" while loading texture "0724_N" Missing patch lump "0735_N" while loading texture "0735_N" Missing patch lump "0740_N" while loading texture "0740_N" Missing patch lump "0742_N" while loading texture "0742_N" Missing patch lump "0743_N" while loading texture "0743_N" Missing patch lump "0746_N" while loading texture "0746_N" Missing patch lump "0749_N" while loading texture "0749_N" Missing patch lump "0750_N" while loading texture "0750_N" Missing patch lump "0751_N" while loading texture "0751_N" Missing patch lump "0752_N" while loading texture "0752_N" Missing patch lump "0755_N" while loading texture "0755_N" Missing patch lump "0756_N" while loading texture "0756_N" Missing patch lump "0757_N" while loading texture "0757_N" Missing patch lump "0764_N" while loading texture "0764_N" Missing patch lump "0770_N" while loading texture "0770_N" Missing patch lump "0771_N" while loading texture "0771_N" Missing patch lump "0772_N" while loading texture "0772_N" Missing patch lump "0780_N" while loading texture "0780_N" Missing patch lump "0781_N" while loading texture "0781_N" Missing patch lump "0782_N" while loading texture "0782_N" Missing patch lump "0783_N" while loading texture "0783_N" Missing patch lump "0786_N" while loading texture "0786_N" Missing patch lump "0787_N" while loading texture "0787_N" Missing patch lump "0788_N" while loading texture "0788_N" Missing patch lump "0791_N" while loading texture "0791_N" Missing patch lump "0793_N" while loading texture "0793_N" Missing patch lump "0795_N" while loading texture "0795_N" Missing patch lump "0796_N" while loading texture "0796_N" Missing patch lump "0797_N" while loading texture "0797_N" Missing patch lump "0800_N" while loading texture "0800_N" Missing patch lump "0801_N" while loading texture "0801_N" Missing patch lump "0802_N" while loading texture "0802_N" Missing patch lump "0803_N" while loading texture "0803_N" Missing patch lump "0805_N" while loading texture "0805_N" Missing patch lump "0812_N" while loading texture "0812_N" Missing patch lump "0814_N" while loading texture "0814_N" Missing patch lump "0815_N" while loading texture "0815_N" Missing patch lump "0819_N" while loading texture "0819_N" Missing patch lump "0821_N" while loading texture "0821_N" Missing patch lump "0823_N" while loading texture "0823_N" Missing patch lump "0827_N" while loading texture "0827_N" Missing patch lump "0828_N" while loading texture "0828_N" Missing patch lump "0843_N" while loading texture "0843_N" Missing patch lump "0852_N" while loading texture "0852_N" Missing patch lump "0857_N" while loading texture "0857_N" Missing patch lump "0858_N" while loading texture "0858_N" Missing patch lump "0876_N" while loading texture "0876_N" Missing patch lump "0877_N" while loading texture "0877_N" Missing patch lump "0879_N" while loading texture "0879_N" Missing patch lump "0880_N" while loading texture "0880_N" Missing patch lump "0884_N" while loading texture "0884_N" Missing patch lump "0885_N" while loading texture "0885_N" Missing patch lump "0893_N" while loading texture "0893_N" Missing patch lump "0898_N" while loading texture "0898_N" Missing patch lump "0913_N" while loading texture "0913_N" Missing patch lump "0915_N" while loading texture "0915_N" Missing patch lump "1024_N" while loading texture "1024_N" Missing patch lump "1082_N" while loading texture "1082_N" Missing patch lump "1083_N" while loading texture "1083_N" Missing patch lump "1084_N" while loading texture "1084_N" Missing patch lump "1085_N" while loading texture "1085_N" Missing patch lump "1086_N" while loading texture "1086_N" Missing patch lump "1087_N" while loading texture "1087_N" Missing patch lump "1097_N" while loading texture "1097_N" Missing patch lump "1100_N" while loading texture "1100_N" Missing patch lump "1101_N" while loading texture "1101_N" Missing patch lump "1102_N" while loading texture "1102_N" Missing patch lump "1103_N" while loading texture "1103_N" Missing patch lump "1104_N" while loading texture "1104_N" Missing patch lump "1105_N" while loading texture "1105_N" Missing patch lump "1109_N" while loading texture "1109_N" Missing patch lump "1116_N" while loading texture "1116_N" Missing patch lump "1124_N" while loading texture "1124_N" Missing patch lump "1129_N" while loading texture "1129_N" Missing patch lump "1132_N" while loading texture "1132_N" Missing patch lump "1133_N" while loading texture "1133_N" Missing patch lump "1134_N" while loading texture "1134_N" Missing patch lump "1135_N" while loading texture "1135_N" Missing patch lump "1137_N" while loading texture "1137_N" Missing patch lump "1138_N" while loading texture "1138_N" Missing patch lump "1139_N" while loading texture "1139_N" Missing patch lump "1140_N" while loading texture "1140_N" Missing patch lump "1141_N" while loading texture "1141_N" Missing patch lump "1151_N" while loading texture "1151_N" Missing patch lump "1169_N" while loading texture "1169_N" Missing patch lump "1170_N" while loading texture "1170_N" Missing patch lump "1173_N" while loading texture "1173_N" Missing patch lump "1174_N" while loading texture "1174_N" Missing patch lump "1175_N" while loading texture "1175_N" Missing patch lump "1178_N" while loading texture "1178_N" Missing patch lump "1179_N" while loading texture "1179_N" Missing patch lump "1185_N" while loading texture "1185_N" Missing patch lump "1186_N" while loading texture "1186_N" Missing patch lump "1188_N" while loading texture "1188_N" Missing patch lump "1189_N" while loading texture "1189_N" Missing patch lump "1191_N" while loading texture "1191_N" Missing patch lump "1204_N" while loading texture "1204_N" Missing patch lump "1205_N" while loading texture "1205_N" Missing patch lump "1215_N" while loading texture "1215_N" Missing patch lump "2920_N" while loading texture "2920_N" Missing patch lump "3381_N" while loading texture "3381_N" Missing patch lump "3386_N" while loading texture "3386_N" Missing patch lump "3394_N" while loading texture "3394_N" Missing patch lump "3395_N" while loading texture "3395_N" Missing patch lump "3396_N" while loading texture "3396_N" Missing patch lump "3397_N" while loading texture "3397_N" Missing patch lump "3401_N" while loading texture "3401_N" Missing patch lump "3407_N" while loading texture "3407_N" Missing patch lump "4097_N" while loading texture "4097_N" Missing patch lump "4103_N" while loading texture "4103_N" Missing patch lump "4104_N" while loading texture "4104_N" Missing patch lump "4112_N" while loading texture "4112_N" Missing patch lump "4117_N" while loading texture "4117_N" Missing patch lump "4130_N" while loading texture "4130_N" Missing patch lump "4154_N" while loading texture "4154_N" Missing patch lump "4155_N" while loading texture "4155_N" Missing patch lump "4156_N" while loading texture "4156_N" Missing patch lump "4181_N" while loading texture "4181_N" Missing patch lump "4199_N" while loading texture "4199_N" Missing patch lump "4201_N" while loading texture "4201_N" Missing patch lump "4202_N" while loading texture "4202_N" Missing patch lump "4203_N" while loading texture "4203_N" Missing patch lump "4210_N" while loading texture "4210_N" Missing patch lump "4221_N" while loading texture "4221_N" Missing patch lump "4222_N" while loading texture "4222_N" Missing patch lump "4223_N" while loading texture "4223_N" Missing patch lump "4228_N" while loading texture "4228_N" Missing patch lump "4240_N" while loading texture "4240_N" Missing patch lump "4241_N" while loading texture "4241_N" Missing patch lump "4242_N" while loading texture "4242_N" Missing patch lump "4243_N" while loading texture "4243_N" Missing patch lump "4244_N" while loading texture "4244_N" Missing patch lump "4245_N" while loading texture "4245_N" Missing patch lump "4264_N" while loading texture "4264_N" Missing patch lump "4265_N" while loading texture "4265_N" Missing patch lump "4266_N" while loading texture "4266_N" Missing patch lump "4274_N" while loading texture "4274_N" Missing patch lump "4275_N" while loading texture "4275_N" Missing patch lump "4282_N" while loading texture "4282_N" Missing patch lump "4283_N" while loading texture "4283_N" Missing patch lump "4285_N" while loading texture "4285_N" Missing patch lump "4286_N" while loading texture "4286_N" Missing patch lump "4287_N" while loading texture "4287_N" Missing patch lump "4288_N" while loading texture "4288_N" Missing patch lump "4300_N" while loading texture "4300_N" Missing patch lump "4301_N" while loading texture "4301_N" Missing patch lump "4302_N" while loading texture "4302_N" Missing patch lump "4304_N" while loading texture "4304_N" Missing patch lump "4308_N" while loading texture "4308_N" Missing patch lump "4349_N" while loading texture "4349_N" Missing patch lump "5091_N" while loading texture "5091_N" Missing patch lump "5092_N" while loading texture "5092_N" Missing patch lump "5099_N" while loading texture "5099_N" Missing patch lump "5100_N" while loading texture "5100_N" Missing patch lump "5101_N" while loading texture "5101_N" Missing patch lump "5105_N" while loading texture "5105_N" Missing patch lump "5107_N" while loading texture "5107_N" Missing patch lump "5110_N" while loading texture "5110_N" Missing patch lump "5113_N" while loading texture "5113_N" Missing patch lump "5116_N" while loading texture "5116_N" Missing patch lump "5117_N" while loading texture "5117_N" Missing patch lump "5119_N" while loading texture "5119_N" Missing patch lump "0000_S" while loading texture "0000_s" Missing patch lump "0070_S" while loading texture "0070_s" Missing patch lump "0120_S" while loading texture "0120_s" Missing patch lump "0121_S" while loading texture "0121_s" Missing patch lump "0150_S" while loading texture "0150_s" Missing patch lump "0152_S" while loading texture "0152_s" Missing patch lump "0153_S" while loading texture "0153_s" Missing patch lump "0154_S" while loading texture "0154_s" Missing patch lump "0155_S" while loading texture "0155_s" Missing patch lump "0156_S" while loading texture "0156_s" Missing patch lump "0157_S" while loading texture "0157_s" Missing patch lump "0158_S" while loading texture "0158_s" Missing patch lump "0159_S" while loading texture "0159_s" Missing patch lump "0181_S" while loading texture "0181_s" Missing patch lump "0182_S" while loading texture "0182_s" Missing patch lump "0183_S" while loading texture "0183_s" Missing patch lump "0186_S" while loading texture "0186_s" Missing patch lump "0195_S" while loading texture "0195_s" Missing patch lump "0196_S" while loading texture "0196_s" Missing patch lump "0197_S" while loading texture "0197_s" Missing patch lump "0206_S" while loading texture "0206_s" Missing patch lump "0207_S" while loading texture "0207_s" Missing patch lump "0208_S" while loading texture "0208_s" Missing patch lump "0209_S" while loading texture "0209_s" Missing patch lump "0211_S" while loading texture "0211_s" Missing patch lump "0212_S" while loading texture "0212_s" Missing patch lump "0213_S" while loading texture "0213_s" Missing patch lump "0214_S" while loading texture "0214_s" Missing patch lump "0215_S" while loading texture "0215_s" Missing patch lump "0216_S" while loading texture "0216_s" Missing patch lump "0217_S" while loading texture "0217_s" Missing patch lump "0218_S" while loading texture "0218_s" Missing patch lump "0224_S" while loading texture "0224_s" Missing patch lump "0227_S" while loading texture "0227_s" Missing patch lump "0233_S" while loading texture "0233_s" Missing patch lump "0234_S" while loading texture "0234_s" Missing patch lump "0235_S" while loading texture "0235_s" Missing patch lump "0236_S" while loading texture "0236_s" Missing patch lump "0237_S" while loading texture "0237_s" Missing patch lump "0242_S" while loading texture "0242_s" Missing patch lump "0243_S" while loading texture "0243_s" Missing patch lump "0246_S" while loading texture "0246_s" Missing patch lump "0249_S" while loading texture "0249_s" Missing patch lump "0250_S" while loading texture "0250_s" Missing patch lump "0251_S" while loading texture "0251_s" Missing patch lump "0252_S" while loading texture "0252_s" Missing patch lump "0253_S" while loading texture "0253_s" Missing patch lump "0258_S" while loading texture "0258_s" Missing patch lump "0259_S" while loading texture "0259_s" Missing patch lump "0276_S" while loading texture "0276_s" Missing patch lump "0280_S" while loading texture "0280_s" Missing patch lump "0281_S" while loading texture "0281_s" Missing patch lump "0294_S" while loading texture "0294_s" Missing patch lump "0297_S" while loading texture "0297_s" Missing patch lump "0300_S" while loading texture "0300_s" Missing patch lump "0302_S" while loading texture "0302_s" Missing patch lump "0303_S" while loading texture "0303_s" Missing patch lump "0310_S" while loading texture "0310_s" Missing patch lump "0313_S" while loading texture "0313_s" Missing patch lump "0314_S" while loading texture "0314_s" Missing patch lump "0317_S" while loading texture "0317_s" Missing patch lump "0318_S" while loading texture "0318_s" Missing patch lump "0322_S" while loading texture "0322_s" Missing patch lump "0323_S" while loading texture "0323_s" Missing patch lump "0328_S" while loading texture "0328_s" Missing patch lump "0329_S" while loading texture "0329_s" Missing patch lump "0330_S" while loading texture "0330_s" Missing patch lump "0333_S" while loading texture "0333_s" Missing patch lump "0334_S" while loading texture "0334_s" Missing patch lump "0335_S" while loading texture "0335_s" Missing patch lump "0342_S" while loading texture "0342_s" Missing patch lump "0343_S" while loading texture "0343_s" Missing patch lump "0344_S" while loading texture "0344_s" Missing patch lump "0345_S" while loading texture "0345_s" Missing patch lump "0346_S" while loading texture "0346_s" Missing patch lump "0347_S" while loading texture "0347_s" Missing patch lump "0348_S" while loading texture "0348_s" Missing patch lump "0349_S" while loading texture "0349_s" Missing patch lump "0353_S" while loading texture "0353_s" Missing patch lump "0354_S" while loading texture "0354_s" Missing patch lump "0362_S" while loading texture "0362_s" Missing patch lump "0367_S" while loading texture "0367_s" Missing patch lump "0368_S" while loading texture "0368_s" Missing patch lump "0369_S" while loading texture "0369_s" Missing patch lump "0371_S" while loading texture "0371_s" Missing patch lump "0372_S" while loading texture "0372_s" Missing patch lump "0373_S" while loading texture "0373_s" Missing patch lump "0374_S" while loading texture "0374_s" Missing patch lump "0375_S" while loading texture "0375_s" Missing patch lump "0376_S" while loading texture "0376_s" Missing patch lump "0378_S" while loading texture "0378_s" Missing patch lump "0380_S" while loading texture "0380_s" Missing patch lump "0381_S" while loading texture "0381_s" Missing patch lump "0389_S" while loading texture "0389_s" Missing patch lump "0390_S" while loading texture "0390_s" Missing patch lump "0392_S" while loading texture "0392_s" Missing patch lump "0395_S" while loading texture "0395_s" Missing patch lump "0396_S" while loading texture "0396_s" Missing patch lump "0398_S" while loading texture "0398_s" Missing patch lump "0402_S" while loading texture "0402_s" Missing patch lump "0403_S" while loading texture "0403_s" Missing patch lump "0405_S" while loading texture "0405_s" Missing patch lump "0406_S" while loading texture "0406_s" Missing patch lump "0412_S" while loading texture "0412_s" Missing patch lump "0413_S" while loading texture "0413_s" Missing patch lump "0414_S" while loading texture "0414_s" Missing patch lump "0417_S" while loading texture "0417_s" Missing patch lump "0441_S" while loading texture "0441_s" Missing patch lump "0442_S" while loading texture "0442_s" Missing patch lump "0446_S" while loading texture "0446_s" Missing patch lump "0447_S" while loading texture "0447_s" Missing patch lump "0448_S" while loading texture "0448_s" Missing patch lump "0449_S" while loading texture "0449_s" Missing patch lump "0450_S" while loading texture "0450_s" Missing patch lump "0451_S" while loading texture "0451_s" Missing patch lump "0453_S" while loading texture "0453_s" Missing patch lump "0454_S" while loading texture "0454_s" Missing patch lump "0455_S" while loading texture "0455_s" Missing patch lump "0457_S" while loading texture "0457_s" Missing patch lump "0458_S" while loading texture "0458_s" Missing patch lump "0460_S" while loading texture "0460_s" Missing patch lump "0462_S" while loading texture "0462_s" Missing patch lump "0463_S" while loading texture "0463_s" Missing patch lump "0472_S" while loading texture "0472_s" Missing patch lump "0477_S" while loading texture "0477_s" Missing patch lump "0502_S" while loading texture "0502_s" Missing patch lump "0609_S" while loading texture "0609_s" Missing patch lump "0705_S" while loading texture "0705_s" Missing patch lump "0706_S" while loading texture "0706_s" Missing patch lump "0707_S" while loading texture "0707_s" Missing patch lump "0708_S" while loading texture "0708_s" Missing patch lump "0717_S" while loading texture "0717_s" Missing patch lump "0718_S" while loading texture "0718_s" Missing patch lump "0719_S" while loading texture "0719_s" Missing patch lump "0723_S" while loading texture "0723_s" Missing patch lump "0724_S" while loading texture "0724_s" Missing patch lump "0734_S" while loading texture "0734_s" Missing patch lump "0735_S" while loading texture "0735_s" Missing patch lump "0742_S" while loading texture "0742_s" Missing patch lump "0743_S" while loading texture "0743_s" Missing patch lump "0746_S" while loading texture "0746_s" Missing patch lump "0749_S" while loading texture "0749_s" Missing patch lump "0750_S" while loading texture "0750_s" Missing patch lump "0751_S" while loading texture "0751_s" Missing patch lump "0752_S" while loading texture "0752_s" Missing patch lump "0755_S" while loading texture "0755_s" Missing patch lump "0756_S" while loading texture "0756_s" Missing patch lump "0757_S" while loading texture "0757_s" Missing patch lump "0764_S" while loading texture "0764_s" Missing patch lump "0770_S" while loading texture "0770_s" Missing patch lump "0771_S" while loading texture "0771_s" Missing patch lump "0780_S" while loading texture "0780_s" Missing patch lump "0783_S" while loading texture "0783_s" Missing patch lump "0786_S" while loading texture "0786_s" Missing patch lump "0787_S" while loading texture "0787_s" Missing patch lump "0788_S" while loading texture "0788_s" Missing patch lump "0791_S" while loading texture "0791_s" Missing patch lump "0793_S" while loading texture "0793_s" Missing patch lump "0795_S" while loading texture "0795_s" Missing patch lump "0796_S" while loading texture "0796_s" Missing patch lump "0797_S" while loading texture "0797_s" Missing patch lump "0800_S" while loading texture "0800_s" Missing patch lump "0802_S" while loading texture "0802_s" Missing patch lump "0815_S" while loading texture "0815_s" Missing patch lump "0819_S" while loading texture "0819_s" Missing patch lump "0821_S" while loading texture "0821_s" Missing patch lump "0823_S" while loading texture "0823_s" Missing patch lump "0843_S" while loading texture "0843_s" Missing patch lump "0852_S" while loading texture "0852_s" Missing patch lump "0857_S" while loading texture "0857_s" Missing patch lump "0858_S" while loading texture "0858_s" Missing patch lump "0876_S" while loading texture "0876_s" Missing patch lump "0877_S" while loading texture "0877_s" Missing patch lump "0879_S" while loading texture "0879_s" Missing patch lump "0880_S" while loading texture "0880_s" Missing patch lump "0885_S" while loading texture "0885_s" Missing patch lump "0913_S" while loading texture "0913_s" Missing patch lump "0915_S" while loading texture "0915_s" Missing patch lump "1024_S" while loading texture "1024_s" Missing patch lump "1097_S" while loading texture "1097_s" Missing patch lump "1100_S" while loading texture "1100_s" Missing patch lump "1102_S" while loading texture "1102_s" Missing patch lump "1103_S" while loading texture "1103_s" Missing patch lump "1105_S" while loading texture "1105_s" Missing patch lump "1109_S" while loading texture "1109_s" Missing patch lump "1124_S" while loading texture "1124_s" Missing patch lump "1129_S" while loading texture "1129_s" Missing patch lump "1137_S" while loading texture "1137_s" Missing patch lump "1138_S" while loading texture "1138_s" Missing patch lump "1139_S" while loading texture "1139_s" Missing patch lump "1140_S" while loading texture "1140_s" Missing patch lump "1141_S" while loading texture "1141_s" Missing patch lump "1151_S" while loading texture "1151_s" Missing patch lump "1169_S" while loading texture "1169_s" Missing patch lump "1170_S" while loading texture "1170_s" Missing patch lump "1173_S" while loading texture "1173_s" Missing patch lump "1174_S" while loading texture "1174_s" Missing patch lump "1175_S" while loading texture "1175_s" Missing patch lump "1178_S" while loading texture "1178_s" Missing patch lump "1179_S" while loading texture "1179_s" Missing patch lump "1185_S" while loading texture "1185_s" Missing patch lump "1186_S" while loading texture "1186_s" Missing patch lump "1191_S" while loading texture "1191_s" Missing patch lump "1204_S" while loading texture "1204_s" Missing patch lump "1205_S" while loading texture "1205_s" Missing patch lump "3381_S" while loading texture "3381_s" Missing patch lump "3386_S" while loading texture "3386_s" Missing patch lump "3394_S" while loading texture "3394_s" Missing patch lump "3395_S" while loading texture "3395_s" Missing patch lump "3396_S" while loading texture "3396_s" Missing patch lump "3397_S" while loading texture "3397_s" Missing patch lump "3407_S" while loading texture "3407_s" Missing patch lump "4097_S" while loading texture "4097_s" Missing patch lump "4103_S" while loading texture "4103_s" Missing patch lump "4104_S" while loading texture "4104_s" Missing patch lump "4112_S" while loading texture "4112_s" Missing patch lump "4117_S" while loading texture "4117_s" Missing patch lump "4130_S" while loading texture "4130_s" Missing patch lump "4154_S" while loading texture "4154_s" Missing patch lump "4155_S" while loading texture "4155_s" Missing patch lump "4156_S" while loading texture "4156_s" Missing patch lump "4181_S" while loading texture "4181_s" Missing patch lump "4199_S" while loading texture "4199_s" Missing patch lump "4201_S" while loading texture "4201_s" Missing patch lump "4202_S" while loading texture "4202_s" Missing patch lump "4203_S" while loading texture "4203_s" Missing patch lump "4210_S" while loading texture "4210_s" Missing patch lump "4221_S" while loading texture "4221_s" Missing patch lump "4222_S" while loading texture "4222_s" Missing patch lump "4223_S" while loading texture "4223_s" Missing patch lump "4228_S" while loading texture "4228_s" Missing patch lump "4264_S" while loading texture "4264_s" Missing patch lump "4265_S" while loading texture "4265_s" Missing patch lump "4266_S" while loading texture "4266_s" Missing patch lump "4274_S" while loading texture "4274_s" Missing patch lump "4275_S" while loading texture "4275_s" Missing patch lump "4282_S" while loading texture "4282_s" Missing patch lump "4283_S" while loading texture "4283_s" Missing patch lump "4285_S" while loading texture "4285_s" Missing patch lump "4286_S" while loading texture "4286_s" Missing patch lump "4287_S" while loading texture "4287_s" Missing patch lump "4288_S" while loading texture "4288_s" Missing patch lump "4300_S" while loading texture "4300_s" Missing patch lump "4301_S" while loading texture "4301_s" Missing patch lump "4302_S" while loading texture "4302_s" Missing patch lump "4304_S" while loading texture "4304_s" Missing patch lump "4308_S" while loading texture "4308_s" Missing patch lump "4349_S" while loading texture "4349_s" Missing patch lump "5091_S" while loading texture "5091_s" Missing patch lump "5092_S" while loading texture "5092_s" Missing patch lump "5099_S" while loading texture "5099_s" Missing patch lump "5100_S" while loading texture "5100_s" Missing patch lump "5101_S" while loading texture "5101_s" Missing patch lump "5116_S" while loading texture "5116_s" Missing patch lump "5117_S" while loading texture "5117_s" Missing patch lump "MODPATCH" while loading texture "MOD2G0"
  15. ChrisVR

    How to display MD3 models in Gzdoom Builder?

    That did not work. I added sprite HEALA0, 1, 1 { Patch TNT1A0, 0, 0 } to my TEXTURES.TXT file. Now the sprite is not visible in gzdoom builder, it shows as a black square. I have models visibility turned on.