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Everything posted by sleepy_boy

  1. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    I won't... Bad movies: -J_Lo movies suck more than her music -This?, I liked the original better. -hmmmm...didn't they hold the olympics there one year? -Not worthy of a link. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Good movies: -YES!, how could i forget HIs movies! ha...HA...HA!!! -WARNING: THIS MOVIE IS WORSE THAN "THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. I saw it once, and vowed never to veiw it again... -Sorry, havn't seen it yet, so i guess i can't flame you (this time!)
  2. sleepy_boy

    Did BBG do a good enough job?

    don't take this question too seriously but... ...can I be the mod for Post Hell?
  3. sleepy_boy

    Doom music tabs

    hey, do online tabs count as ASCII art?
  4. sleepy_boy

    h*e*x*e*n: part two

    uhh...typos...yeah, that's it.
  5. sleepy_boy

    h*e*x*e*n: part two

    At long last, I give you... Daedolon's story 25 Years ago... The bell of the Arcanum had rung 5 times now, and by the twelvth, the gates would close, and you would be left to fend for yourself tonight. Runnng now, you see the guards ahead preparing to close the massive pewter gates... "Oof!" Curses! You've tripped on your new robes. The bell strikes 10. Quickly, you brush off some dirt and get up. RRRIP..."aarruugghh!" Now you've done it, your dark green apprentace robes are ripped down the side, covered in mud, and the bell has struck 12, the guards have locked the gates with a huge padlock. "Wait! Let me in!" "Sorry, son." the cheif looks behind him. "We have our orders from the Inner Council. Besides, there's no way you could show up in the Great Hall wearing those rags and expect dinner, huh?" You make a running start towards the gates. Their made of pewter, so climbing them should be a breeze. their about 5 feet away now, so you speed up. Four feet now, your legs are getting tired. 3 and a half feet, 3, and three quarters...you're running like a cheetah, but the gates won't get closer! you stop running, and finaly realize the truth. "They're enchanted" a raspy voice behind you yells. Spinning around, you see a man, probably in his thirtys or fortys, in a blue robe with peircing blue eyes, chuckling at you. He has short, black hair, with a streak of silver running through it. "You arn't the first young man i've seen try to pass the Gates of Infinity. Even Zedek the Great, while tracking down a tratior, could not get within a foot of the gates." "How do they work?" you ask the man. "The Great Lock in the middle is made with an unholy Disk of Repultion. " His raspy voice proclaims. "But it is late now, and Serpents are about this time of year. Follow me!" He leads you to a spot in the yellow stone wall about 5 yards away, and chants. "Ash Nazg Durbatulûk!" The wall pushes itself away from the middle, and a ring of grey stone apears, with red flames inside. To your amazement, the man steps in, and isn't burnt. "Well, don't you want to get in the building, sonny?" Quickly, you step into the fire. When your eyes open, you're in a warm castle tower with the man. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Menelkir." You nearly faint. This is the very same man who gave you and the other hundered new wizards a welcomeing speech this very morning! The very same man who defeated Circe the Orc! Founder and head mage of the Arcanum. "Yes, I know, you're Daedolon, son of Dolon the Blacksmith, from Prime City. You sat in the 3rd row from the back at the welcomeing speech. You went here to rebel from your father.” "How did you..." You gasp. "My boy, when you're Menelkir the Mage, you know these things! Enough talk, Sit down and feast with me, since your robes are ripped and dirty, you would shame your meal group." You feel a push at your chest, and fall down onto a large, scaley chair. After a bottle of some of Crono's best wine, a whole marinated swine, and fresh peaches, Menelkir takes you aside, and brings you to his large spell desk. It is oak, very old, and has a pentagram carved deep in the centre. Arranged on it are a pair of leather boots that seam to blur in front of your eyes, a golden icon of a pig, a floating castle figurine, and a granite urn with a golden ankh on it. “Here, take one object for the year.” His raspy voice says. Choosing carefully, you take the boots. “Ahh...the Boots of Speed...they will make any being that wears them run like the wind. Use them well.” The man quickly turns around, and finally says “Oh, and don’t wake up the rest of your sleeping group when you arrive.” Puzzled by these words, you turn around and head for the exit, when it strikes you... You’re already in your sleeping chamber. 5 years later. Another dull day learning the history of Cronos. Your teacher, a wizard by the name of Caladyer, has been rattling on about some godforsaken swamp somewhere. Suddenly, two Cheif Mages enter the room and ask for your name. Caladyer sends you with them, and they talk. “Menelkir the Grand wishes to speak to you.” is all they say. Following them, with the surprised looks of your study triad behind you, they lead you to a pair of thick doors. “Only you can go past.” they say. and you enter. Menelkir, with 5 servents around him, is sitting upon a huge crystal throne, wearing his thick, blue robes. “Ahh...Daedolon, come here, my boy!” his voice much less raspier then that dinner years ago. “You wished to see me sir?” you ask him. “No, no, no, lad. Fate has called you here, I am nothing more than her peon. You see, I have seen into the future, and, although cloudy, I see great things of you. Come, you are to be my Apprentence!” Amazed by this news, you feel light headed and dizzy. “Here, lad. I shall show you wonders you had never thought to see.” Suddenly, a large man with short red hair and a beard runs in, carying a staff with a sphere of Mystic Fire inlaid in a pewter skull. “My lord!” the new man cries, as he bows before Menelkir. “I have found it.” “Ahh..good..very good Bachalorius! Allow me to introduce you two.” Menelkir says. “Daedolon, meet Bachalorius, my greatest student yet. Bach, meet Daedolon, a student I have forseen great things for in the future.” “Indeed...” the sly looking wizard hisses out the side of his mouth. All three of you are now in Menelkir’s tower workshop. “This, my boy, is the Bloodscurge of which the legend of the mage speaks! It is the most dangerous weapon in the land, and must be broken, and placed in the Places of Protection. This is a job for me and you, lad.” and you quickly find yourself on a jounrey you won’t soon forget. After entering the Teleportal, you arrive in a blur of mystic fire at the Hypostyle, the centre for arts, law, and strength in Cronos. It’s surprisingly empty today. It has 5 areas, the Central Forum, the Well of Fire in the west, the Pillars of Justice in the east, the Bridge of Rapture in the south, and the Stage of Muses in the north. Menelkir places the middle section of the Bloodscourge in one of the rooms, and enters another teleportal. Now you two are in a high tower, looking out over a lush orchard. Menelkir steps out onto a grey platform, and you join him as it slowly sinks to the orchard level. A man in a war helmet and mages cape greets you. “Menelkir! what a surprise” “It is good to see you too, Tradacus, we realy should meet more oftin...unfortuanatly I bring ill tidings, we have come here to give you a relic unsafe in my men’s hands.” “Good Lord, The Bloodscourge! surely you cn’t expect me to use it! Tis unholy!” “No, no, old friend, just hide it somewhere. My future visions have seen a great evil to swallow this land, and more Chaos serpents are arrisng...” “So I have noticed. I shall keep your relic safe. May you travel safley, Menelkir, and your friend too!” The resting place of the last segment was in the hands of the Gatekeepers of the 7 portals. Wise men who guarded the locks that held this dimention apart from the other ones. 10 years later... “My lord, arn’t you being a bit hasty about this?” Daedolon finaly cried out. Menelkir had been roaming about the room all night. He could tell there was somthing strange about these two new wizards from The Void. they both rode Chaos Serpents, had deep red cloaks, and had no faces, only glowing green eyes. They had arrived 3 days ago, in one of the church’s chapels. The next day they had gone on to Prime City, to speek tto the leaders, Zedek the Great, leader of the Leigon, Tradacus, the Grand Patriarch and Menelkir the Mage. It had been said that the older one of the two left right before the meeting, and that the leaders were all “changed” after the meating. Each had taken an aide with them to the meeting, and Menelkir had taken Bachalorius. Both had returned much different from when they first left; darker and more quiet. Menelkir had summoned both Bach and Daedolon to his tower tonight. A great blue fire was roaring in the center pit, and he had seemed to have emptied almost all the bottles in a hurry. “Not now, Daedolon. We must prepare. this “Korax”, as he calls himself, whishes to have the both of you as his aides. Bach, you go first. Walk into the Fire.” Bach, a man who would never in a thousand lifetimes question the Head Mage’s orders, jumped in. The screams were incredible. Seconds later, he calmly steped out. When he walked in, he had been wearing a coppery cloak, now in was black as a raven. his beard seemed to have grown...but what realy caught Daedolon’s eye was the scaly red scorpions tail and lizard-like claws he posesed. This was no longer the Bachalorius Daedolon remembered. “Now you, lad...”
  6. sleepy_boy

    The O£¥mpi¢$

    I watched women's speed skating finals yesterday. Team Canada has weird body-heat suits that look like costumes from a Tool video. Oh yeah, we got the gold medal.
  7. sleepy_boy

    Doom music tabs

    hahaha, back on topic... i want to learn some tabs for the songs. Help me.
  8. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    which do you think people want to hear about? some story that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far away, or a more realistic, modern movie with lots of guns, fighting, and inspirations for school shootings? hell, i hate any movie made after 1999
  9. sleepy_boy

    Doom music tabs

    that joke is as old as the hills...
  10. sleepy_boy

    Doom music tabs

    primus has tricky bass. too much double thumming.
  11. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    is Casablanca a war movie? if so, it was the best one ever.
  12. sleepy_boy


    How did felow high schoolers do on their finals?
  13. sleepy_boy


    ROFLMAO. That's the seond funniest post I've ever seen at these forums what's teh first funniest?
  14. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

  15. sleepy_boy


    would't that be discrimination against things that are not human?
  16. sleepy_boy


    would't that be discrimination against things that are not human?
  17. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    Just be glad my best friend and this guy I hang with at school didn't read that just now :)[/quote]It made no sense. it had shitty songs the ending was fucked. 100% pure cult horseshit I've only walked out on one movie, this one. the humans were the good guys. *sigh* oh well, i watched Goldfinger tonight. now there's a good movie.
  18. sleepy_boy


    I'm not stupid, i'm overly creative
  19. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    What you say?!? I said I hated it. flame me if you want, but Holy Grail was ALOT better. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the Worst Film ever!!!!1!
  20. sleepy_boy


    I saw it first on Steak & Cheese, and he ripped it off of Stile Project.
  21. sleepy_boy

    Worst movie ever?

    time warp! WORST...MOVIE...EVER This is my choice for runner up. I hated it. yeah, spiceworld was a waste of film.
  22. sleepy_boy


    Why anyone would want to do that to themselves is beyond any logical reason I can think of. Mabie he was in the Navy. hey, where did everyone hear or see the goatse.cx man first? Fredrik is nothing compared to me.
  23. sleepy_boy

    another poll....

  24. sleepy_boy

    h*e*x*e*n: part two

    oh boo hoo, nobody's perfect. i guess it's just my style. It could be worse