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About GoodChristianDoomer

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    New Member

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  1. GoodChristianDoomer

    Ideas to decorate a wooden interior

    I'm drawing a blank on how to decorate the wooden interior of a building in my WAD. Any ideas?
  2. GoodChristianDoomer

    GZDoom Builder Fucked Up my levels

    I think it had to do something with that. I fiddled with it and it's fine now
  3. GoodChristianDoomer

    GZDoom Builder Fucked Up my levels

    Basically the editor got an update and now my levels have nothing in them or all the textures are missing when I play the level. Is there a way to fix this?
  4. GoodChristianDoomer

    How Do I Use Hellonearthstarterpack assests?

    I just took all of them out so never mind
  5. GoodChristianDoomer

    How Do I Use Hellonearthstarterpack assests?

    Hey guys, I'm a first time mapper and I wanted to use some of the vegetation on the hell on earth starter pack by Sgt_MarkIV. Whever I open the GZDoom builder and run the play test button all the trees, grass, and other props are there. However, when I open in with just GZDoom or Zandronum it's all missing. I even added all the graphics in Slade and it didn't work. What should I do?
  6. GoodChristianDoomer

    How Do I Use Hellonearthstarterpack assests?

    Hey guys, I'm a first time mapper and I wanted to use some of the vegetation on the hell on earth starter pack by Sgt_MarkIV. Whever I open the GZDoom builder and run the play test button all the trees, grass, and other props are there. However, when I open in with just GZDoom or Zandronum it's all missing. I even added all the graphics in Slade and it didn't work. What should I do?