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Everything posted by StRiKeR

  1. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    It goes on and on. I guess I am the only one who bought Halo. Go read the reviews buddy. xbox.ign.com gamespot.com 2 respective gamesites. That give halo the highest praise. Now read them and tell me some more crap...
  2. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    Once more,your idiocity begets you. Just shut up already. You tell me what makes a good game? 3 million ppl buying it don't make it good? Well buddy, before I buy anymore games I will be sure to ask you what you think of them.......
  3. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

  4. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    I agree, it's all about whether it's fun or not and HALO is definetly fun to play.
  5. I was and still am looking forward to the DOOM 64:Absolution TC. The DOOM Depot site has basically shut down but leaves cryptic messages. "We are still working on the Tc and will release it when its done. No updates bla bla bla" "Email me, the future of the tc depends on you,blablabla" What does this all mean? Does anybody know whats going on with the TC? If it's dead, it's a cryin fuckin shame.
  6. yeah same here. doombunker.net
  7. I hope so, I didn't mean to revive that thread. Hope i didn't. I am new here and just didn't know about it. Guess I shoulda read the FAQS after all,lol
  8. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    I am not gonna post anymore on this thread. It is a month old and should die. So please don't post any reply's. Pm me
  9. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    um,ok dude whatever.
  10. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    Well dam, I don't know what to think. I for one support the TC. Props to them. Thats all I am gonna say on it.
  11. StRiKeR

    Advanced LineDef Question

    yeah I used "add_fs" to put it in the level header. Still doesn't work,and I know I have it written right. I can't stop designing though, to iron this out. So work continues.
  12. StRiKeR

    Advanced LineDef Question

    Ok let's say I got a linedef in my level, and the player is gonne be crossing over this linedef alot while he plays my level. How do I make it so, once he presses a switch the linedef turns into a exit(52) line? Does legacy support this via scipting? How do I do this?
  13. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    Yeah sorry man, I just got so enraged by reading the thread and all the people bashing the project. Hope I didn't open a closed wound. I will check out those other 3 threads, and as much as it may anger me, I will not reply :-/
  14. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    You again!!!! lol,what faq?
  15. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    THANK YOU!!! All you fuckin haters bow down as Job drills the point into your heads. These guys are doing the DOOM community a favor. If you don't understand or respect that then you don't belong in the DOOM Comunnity period. It's about giving and recieving. You give your hard work and soul and you receive gratification in that you are pleasing DOOM fans. So you haters put a sock in it!
  16. StRiKeR

    Leakage Is Bad

    Dude shut the fuck up and put a cork in it. You need the DOOM2 IWAD to play it. So it's still a TC. I just wanna relive the game again with netplay. The 64 version was awesome but seriously lacking. So shut your maggot mouth.
  17. Yeah that sucks, some fucking moron claiming it as his work and he did console DOOM and he is Kaiser. bla bla bla bla bla fuck that imposter..
  18. That kicks ass, I can't wait. I have been following the project since it began. I heard some people were hating on them a few weeks ago. Where did this happen? Forums?
  19. Awesome, any idea when?
  20. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    Not a dam thing. Obviously 3 million XBOX gamers though Halo was "fun". Halo blows away most all other FPS's. I can't imagine why it won so many awards and was called the greatest console FPS of all time if not the greatest FPS period if it wasn't "fun"......How did it win game of the year? The only FPS that can compare to halo's greatness in my mind are classic DOOM and Serious Sam. Halo wasn't about mega cool scripting. It was the combat that was so dam addicting. Not to mention the graphics. Then there's the multi-player which I won't even get into because I could go on forever. When Halo comes out on the PC and I can finally play online, its gonna halt any work that I am doing. Not to metion Halo 2 and DOOM 3 and Half-Life 2. How am I supposed to get any work done :-/
  21. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    no prob
  22. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    I was just saying that I don't favor one over the other. He was saying fuck all the SP haters....
  23. StRiKeR

    Half-Life 2 vs. Doom 3

    I agree. Vehicles would not fit DOOM 3. I like Single Player and Multi Player games.