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About Doomguy-1993

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. Unfortunately I think Bethesda buying ID killed any chance of new source code getting released..
  2. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    Under that logic I guess Plutonia and Evilution should have been in Doom 2 day 1. Man I miss the 90's/early 2000's when people were actually excited to get expansion packs, now they see more content as a bad thing.
  3. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    I wouldn't mind if they fleshed out the cosmology a bit more. What if Urdak is just the lowest layer of a higher dimensional space? Much like the medieval concept of heavenly spheres where you had the seraphim, cherubim, powers, thrones, archangels, etc.
  4. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    I wish Bethesda would commission a new Doom comic that takes place during the unholy crusade. It would answer a lot of lore questions without having to show them in game. They could get IDW to publish it.
  5. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    Thanks for clearing that up. I obviously misinterpreted it.
  6. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    "You had not expected to be torn from Hell so soon after your fateful decision. Getting back there was your only concern.The plans of the Sister Ressurector to exterminate you have failed. A grim vision takes hold of your mind as the demon carcasses steam in your wake. Stretched before you is a path of PERPETUAL TORMENT...A path through DOOM..." The Doom Eternal cutscene picks up directly after this. Basically Doomguy gets kicked out of Hell, lands in Argent D'nur, the rest is history.
  7. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    The new D64 levels explain it, the shockwave from the second Mother Demon's death teleports you out of hell, and into Argent D'Nur.
  8. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    A Phobos or Crash dlc that takes place during the early part of the invasion would be a great excuse for them to remake some Doom2 levels like Suburbs, or Industrial Zone. After all Hell on Earth is sort of a remake of Downtown.
  9. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    And Doom64
  10. Doomguy-1993

    What do you want for DLC?

    I'd like some more hell based levels, and it would be awesome if they bring in the unused Hell Lords from the art book as bosses.
  11. Doomguy-1993


    The game flat out states its canon. Why are we still having this argument after its been already confirmed? What section are you talking about? I'm sorry but I can barely understand your grammar. The Argent tower isn't actually called the tower of Babel in Eternal. It's possible they're the same building, but it's more likely they just share similar architecture because it's Hell. The classic games take place in a different universe, and the original UAC used plasma, not Argent.
  12. Doomguy-1993

    I'm a bit confused by the lore tbh

    My new head canon is that his wish was to be sent back in time for a day to meet his personal hero, Tony Hawk.
  13. Doomguy-1993

    Trying to make hell on earth in gzdoom builder

    I suppose you could borrow the Angel sprite from Eviternity, and some of the heaven textures for Urdak.
  14. Doomguy-1993

    I'm a bit confused by the lore tbh

    The real question is, where in the timeline does Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 fit? Did Hell somehow throw him back in time to 2001?
  15. Doomguy-1993

    Trying to make hell on earth in gzdoom builder

    That's pretty good. I wish someone would demake the whole game into a wad.