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About TheAncientOrder

  • Rank
    Green Marine
  1. TheAncientOrder

    Battlemode Multi-Purpose Thread

    I mean you never know. Also the Marauder is the smallest(in terms of hitbox) playable demon. If they add the Chaingunner he wouldn't be smaller
  2. Wasn't that because The Khan Maykr reasurected the Icon in Urdak?
  3. I'm 19 and completed Doom Eternal on UV
  4. TheAncientOrder

    List of skins found within the files

    I actually like the Demonic mouth. I wish the Demonic Skin was more demonic actually than just on fire.
  5. TheAncientOrder

    What do you want for DLC?

    A New Enemy type
  6. TheAncientOrder

    Khan Maykr -- Spoiler Talk

    I believe that was the next Khan next in line to rule, however due to the loss of "The Father" a new Khan could no longer be born.
  7. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    I would agree although the other Supers seem as tough if not more so(healthwise). This may just be me though
  8. TheAncientOrder

    IGN First Look stuff

    Can I get a source?
  9. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    I may be wrong. Personally I haven't seen them use a laser.
  10. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    They have plasma blasts and flamethrowers, but I dont think lasers.
  11. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    He might be a Heavy as that would make sense in my opinion, but idk
  12. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    I find this just the slightest bit weird. As he seems weaker compared to the other Super-Heavies, but is obviously stronger than the Heavies.
  13. TheAncientOrder

    The artbook for Doom Eternal has been leaked

    I would imagine so
  14. TheAncientOrder

    List of Demons in Doom Eternal (not including variants).

    Has the Baron of Hell been confirmed as either a Heavy or Super Heavy?
  15. TheAncientOrder

    How will they balance the Marauder for Battlemode?

    He's designed to be a Black belt in single player, Not multiplayer