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Everything posted by stixc

  1. I'm working on a WAD for shits and giggles, and I make a map in GZDoom Builder (the bugfix version) and when I save for the first time, it saves, but when I CTRL-S or save it again, it gives me this error message: Unable to save the map: target file is locked by another process. Also, unable to get the name of the offending process: Error 29. Could not begin restart session. Unable to determine file locker. I am on the latest version of GZDoom Builder Bugfix, and I don't know what is happening. Can anyone help me?
  2. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    I got Doom Builder X, an old version of Doom Builder (like GZDBBF or UDB) and it actually works, it can save without giving out any error messages. If shit hits the fan, I will try to solve it, thread or not, but elsewhere, I will be making my WAD now. Thanks!
  3. UPDATE: Tired out EUREKA, but it felt weird after using it for about 10 min so I gave up, sorry. I downloaded DBX, and it actually works (meaning it can save properly instead of giving out an error), albeit it feels a little bit wonky to use, even though it's the same as GZDBBF/UDB (prob because making squares is not available, only drawing lines)
  4. So I made a post about 1.5-ish weeks ago telling everyone that GZDBBF and UDB can't save maps, as it gives out an error message with no way to fix it (maybe my OS is corrupted but idk) So with that being said, is there a good Doom map editor that's powerful as hell out there as a good worthy alternative to UDB/GZDB? I know there is Doom Builder 2 and Doom Builder X, but those use the same code as GZDB and UDB, which means it will give out the same save error message for me. I would also say Slade's built in map editor, but that isn't as advanced, powerful, or fun to use as the other options.
  5. Basically, GZDBBF/UDB had an error message when I saved after the 1st save. I tried everything and nothing could fix it. I'm downloading EUREKA right now, I hope it works well. I'm not choosing Deepsea or Wadauthor, since it's for original wads, has no script support, etc. Also the SLADE editor is very limited compared to the rest. I will also get Doom Builder X, and if that doesn't work, I will continue to research about the save issue, or if EUREKA turns out to be a great map editor, I will use that. It depends, but thanks for your suggestion!
  6. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    I checked my Local/Temp folder and found no 8 character letter names, so i deleted whatever temporary files there are then I tried again only for it to not work. Also I tried uninstalling UDB from my games drive (where I also keep GZDoom and SLADE3, and SLADE3 saves WADs and PK3s just fine), and installing it onto Program Files with little to no effect.
  7. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    Sorry for not replying to this thread in a while, got caught up with a bunch of stuff, and I really want to make a Doom wad to pass the time, and since UDB is the norm for Doom editors, I'm still trying to figure out how to save WADs without it freaking out. I tried various locations, even ones that aren't locked, and it still doesn't work Yeah but that's a bit of a hassle to do, to save the map as something different then save it back again.
  8. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    not really, thinking about it i think it's mostly my pc's fault than the app's fault if nobody else is having the issue hopefully there will be a good solution to this error because i tried every method to fix it with all of them failing
  9. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    That is understandable. Hopefully there will be a fix to this (hopefully it's not my computers fault but judging by the error occuring on both GZDBBF, which I owned for about 5 months now, and UDB, which I got a couple hours ago, this might be my computers fault, but if it's the softwares fault then an update with a potential fix should be patched, but if not then I still need to know what the fuss up is.) The only solution for me is to save the map as a separate file (first saved as MAP01, can't save again due to error, but can save as a new file like MAP01A or something along the lines of that), but that feels like a hassle to do.
  10. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    Yeah but I did a SFC/DCIM check of my OS using the Admin Command Prompt and it said it was ok, plus I didn't want to reset my PC because even though it keeps all my files, it deletes apps installed on my computer and I don't want to risk it deleting a shitton of apps i've installed (like music software, photoshop, etc) Elsewhere, if the main dev behind UDB/GZDBBF is on Doomworld and sees this thread, I hope he has a solution to this error because I tried everything with all of them not working.
  11. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    I have customized the builder so I renamed my old one from GZBuilder.cfg to GZBuilder.cfg_bak and let it made a new one and that didn't work
  12. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    I did restart my computer (cold boot included) and that didn't work Also I don't think my antivirus is doing anything with the wad (I use Windows Defender and Malwarebytes Free) Maybe ill delete the DBS file that gets exported with the WAD and see if that works. edit: Deleting the .dbs file didn't work.
  13. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    I ran CCleaner just now with both the custom clean and registry fix stuff and that didn't help, UDB still gives out the same error message
  14. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    No, no other program is using the WAD. I would join the Discord server but my shitty limited metered 20kb/s satellite internet connection can't load Discord (both desktop and web versions don't work, hence why i'm asking the question here)
  15. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    Update: Got UDB installed, made a quick map in it. I saved it the first time, it worked, but I saved it again and it still gave me that error message. I am still saving to desktop as the file "MAP01.wad" and no other DOOM-related program is open using it.
  16. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    The thing is is that I am saving to my desktop, and it still gives me that error. I will try out Ultimate Doom Builder soon, idk if it has the same features as GZDBBF but I will give it a shot. edit: Checked out the download page for UDB, turns out this is something new made by the guy who made GZDBBF, probably because GZDBBF is having problems. I will check this out ASAP, thanks for the suggestion!
  17. stixc

    GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) Save Issue

    Nope, it's not open in another app. The only app that's open is just GZDBBF. I don't have it open anywhere else.
  18. stixc

    Question about music making

  19. stixc

    Favorite Metal Bands

  20. I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 back in 2015 then to Windows 10 in 2016
  21. stixc

    Quake 1, GPL and all

    Speaking of Minecraft and Quake, I remember in the earliest builds of the game from 2010, Notch implemented MD3 support for the game
  22. stixc

    Doom 2 but it has HL2 SFX

    Inspired by a WAD by Linguica, I decided to do the sequel. Enjoy! BIG NOTE: This mod works well only under GZDoom. Playing this mod with any other sourceport could lead to some issues. Feel free to modify my WAD if so. https://www.mediafire.com/file/194sgmsg2yx69b8/HALFLIFETWOSOUNDS.zip/file
  23. stixc

    Doom 2 but it has HL2 SFX

    i do admit, i made this mod in under an hour at like 5 am while i was extremely sleepy as balls, sorry :(
  24. stixc

    Let's Be Revealing
