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About ArsonBurger

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. So I'm creating an enemy that can't be hurt until it performs an attack that is defined in one of its custom states. I'd like for the enemy to have some sort of invincibility tag that is deactivated during the state and reactivated at the end of it. Any advice?
  2. ArsonBurger

    removing cast screen?

    I'm creating a wad that extends the length of doom 2, and I'd like for it to continue after level 30. After the Icon of Sin is defeated, it changes to a custom story screen, then my custom level. However, I've run into a problem. I've attached the story screen cluster and the next map tag to map30 in mapinfo, but it skips the story screen entirely and changes to the map. How would I fix this? I think it might have to do with the next map and cluster conflicting with eachother but I'm not sure how to fix it. Here is my mapinfo so far: map MAP30 "Icon Of Sin" { cluster = 1 next = MAP33 music = "d_openin" } map MAP33 "Map 31" { music = "Music" } Cluster 1 { Flat = "FLOOR4_8" music = "d_read_m" ExitText = "text" } Any help is appreciated!
  3. ArsonBurger

    Decoration Giving Player Keycard

    ah, that did it. thank you very much!
  4. ArsonBurger

    Decoration Giving Player Keycard

    that didn’t work either. good idea though, zdoom does tend to work like that
  5. ArsonBurger

    Decoration Giving Player Keycard

    Just tried it, but it didn't work
  6. ArsonBurger

    Decoration Giving Player Keycard

    So, I'm trying to create a switching decoration modeled after a scientist with a keycard, and I can't seem to figure out one thing. When the player interacts with the scientist, I'd like the keycard to disappear from the sprite and for the player to get the keycard in their inventory. So far, everything works except for the part where the player gets the keycard. How would I fix this? Here is my code so far: ACTOR KeycardScientist: SwitchingDecoration 20028 { Radius 16 Height 100 +SOLID +USESPECIAL Activation THINGSPEC_Activate States { Spawn: SCIK A 1 A_checkproximity("Spook",DoomPlayer,150,1,CPXF_NOZ) loop Spook: SCIK B 20 goto shaken Shaken: SCIK CD 3 loop Active: SCIK EF 3 A_giveinventory(RedCard) goto takenkey Takenkey: SCIK EF 3 loop Inactive: SCIK CD 3 loop } } Any help is appreciated!
  7. ArsonBurger

    Custom Map Decorations

    i just solved the sprite problem, sorry i do appreciate the advice and ill use it in the future! ive got a good understanding of scripting in zdoom, but im not entirely sure what im supposed to do.
  8. ArsonBurger

    Custom Map Decorations

    I'm trying to create a custom decoration in my wad, similar to the 2d candles and bodies on pikes found in the original Doom games. I would like to make it react to the players proximity, and for its sprite to change to an animation once the player gets close enough to it. How would I do this? Any help is appreciated!
  9. ArsonBurger

    Railgun Projectiles? (Solved)

    Sounds good! I tried it out and I think I did it right: actor BallistaBolt : FastProjectile { height 10 radius 12 damage 0 speed 250 renderstyle Add alpha 1 seesound "" deathsound "" MISSILETYPE "BallistaTrail" +FORCEPAIN +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOTELEPORT +CANNOTPUSH states { Spawn: BALT A 1 loop Death: BALT B 1 BALT C 1 BALT D 1 BALT E 1 stop } } ACTOR BallistaTrail { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOTELEPORT +CANNOTPUSH RenderStyle Translucent Alpha 0.6 States { Spawn: BALT A 50 Stop } } Still might need some tweaking though Now, how would I make this fire out of the weapon? I'm assuming it's something similar to a_firebullets or a_custommissile
  10. ArsonBurger

    Railgun Projectiles? (Solved)

    Here's what I have so far- actor BallistaTrail : FastProjectile { height 5 radius 5 damage 0 speed 200 renderstyle Add alpha 1 seesound "" deathsound "" PROJECTILE states { Spawn: BALT A 1 loop Death: BALT B 1 BALT C 1 BALT D 1 stop } } Does this look alright? And how would I spawn these in during the weapon's attack state?
  11. ArsonBurger

    Railgun Projectiles? (Solved)

    Thanks! I tried it out, and it's definitely something I'm going to use in the future. However, it isn't exactly what I was visualizing. What I'm imagining is a big string of orange plasma balls that form a line that ends with an explosion.
  12. ArsonBurger

    Railgun Projectiles? (Solved)

    I'm creating a railgun-type weapon in Slade 3. I've taken care of the weapon info and sprites, and all that's left is to make the beam that fires out. At the moment, the weapon is hitscan, but I'd like to make it fire a laser beam that the player can see instead. How would I do this? I've heard of custom missiles, but I can't find a tutorial for them anywhere so I haven't tried it out. Any help would be appreciated! If it helps, here is my fire script so far: fire: RAGF A 0 a_playsound("RAILGFIRE",2) RAGF A 30 A_firebullets(0,0,1,75,"BulletPuff", 1) RAGF B 5 RAGF C 10 RAGF D 5 RAGG A 5 RAGG A 0 A_refire goto ready
  13. ArsonBurger

    Custom Weapon Problem in Slade 3 (Solved)

    ah thanks man! i actually just figured out what was wrong with it, i totally forgot to put the ballista sprites in between the sprite markers loll im surprised i didn't notice it until now thank you all for your help though! ill keep in mind all the stuff that you guys have taught me
  14. ArsonBurger

    Custom Weapon Problem in Slade 3 (Solved)

    Changed the ballista sprite to something else, but that didn't work. now the sprite doesn't appear at all update: ACTOR HeavyCannon : weapon 20024 { weapon.slotnumber 4 weapon.ammotype "clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 30 attacksound "HCANNONFIRE" weapon.bobstyle smooth weapon.bobspeed 2.2 weapon.bobrangex 0.3 weapon.bobrangey 0.1 tag "Heavy Cannon" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the Heavy Cannon!" obituary "%k was pumped full of lead by %o's Heavy Cannon." states { ready: HECG A 1 A_weaponready loop select: HECG A 1 A_raise loop deselect: HECG A 1 A_lower loop fire: HECF A 0 a_playsound("HCANNONFIRE",2) HECF A 1 BRIGHT A_firebullets(0,0,1,7,"BulletPuff", 1) HECF B 2 HECG A 3 HECG A 0 A_refire goto ready Spawn: HECS A -1 stop } } ACTOR Ballista : weapon 20025 { weapon.slotnumber 6 weapon.ammotype "cell" weapon.ammouse 10 weapon.ammogive 50 attacksound "HCANNONFIRE" weapon.bobstyle smooth weapon.bobspeed 2.2 weapon.bobrangex 0.3 weapon.bobrangey 0.1 tag "Ballista" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the Ballista!" obituary "%k was obliterated by %o's Ballista." states { ready: BALG A 1 A_weaponready loop select: BALG A 1 A_raise loop deselect: BALG A 1 A_lower loop fire: BALF A 0 a_playsound("HCANNONFIRE",2) BALF A 30 BRIGHT A_firebullets(0,0,1,75,"BulletPuff", 1) BALF B 10 BALF C 5 A_refire goto ready Spawn: BALS A -1 stop } }