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Everything posted by Dubbag

  1. Christmas of 2005 when I received my first guitar, the rest is history.
  2. All good dude, I wish the best for the project I know you all are doing the best you can! And to @GermanPeter I apologize for my heated reaction about the In Song Only project. Initially I was under the impression that my maps which had been submitted and accepted 10 months earlier would not have been accepted based on your criticisms, I got angry too quickly and reacted the wrong way I'm sorry.
  3. Dying Fetus, one of the only deathmetal bands ive never seen live
  4. Dubbag

    What are your creative crutches?

    I am strictly a Tech-base mapper. I just am not a person who makes hell levels or large out doors areas very well, plus i just like it more.
  5. Dubbag

    What's your favorite drink?

    Pepsi, Beer and Coffee
  6. My buddy! How's it goin? Hope things have been great!

    1. FEDEX


      Hi my friend.. yeah some things from RL.. how do you do ? I've saw a YT video were you're playing the guitar, cool 👍

  7. I wish you could hit zombies with the flash light still
  8. Dubbag

    have you ever cried while playing doom?

    Yes I was very taken aback by this. Starts around 50:00.
  9. @GermanPeter I don't mind criticism, I was just very taken aback by your wording, it was just so forward and rude. I don't want you to lie to me but you also don't have to be so abrasive about it either. "Facing the Spider is not a good map."- Fair enough. "This needs to get remade" - I don't NEED to do anything. How about asking instead of telling? "it can't stand on its own."- not supposed to its part of a CP "Of course I'd say how I'd fix it. That's what criticism is about."- right but suggest, you dont tell them they NEED to. Came at me all wrong dude.
  10. Look I already backed out of this once, I'm not remaking anything. Either use it or don't.
  11. well that's of recently, for a while it seemed like it wasnt moving.
  12. yo know what? alot of people seem to like it so if anyone has it I guess you can throw it back in because I don't even possess it anymore. I just wasnt sure if this CP was gaining any traction.
  13. No way Doom 64's Pinky is irreplaceable lol. My favorite demon design of all time!
  14. I've pulled out just letting you guys know.
  15. Dubbag

    Slime maps are a vibe

    Hell yeah dude! A nice outdoor slime map with some zimmer trim is the shit!
  16. Dubbag

    Game that everybody likes but you dislike

    EDIT: AT THE TIME OF WRITING THIS I READ THE THREAD TITLE BACKWARDS "Dead Rising 4. I didn't love it or hate it; it just... was. It's held back by things such as: Only being able to throw "Throwable" weapons. Frank's VA being replaced. Also, Frank's entire personality is akin to that of a 13-year-old. The fact that it feels like a soulless, dry shell of the series. Having WAY fewer weapons and animation variety. Basically, the game feels like GTA with zombies. There are a lot of guns, and you can steal cars on the street. Sometimes, weapons are located in weird places that thematically do not make sense, like a crowbar in a toy store. What I DID like about the game was the INSANE amount of zombies on screen at once; it was awesome. The game is open-world with a nice big map of the town from the first game. You can kill thousands of zombies in minutes. I LOVE the fact that there is no time limit for missions and such. I never liked that and always just played this series like a zombie-killing sandbox, which is why "Dead Rising 2: Off the Record" is the best game of the series because of sandbox mode. All in all, the game isn't bad; it's just not Dead Rising, which is messed up because the whole promotional direction of the game was it going back to its roots of the first one, and it did nothing of the sort. Not to mention the one-year development time. Okay game, fun at times, but boring after a while.