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Everything posted by Redneckerz

  1. Redneckerz

    Rate my Doom PC.

    All that and no GPU.
  2. Note: I stole this from the Vogons thread, and after being notified by this by Leilei on the ZDoom forums. Introduction: ''This is FastDoom for DOS, a port of Doom based on PCDoom v2 by @nukeykt. The goal of this port is to make it as fast as posible for 386/486 personal computers. It includes code from other ports as Crispy Doom, MBF and Russian Doom, as well the original PSX and Jaguar Doom ports, so I send kudos to them.'' FastDoom is covered under the GPL 2.0 and made by Victor ''Viti95'' Nieto. Shoutout to @MrFlibble for his post in trying FastDoom to run with REKKR. Features at a glance: Added FPS ingame viewer. Enabled with "-fps" Added FPS calculation after timedemo runs Added option to render visplanes (ceiling and floors) without textures. Enable with "-flatsurfaces" Added option to render Spectres and invisible objects like real transparent objects (harder to see, a little faster to render). Enable with "-flatshadows" Added option to render sky as a flat fixed color. Enable with "-flatsky" Added option to render Spectre and invisible objects like the Sega Saturn port did. Enable with "-saturn" New option to show only objects that are not far away from the player. All the enemies are still rendered as they're important. Enabled with "-near" PC Speaker uses all sounds available (just for fun!) Lot's of optimizations to make the game run faster / smoother (Executable is smaller than regular Doom) Removed low memory limit (may cause crashes with low RAM) NEW DETAIL LEVEL: POTATO. It renders the full scene with a quarter width resolution (max 80x200). 16-bit ISA video cards can play the game full screen much better!! A Western Digital Paradise PVGA1A ISA (1989) can render the game at a constant >25 fps with a 486DX-50. Enabled with "-potato" command parameter and low detail selected New option to allow more than 8Mb of memory allocation. Enabled with "-ram" Removed network gaming support Removed joystick support Removed Y mouse movement (move forward/backwards) Added autorun support (F11 key). Added mono sound support. Enabled with "-mono" parameter. Added low quality sound support (8000Hz instead of 11025Hz). Enabled with "-lowsound" parameter. Replaced DOS/4GW with DOS/32A providing a good speedup! Removed gamma correction support Media: Benchmark demo done with version 0.2: Live demo, done with version 0.3: Downloads: FastDoom on GitHub FastDoom, latest release (Currently 0.4)
  3. Redneckerz

    Obscure Games That Deserve More Attention?

    This is execellent. I was aware of Star Explorers, but a DOS predecessor with several community versions? Sign me up. This is the kind of game i'd love to see here, so thank you.
  4. Redneckerz

    Doom short movie LOGO

    Im sure people are going to do that without any visual examples of your own. There ain't no such thing like a free lunch.
  5. Redneckerz

    What was gaming on Macintosh like back in the day?

    I can't say much about the 80s Macs (There is that Kinsie book to tell you all about that) but in the early to mid 90's Apple went from 68k to PowerPC, often supplying games as a Fat binary supporting both. This was also tied to the Classic MacOS. Titles include Descent, Starcraft, Quake etc.. (and Marathon ofcourse!) The thing is, until the Mac G3 which included a hardware accelerated GPU (And Quickdraw 3D RAVE) most Mac's simply had 2D framebuffers. Everything was software rendered. The sleek pizzabox macs usually were 68K and the only PowerPC one (PowerMac 6100) had a terrible upgrade path. The Mac Mini G4 recieved quite a few games, from Battlefield 1942 to Halo for OSX.
  6. Or become a valued member of this community! :)
  7. Redneckerz

    Vanilla Doom - 35 FPS?

    Mandatory Doom Wiki article on this subject. This likely explains your answer: Unrelated, but i got scared back into existence realizing that the threaded Doom Fandom has a quicker search hit than our lord and savior The DoomWiki.
  8. Redneckerz

    maps you find too hard/unfair to revisit

    It doesn't anymore these days. Helion uses this as a stresstest and runs it at 100s of frames per second even on modest hardware. Heck, its 60 FPS on netbook class hardware.
  9. Redneckerz

    brutal doom video glitching green and black

    It does (If its a Intel HD 520), its just that GZDoom really doesn't like Intel.
  10. Careful now... You are using the right wiki do you? /S And i get why you are excited. Congratulations! Its awesome you found this on your own. But, sticking to the facts (As most of your quoted posts you label as "bashing", "not special" do), it isn't a new thing to the community. I understand your disappointment, but please understand not everyone shares the same excitement. As for the bolded: I hope you realize its nobody's intent to make you feel bad, and as such that line reads a bit exaggerated.
  11. I am actually just halfway pondering here - What if you made a map that uses the TRANMAP, but call it TRANSMAP? I realize this does absolutely nothing for the goals of this mapset, but in my mind its a fun way of using a underutilized feature and making it GenderQueer compatible, as a nice tongue in cheek. In either case, carry on. Love to see how this theme goes, and above all that the rainbow theme (if any) is used in clever ways.
  12. For some reason i have a inkling the Ancient Aliens palette is going to work wonders with this, if not slightly modified.
  13. Though i am conjoining contacting the original authors, one particular set might be if Romero, somehow, knows of/has a copy of David Simpson's WAD, which seemingly predates ORIGWAD. Source posts: 1, 2 Alternatively, Alistair Brown's custom program derived from NewDEU that generated all the needed structures for his WAD is also of high historical interest. In particular, what's the earliest third party level ID-software themselves was aware of?
  14. Redneckerz

    SOLVED: Gzdoom stuttering and lag spikes?

    Laptop, Intel and Nvidia card? Check if Nvidia Optimus is enabled and if its not running on the Intel IGP instead of your dedicated GPU.
  15. Redneckerz

    i want to kill myself

    Gosh darn it, that's not the kind of thread i'd like to see on a Sunday. Mental Health is something i consider to be utmost important. We all carry our crosses through the sand Fruity. The trick is that you don't let the sand become the cross you carry. So, what do they say really, if they all say the same? And what do you think of that kind of advice? What does it tell you? What would be best is that you get a support system in place. Negative thoughts shouldn't be as omnipresent as how you describe yourself, which is akin to continously telling yourself that you don't matter. You do matter. But its up to you to give that matter purpose. Here you are on DoomWorld, so you are already halfway there. I understand you don't want to be rude, but things like the bolded are really counterproductive. Fruity made this thread because they want to be heard. We shouldn't drown that voice by asking what the point of the thread is. Every person has a certain amount of ego attached to themselves, because without it, you aren't really human. Sometimes you have to make choices that are better for you. That doesn't mean killing yourself. That's a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Where does that need for attention stem from? I am not a shrink, but these are perfect things to discuss with one. Because there has to be a root as to where you want that kind of attention. That could stem from something from your past, or something recent. I don't know and none of us on DoomWorld are qualified to find that out. Hence, talk to a shrink. I don't really get the taboo on them as they are people that are literally there to help you. Yes, opening up is scary. Especially in todays world where opening up is a big taboo. But you can do it. What have you done so far to get help? Do you require any to assist you?
  16. Redneckerz

    St. Anger isn't bad

    I just watched the videoclip from St. Anger. I can't imagine the prisoners enjoying that snare either. Holy hell, that's laughably tin-can bad.
  17. Redneckerz

    How to delete Blood maps

    But you literally said this yourself in the OP: ''Specifically I want to delete all maps except 1st episode (like in shareware). So that other episodes not available for the player, unable to start game from other episodes.'' So why is ''Just play shareware'' the correct answer? You couldn't think of this? Honest question.
  18. Redneckerz

    Why doomwik.org than fandom doom?

    Doomworld community:
  19. Redneckerz

    grungo Q&A - ask grungo anything

    How did Grungo play rock paper scissors back in the day? Nevermind, i know that one.
  20. Redneckerz

    Retroarch adds prBoom+ to ios

    I figure that was the case, but OP writes it as if Retroarch gained Doom support, which isn't the case. I got the jist tho.
  21. Redneckerz

    Would DOOM be in the same genre as Garten of BanBan?

    EDIT: I actually wrote a half decent-post, but i realize i should follow what we recently discussed, except for this: Regarding the bolded: I suggest you grow up and stop acting like you think this is funny. It's not.
  22. Redneckerz

    Partial Invisibility not working correctly (GZDoom ?)

    No, that's a source file. You would need a devbuild, which up to April 25 was here. If nothing else, one could wait for the next hotfix version.
  23. Redneckerz

    Doom 2 on the Wii, has anyone finished it?

    I would suggest the very similarily named Wii-Doom, as that's more recent: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-wii-doom-wii-heretic-wii-hexen-wii-strife-all-in-one-proper.374400/ Its also actually optimized for Wii. Not sure if its PrBoom based though, i just took a cursory glance.
  24. Redneckerz

    Retroarch adds prBoom+ to ios

    Libretro (Which Retroarch uses) has had PrBoom for several years. I am not sure how this is a recent update. DoomWiki section. There are some differences, but overall its standard PrBoom 2.5.0. However that version has been used in the past for several ports along with 2.2.3. I am working on getting better explanations for what they support, and the same for GLBoom and GLBoom-Plus. In recent times, the OGL renderer has become GL 2.0 mandatory, but older versions can still support as low as OGL 1.1, but they use SDL2. So i have been curating a list of PrBoom/GLBoom versions that target/support different OSes.