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About Redneckerz

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    DoomWiki Editor/Donator

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  1. Redneckerz

    Wolf3D engine games worth playing

    And Trench Warfare.
  2. Redneckerz

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    Thank you for this. Thanks to @The Green Herring and @Dynamo i was notified that the same D. Rigby also made LIPS.WAD, which is a month later iteration of YELLOW.WAD and somehow even bigger. Both WADS definitely defy sizes and ill make up a page on them. Its good to know who the author now is and that these were done in DEU and its nodebuilder. In fact these big wads detail the flexibility of those early days, even when the result wasn't as grand as CASTEVIL.WAD.
  3. Reposting from here: YELLOW.WAD: Even earlier than Castle of Evil comes the ridicuously obscure YELLOW.WAD by an unknown author. It carries a June 28, 1994 (!!!) timestamp, it actually dwarfs CASTEVIL.WAD in terms of size, but not in terms of detail. Credit to @Maes for this one, found it when i researched it. Be aware though: It is really buggy, a lot of single sided linedefs incorrectly done. Some other SLADE-derived details: Vertices: 1120 Sides: 2081 Lines: 1309 Sectors: 241 Things: 881 Total size: 8408x9085 (By comparison: Castle of Evil, another hugeass map is 7416x7872) Here is a SLADE-dumped map image:
  4. Redneckerz

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    Finally i have some time to highlight some masterpieces, because Vanilla showcases are my forte. @Async Unicorn great catch on Castle of Evil, that level floored hardware in 1994! Mcfearsm: Released in April 1996, this deathmatch WAD features a fluttering flag and one of the first vanilla WADS to feature reflective floors. Operation Hydra: From none other than @Obsidian came 2013's Operation Hydra. The idea was: ''to make a vanilla map that looked and played just like a ZDoom one.'' And it shows. Attempting to mimic ZDoom maps like Austerity but in Vanilla, Hydra contains very impressive lighting effects and a few new custom monsters. If Knee Deep in Knee Deep in ZDoom had any spiritual predecessor, Operation Hydra would be it. Truck.WAD: August 1996 brought us Truck.WAD, essentially a showcase WAD on new effects. How about smooth animations? Or projector effects? Truck.WAD pioneered the usage of vanilla animated displays - @JadingTsunami's Giffy (DoomWorld thread) can make these. Nemisis Experiment: Justin Fisher's unfinished experimental magnum opus serves as a hallmark of what the vanilla engine can do with architecture. I quote: ''catwalks, angled supports, archways, Escher-style architecture.'' and more. Dminator.WAD: This has the distinction along with Castle Of Evil to be one of those 1994 wads that would tank your crufty new Pentium. DMINATOR.WAD however, in contrast to Castle of Evil, is far less sophisticated than its grandiose distant cousin. Where Castle Of Evil is an exercise in adventure and dimensions, DMINATOR.WAD is one of those ''ID-Edit'' levels - modified iD-Software levels with custom node edits. In this case: E1 with a shitton of monsters. The link is not a download link, but DMINATOR.WAD inspired later ''early'' maps like HORDES.WAD or PUNISHER.WAD, which you find below. Punisher.WAD: Like Castle Of Evil, Punisher (By Dario Casali!) was mean't to push the player and is considered one of the first, if not the first slaughtermap, released in August, 1995. Basically, It is Entryway, sized up. Inferno: Inferno by @Lutz is from 1998, so a few years later than most of the above. However, this nine episode replacement had a lot of features unusual for Vanilla and in the same vein as Nemisis: 3D bridges, spiral staircases, blastable walls, monsters rising from water and highly detailed architecture are the basis of Inferno. YELLOW.WAD: Even earlier than Castle of Evil comes the ridicuously obscure YELLOW.WAD by an unknown author. It carries a June 28, 1994 (!!!) timestamp, it actually dwarfs CASTEVIL.WAD in terms of size, but not in terms of detail. Credit to @Maes and also @Never_Again for this one, found it when i researched it. Be aware though: It is really buggy, a lot of single sided linedefs incorrectly done. Some other SLADE-derived details: Vertices: 1120 Sides: 2081 Lines: 1309 Sectors: 241 Things: 881 Total size: 8408x9085 (By comparison: Castle of Evil is 7416x7872) Here is a SLADE-dumped map image:
  5. This is really subjective. I get that you want more clarity in terms of reliability, but you already say it yourself, they have a good rapport/quality/price. In addition, they mention this: So they are around since 2009, so to me that tells me its good enough to take the plunge. Else: Just call them? They list a phone number you can call.
  6. So within 15 minutes you already answered your own question. This doesn't sound good.
  7. Redneckerz

    Nyan Doom v1.1.7 (July 24, 2024)

    Why would you need one? 64 bit processors are a mainstream thing since almost 20 years, 32 bit apps can only address up 4 GB ram, so what's the need?
  8. Regarding the bolded: what do you expect from us then? We don't have crystal balls from which we can accurately predict the issue. But if it needs a 50 MB resource wad, that is huge. Why does it need it? So post the wad, please.
  9. Redneckerz

    A solid Crowdstrike explanation

    We weren't affected, primarily because we don't use Office 365. Sometimes being outdated avoids you a blue screen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Nevermind the map layout, that lighting and sector shadow work is pretty bonkers. I'll be forever defending proper use of Doom's lighting alongwith texture work, and this right here is a course in doing that right.
  11. Redneckerz

    Anyone got a Download link for PS2doom?

    Well, you are on your own there. Also deprnds which link you used.
  12. Redneckerz

    Anyone got a Download link for PS2doom?

    It really depends. There are two PS2Doom ports, one based off SDL-Doom and the other of LSDLDoom, which has Boom support. From my links archive, i have this:
  13. Redneckerz

    Doom 64 is underrated

    Since when is Doom 64 underrated? It got a re-release!
  14. As a sideshow: disappointed that Doom doesnt have a port to OpenWRT/DD-WRT yet. Imagine the thousands of routers that could run Doom.
  15. Based on that crop i also see the number 5 inside the helmet. So i guess it was known all along that there would be atleast 5 Doom games: Doom Doom II Doom 3 Doom 2016 Doom Eternal It was right there all along. Thanks OP.