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Everything posted by Submerge

  1. Submerge

    their slaves we are their slaves we are

    That would be cool. oh, I believe that nihilanth also says: "You will learn" when he teleports you.
  2. Submerge


    I wondered what that means. About time someone figured it out, even if it was the hard way.
  3. Submerge


    If you could give any game any trophy, what would you give it? Brownest game = Quake Best Music = Outcast Proof that a FPS can also have a good story = Half - Life First game that ever really scared me = Doom! Most vaporous ware = Daikatana Best one-liners = Duke Nukem 3D Best exploding sheep = Worms that's really all I can think of.
  4. Submerge

    Doomcenter's pic of the day

    I have only one thing to say about Doomworld's pic. MEOWWW!!! HISSSS! FFFFFFTTT!!
  5. Submerge


    I vote D, 'Most free time on his hands.' I probably have more free time than any 3 of you combined.
  6. Submerge


    Uhh...... Heh.
  7. Submerge


    that's like being born with only one nipple!
  8. Submerge

    Game Boy Advance

    I've been WONDERING about that, whether of not you can play ordinary GB games on the blasted thing. Thank you, Arioch.
  9. Submerge


    Moron? I think AirRaid has know for a bit, and just spoke up now. /me Pulls out a boning knife and frying pan C'mere, fishboy.
  10. Submerge


    Yawn..... I've heard worse from you. I could care less whether or not I got a title or not. Maybe Jackass would be a good title for you though. But I like Beerhaed, personallly. I spell badly at you! Now CRINGE!
  11. Submerge

    Well, well.......................

    Ahh, this is refreshing, a nice, polite post with little to no swearing or name calling in it. Good to meet you.
  12. Submerge


    I totally agree with Airraid. Just look at Disorder, and what the miserable wreck he has become, sort of. If I got a title, fine, but I won't go asking for one, for fear that I might get the title 'Oblong Dingus'.
  13. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    Would you rather: 1. Lead a demon around with a twinkie for the whole day, without taking a break. or 2. wear an 8 pound beard of bees. I have no answer, neither are pleasant sounding.
  14. Submerge


    That is okay, man It happens to everyone We all make mistakes
  15. Submerge

    Hey Ling, listen up.

    I like Beerhead, call him Beerhead!
  16. Submerge

    Can anyone help me?

    how did you get a square in your name??
  17. Submerge

    A doom movie??? Goodie...

    No! Have some sweet feet meat with beets, and a little pan-fried brains on the side.
  18. Submerge

    what video card does everyone have.

    I have no 3D card. Why do you think I play DOOM?
  19. Submerge

    Doom Screenies

    There are new screenshots for Doom: Dark Arena for the GBA at the Graphic State Limited Website. Just thought you might like to know
  20. Submerge


    I think that for multiplayer, you should be able to customize the way your character looks, you know, skin color, armor color, armor style, helmet or no helmet, helmet style, etc. And tattos, definitely, you could place them anywhere on your character, and import your own custom designs. that would kick ass.
  21. Submerge

    Getting shot...

    I would love to see cracks appear in your vision when you get shot, which means that the helmet is cracking, and you could see the glass automatically repair itself via the wonders of nanotechnology.
  22. Submerge

    Berserk Pack

    I think that if you manage to take more than one Berserk pack, you should die, due to too much caffine. Lots of caffine in them Berserk Packs! and adrenaline, and artificial testosterone. and some funky stuff that regenerates you completely. When i say you die, I mean you DIE... KABOOOOM!
  23. Submerge

    . <------ You know you love the dot.

    Mmmmmmmmm. Dots is yummy. They stay crunchy in milk.
  24. Submerge

    I have a nightmare

    well, I once had a dream that my grandparents were being attacked by a Cacodemon, so you are not alone.
  25. Submerge

    Best Doom Gurus?

    Get 3D Alchemy! For DOOM, DOOM2, HERETIC, and HEXEN. It has everything that you would ever need, and then some.