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Everything posted by Submerge

  1. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    No, I mean it would make you explode on the inside, or something.
  2. Submerge

    Getting to know you all.

    Gee, the combined talents of this forum could take over the world..... or make a really cool 32 level Doom2 WAD, whichever.
  3. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    That's the medical warnings for the Stimpak from Starcraft! The Stimpak rules. I think that a Berserk Pack should kill you if you take more than one.
  4. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    Would you rather: 1. Beat an Arch-Vile to death with a stale meatloaf, or, 2. EAT said meatloaf. Stale meatloaf can become so hard it can cause a concussion if thrown.
  5. Has Anybody Replied to the request for level designers? I have, and I got an E-Mail on the same day I sent it! Wow. I got a confidentiality agreement as well, so I can't tell you anything I learn, sorry.
  6. Submerge

    We need GOOD Doom level designers

    I got a reply from this nice man, and he said that editors other than DeepSea are alright.
  7. Submerge

    please help

    Ahem! It is easy as pie, believe me. Doom -file (filename).wad that's it.
  8. Submerge

    We need GOOD Doom level designers

    Why does it require DeepSea? I am a WadAuthor man, myself. They both make the same kind of file? So why DeepSea? I'll send you a nice, loooong email. Oh, yeah, how much will it pay per level? I am thinking of a good one, called 'Contrition'
  9. I can't really remember any dates.... it was a while ago. I DO know that I bought the shareware disk the first time I ever saw the game, It was mesmerizing...... After getting Ultimate Doom for my birthday, it corrupted a few months later (Damn 3 1/2 floppy disks!) I was suffering withdrawl symptoms of, well, no Doom. In about 98, I got Doom 2, and I stopped egging houses. Never played multi Doom, I am a sad sorry individual for it.
  10. Submerge

    Getting to know you all.

    I was honestly curious when someone would ask this.. My name is Joel Poston, I live in Pennsylvania, where nothing EVER happens. I picked the name Submerge because, well, I like to swim, that's about it. Oh, I am 16 as well.
  11. Submerge

    DM WAD

    I was thinking of making a D2 Deathmatch WAD, in which a flip of a switch could change the battlefield (i.e. Raise and drop walls) Has anyone ever done that before? Probably, but I'm just curious. But then again, there is the problem of getting it on the net.. No internet connection at home, you see.
  12. Submerge


    Last week, while hopped up on caffine (Dr. Pepper, mmmmm.) I decided to find out how many words I could get out of the word 'Degreelessness', There is no logic attached to this, nor is there a prize, but can anyone find any others? DEGREELESSNESS SENSE, LESS, SENSELESS, GEL, RED, SEED, END, GREED, DEGREE, EEL, REND, DEER, ERG, NERD, REEL, SEND, LEND, REED, EGRESS, GREEN, LEER, LENS, GRENDEL, NEED, GLEN, SNEER, LEG, ERE, DREGS, DRESS, SLED, RENDER, GENDER, DEN, Uhh..... SCANDINAVIA....... hmm. I guess that's it. Oh, yeah, what does degreelessness MEAN? Any ideas?
  13. Submerge

    Demon idea

    And always in your face when they die.... BOOM!
  14. Submerge

    Sir Fragsalot and the Coprocessor of Doom

    copying with disks and not CDs makes me sick to my stomach, Thank god I don't know enough about computers to do anything overly fancy...
  15. Submerge

    Arch-Vile and Demon changes?

    Two mosters I would really like to know if they are to be changed or not: The Arch-Vile, and the Pepto-Bismol Demon. Demon: I don't think it should get any hair, or have it's color changed any. It is scary enough as is. I was terrified of being ripped to pieces by one in my dreams. Besides, what could be scarier that a big, pink, naked thing running up out of the darkness to do who knows what to you? Arch-Vile: Great monster, annoying attack. I think that Archie's attack should be changed. that column of flame is just too powerful and annoying to be used often. Oh, it could be one of his attacks, just a rare one, or one he uses when he is wounded. I think that the Arch-Vile should shoot a long stream of small fireballs at you that follow you until they burn out, flowing in a coordinated chain. Also, a quick way to kill one: knock it in water! Douse it's flame!
  16. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this, but it is the only way I'll find out. What is ZDoom? Skulltag? The Master Levels? What is this stuff? As far as I was concerned, all there was to me was Doom, Doom2, and Ultimate Doom. I OBVIOUSLY need to be updated on this stuff. Not having an internet connection at home sucks. Thanks for your time.
  17. Submerge

    20000th post!

    Congrats on 20000 posts.
  18. Submerge


    Hmm. Makes sense, doesn't it?
  19. Submerge

    "Horrible question of the week"

    'Waves a fond farewell' Okay than, it's gone, fine.
  20. Submerge

    I wanna map

    Use WadAuthor. It's very easy to use, works fairly well, and you can see textures before you place them on a linedef. If you can edit levels for half-life, than doom editors will be a breeze for you, by all means.
  21. Submerge


    I completely understand why an employee would get fired for selling or renting that game to a young person. I took a short look at a strategy guide and....... I don't think I'll buy it anytime soon, let's say. Unless, I got a brain tumor that took control of me, or something. That is like, the only game I've seen that is rated M for it's sick content, not violence.
  22. Submerge

    Arch-Vile and Demon changes?

    These ideas are neat, I wouldn't have thought of them.... Do you know where all of the gum you swallow goes? It goes to Hell, and is mushed together to make one of those pink demons.
  23. Submerge

    Heroes of the community

    I agree with your choices, but what about the nice, hard working people who brought us the Memento Mori levels? those are some of the best that I have ever played.
  24. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    That is a brilliant plan to kill me, I adimit it. But there is ONE flaw in your genius plan. I don't drink coffee, sorry.
  25. Submerge

    Horrible question of the week

    Would you rather: 1. Jab a Cyberdemon in the ass with a hat pin, then run like hell. or, 2. Smash a blasting cap with a hammer, "Just to see what happens" 'Horrible question of the week', implying that there would be one next week. Don't act surprised. This is one of the few things I enjoy doing. Humor, and all that stuff.