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About kassianoaguiar

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. There is a way written by Script, hexen format, to make monsters open and enter any type of door. example: the monsters in hexen 1 do not open or enter the doors.
  2. kassianoaguiar

    New CyberPunch

    thank you very much I put 110 value for MELEERANGE and he accepted perfectly!
  3. kassianoaguiar

    New CyberPunch

    Why is CyberDemônio (I made the replaces CyberDemon) NOT performing the punch?! I made the sprites, decorate and sound... in the image you can med correct
  4. kassianoaguiar


    I got it yesterday from so much editing that I HAD TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE CHARACTER "DOOMPLAYER" TO "DOOMGUY" (I made it up) In order for SlotNumber's to accept the new weapon and new ammo... TKS
  5. kassianoaguiar


    How do I write in "decorate" or "keyconf" so that I immediately get a new weapon "Slot2" !? (Like remove pistol from wad and put another one).
  6. kassianoaguiar

    Die Immediately

    does it have the script of an actor decorate that makes the player or the monsters if they touch him die immediately EVEN IN GOD MODE (INVUNERABLE)?!?! If you have a template...
  7. kassianoaguiar

    Die instantly

    What do I do to put in the DECORTE of an actor to that "as soon as I touch him, I die instantly without a push"?.
  8. kassianoaguiar

    DECORATE: how to make pain change

    How do I make the monster scream sometimes when I'm shooting it? Because in these two scripts in a row - one, which I want him to scream sometimes, he IS ALWAYS SCREAMING and I not want!
  9. kassianoaguiar

    how to make monsters open other doors

    What is the flag that makes the monster manage to open and insist on opening any door? (my case is the ports that open sideways in UDMF format). NOTE: In this UDMF format I have already put on the opening doors that the monster that touches the door opens the door BUT THE MONSTER DOES NOT INSIST ON GOING THROUGH THE DOOR AND YES IT KNOCKS AND COMES BACK... What to do?!?
  10. kassianoaguiar

    Fire Push Me

    thank very much!
  11. kassianoaguiar

    Fire Push Me

    How can I make the bazooka gun, when I shoot, push me back? (by putting an "Action function" in the following sprite): Fire: BAZO E 0 A_"............." Goto Ready
  12. kassianoaguiar


    It's like this friend: I'm Brazilian and I want text for my doom stories during the game, in short, translated. for example: "Durante a travessia da lava de fogo através da ponte. você estará perto do portão principal." The words: "através" - "estará" - "portão". When typing these words into MAPINFO and then running the game, the words will come out weird like this: "atrav´s" - "estar~" - "port$o". I don't want that... Is it possible to write in Portuguese and leave the game with the correct words without a problem???
  13. kassianoaguiar


    About writing text in "ClusterDef" of MAPINFO. What are the characters to write as for example: Ã = ? Ç = ? Ô = ? É = ? Ì = ? is there a character table?
  14. kassianoaguiar

    Monsters open doors

    Thank you very much, it worked perfect!!!
  15. kassianoaguiar

    Monsters open doors

    I already did that! But the problem is that all monsters are 10% likely to PASS THROUGH THE GATE AND CHASE ME ... Is there any way to increase the chances of going through the door besides chasing me and also searching rooms?