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About Flytrap

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  1. I get the logic, but i dont see it. If someone says 'i dont see why you'd use this', and you take offense to that, maybe the problem is in you. I never said that people were stupid for that. You put those words in my mouth. Simply not understanding why someone would use a source port you like, is not the same as calling them idiots. Im sorry you feel that way.
  2. I was asking, to get people's explanations *why* How rude. Except when i talk like this i get punished/banned from any of the forums i visit. The regulars never do, and that double standard bothers me.
  3. Some of the levels were designed to use a specific sky, does blzut's patcher use the same skies for the levels?
  4. The way i see it, i cant think of a reason to use ports like woof, nugget, doom retro, edge-classic, eternity (if you're not playing heartland), doom retro, crispy doom, any many others. Major ports: DSDA doom for purists Helion for people who want outstanding performance GZDoom for all the custom wads. Chocolate for the ultra purists. What selling points do the other minor source ports have, that these four dont fulfill?
  5. Flytrap

    Stuttering in all DOOM source ports tested

    I um... Do you actually 'see' the screen tearing at those hundreds of frames, because im sure they theoretically exist but i dont think you should be worrying about them if you cant see them. Why limit the framerate to get it to be smooth, when you could just uncap it and not hold the graphics back? It'd still be just as smooth, if not smoother. Also, im not sure what that guide is trying to achieve, but its clearly not working for source ports, so i suggest you uncap your framerates, turn v-sync off, and not worry about these things.
  6. I am aware that going down is popular. However, unlike the other top 15-20, it doesnt come up in talks as often as them. The only time its mentioned is when either Cyriak or the wad itself gets brought up. It never comes up for any other reason, like the other popular wads. I know going down is popular, but what do you want from me, i like it, therefore im giving it points. Buzz off. Also, dont start fights. We both know you wouldnt get punished because you're a regular, and im not, but thats not an excuse for you to start fights, just because it wont harm you.
  7. Flytrap

    What do you think of midnight

    I dont know him, so i am not going to talk about his character, but i really cant stand his videos. They are low quality filler garbage.
  8. Flytrap

    Stuttering in all DOOM source ports tested

    Its probably because of your video settings. To boot, some games dont like having their frames capped. Not sure if the source ports are like that, but it works like this for some other games Second, v-sync is expecting full framerate, and you capped it below that. The two probably shouldnt be active at the same time. They are probably working against each other, resulting in this weirdness. You could download intel presentmon and check gpubusy, maybe it'd help figure this out, dunno Why do you need these strange settings anyway? G-sync i get, framecapping, sure, but why 3 FPS under refresh rate? And why v-sync on top of this entire thing?
  9. Instead of editing an already existing list that is the cornerstone of our community, why not create a new list in a couple years as a sequel?
  10. Flytrap

    What do IWAD's provide for source engines?

    Ah. Good to know Thanks
  11. Flytrap

    What do IWAD's provide for source engines?

    Okay, thats really funny Whats PAYPAL in the context of DOOM? GZDoom doesnt recognize it as an iwad, at all.
  12. For example, one of my favourite things related to doom ever, is a total conversion called HocusDoom (because the game its based on is one of my childhood favourites), and it requires doom2.wad to play, even though it uses literally none of the enemies, weapons, levels, or even sprites. So, why is doom2 needed then? Chex Quest is in a rather similar situation and thats an IWAD by itself, so whats the difference behind the curtains when both of these are using custom everything and yet only one is a standalone thing
  13. Aw shucks. I should have given doom 64 a point, its really cool, and i like it immensely brb
  14. Bugs. Those were bugs and people making videos about these are acting like those are intentional. I dont mind them pretending for fun these were intentionally super hard secrets, but it leads to this which is why im not a fan of people doing that