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Everything posted by tony

  1. tony


    Well, here's a 180 degree view of that head, maybe you might find it helpfull godcell http://www.air-internet.com/~awalker/textures/sprite.zip
  2. tony


    http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=38469 http://www.elysiun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21066&start=0 You can use this program to make monsters http://www.makehuman.org/ I make textures using gimp http://www.gimp.org/ And normal and height using blender http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Normal_Maps.491.0.html Using gimp I use the dialog-->layers feature, the texture is then grain merge or multiply onto a height map or you can choose just to use the normal as is over a plain texture, but ID website shows the method they use to make it. The blender manual shows how to make a sword, look for that.
  3. tony


    Well, here's a link to some doom 64 I try to made. http://pcgamemods.com/mod/13885.html Well, you may have to remake the defuse, cause I sort of made the mistake of using a grey scale of the normal for that. Anyways, I impove at making normal and defuse and I use a render of a height map trick in Blender. "A blend of black and white" As for the girl, well I sort of lost of the time my computer die on me, but I'm working on a better one and trying to learn about topology and loops http://www.air-internet.com/~awalker/show/topo1.jpg http://www.air-internet.com/~awalker/show/topo2.jpg
  4. tony


    I'm sort of busy with a different project, if I get done in time I might.
  5. tony


    It's not my model, it's a target that was made with makehuman, if you want me to sumit a 360 view, I can do that. Well, I did adjust the target to get this, so you know what I mean.
  6. tony


    What you mean by porportions not matching ? You don't render it in makehuman, you export it then render it in blender, then turn on "Ortho" to get a full view. Here's an example that I made after I index the color to 16 in Gimp.
  7. tony


    Well, the makehuman program of the pre alpha beta release has a horn target, that can be import in Blender then do the charater seperate "Cause the emotion effect the horn" Join them then render them, if you plan to do UV mapping there's a good plug-in that was suggested in the makehuman forum that could do that, so you wouldn't have to work with so many quads. I made a demon target for makehuman would anyone find it usefull ?
  8. I thought it might be usefull for making Imps. You can find the program here http://www.makehuman.org
  9. tony

    Makehuman 0.8 beta is out !!!

    I notice that too, but at least there's the vagina.
  10. tony


    http://doom3.filefront.com/file/DungeonDOOM_XP;42654 Got spells and booby traps too.
  11. tony


    Not really, but you can at least study the money part in case you wondering how it's done.
  12. tony


    There is a dungeon mod that allows you to collect money and buy weapons for doom3
  13. tony

    The UDooM project.

    Maybe I'll buy Doom3 engine, perhaps if we all do this, it would make them happy, at least for now.
  14. tony

    Freedoom not Free?

    Yea, read this in PCWorld, they say it's more like "Collect New Revenue" then "Click-N-Run". They are charging for the "Click-N-Run" service then the actual program. But to use Id logo is cutting it to close in my opinion, maybe someone should contact them a let them know. However the freedoom license is clear and let's be happy that's it's being notice.
  15. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    You mean the one you just posted ? Yea, I notice that too.
  16. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    You looking for if the levels can be passed and completed with jDoom also if there's any function that is too noticeable and different from the boom experience. If you play the original wad on jDoom, see how far you can go >)
  17. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    I didn't knew he was going to extract the wads, thought of it was going to remain like the freedoom wad.
  18. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    I think level two isn't done yet, at least I didn't notice any level two, perhaps you thinking of freedoom2 ?
  19. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    I'll wait and see what you have in mind
  20. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    Yes, the one by the H. I could raise the ceiling and assign raise to higher floor on one of them then assign a lower to floor at the one at the top. But right now I'm confuse as for the function the one at the top does, don't seem to notice anything in 3drisen however the lift works fine in 3drisen. If you have any suggestions I'm open to use them.
  21. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    Ok is that a good thing or a bad thing ? You try playing it in jDoom ? If you play the original in jDoom then the modify one, you can see the differents.
  22. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    Got to it yet ?
  23. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    can you do it tonight ?
  24. tony

    freedoom 0.3

    Ok, I will really like to stress that the purpose of this project isn't to make everything in a map 100% workable. My aim is to make the doom map passable for jDoom players. So stuff like monster not spawning, bodies not floating, barrows not traveling on belts, multiple function for switches "won't be expected" to be implemented in. The goal is to provide the jdoom freedoom with the same map, textures, design, sprites, layout and feel of the original freedoom map. So the chances are people who play the freedoom jDoom map and the Freedoom Boom map will hardly know the differences. The reason I like this idea is so that linux users can play a part in freedoom 3D eye candy development so that new and other games can develop from it.
  25. I finish with the editing of FreeDoom1 maps for jDoom compatability, who wants to test them out ???