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Everything posted by Bri0che

  1. I have been charmed by this lovely mod as a old WoW player ! Thank you for this gem :)
  2. Bri0che

    Mess hall - my map :^)

    Short and good. Though, as already said, I would had loved a more "complex" architecture :)
  3. Bri0che

    -El Foso- a Doom II map

    I played with Walpurgis as a ferocious magister hehe, I don't have any complaint except the map is a bit short :c The stairs room was fun though :)
  4. Thank's :) the map was UV only, I intended to put some ammo/health balance for each difficulty but if I may be honest with you... I was bored xd also...
  5. Information : By watching some bugs I unfortunately changed the spawn point, my bad, now fixed. :S
  6. Oh sh** I forgot those precious informations ! it's boom compatibility, and also no jump/crouch. Freelook is yours.
  7. Thank you for playing ! I fixed the issues :) And... Yes, the secrets are well hidden, but you can still notice them by subtile texture changes.
  8. Ty for the feedback :) It's already patched
  9. I'm not particularly active those days, but I guess I'll have no choice than play this ! :)
  10. As far as where I am, I appreciate the map's names :D
  11. I enjoyed it and so I don't have any major complaint... it was an entertaining map, really :) Maybe if I should have given a least is the - in my very only opinion - "excessive" use of floor/ceil texture without height change in some areas... I find it unaesthetical in a level design perspective, but I guess I'm just a f*cking purist ? xD
  12. (I've changed my minds, I won't participate, but I'm following this :)
  13. Very good set dude ! I particularly loved the map with the death exit scenario
  14. Nice little map, especially liked the energized start and the cyberdemons room :) Just one very minor complaint, maybe a personnal one btw... >>> I think this thing is, in a way, confusing, nothing too rought at all... Though I may advise you to put a SR trigger line despite a WR one for this situation as it appear to be more logical, because there is no switch to turn on so you first don't understand you have to press the wall to action a lift, there is effectively a lack of a switch texture. It's just a question of dynamism in my opinion
  15. Bri0che

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I'm actually working on a DOOM I episode two replacement: E2M1 (99,99% finished)- E2M2 (60 or 70% finished, need a lot of polish and to add some rooms to explore)- E2M3 (not even 10% finished, at its very early state)- E2M8 (same than E2M3, I just started it today because I was inspired for a good and fun end of episode)-
  16. Bri0che


    Yeah I was sure about that, "ingenious" way to force the monster to "guard" the exit button xD you devil
  17. Bri0che


    The gameplay is surprisingly satisfying, the concept has great potential to me ! Though I'm sure with no weight restriction, and so no graphical restriction too, the maps could be a bit more attracting and gain some points :D
  18. Bri0che

    Doom 2 vanilla wads recommendations

    The difference here, in my opinion, is that there is no commercial intent... Also, I think that going into the unknown and maybe discovering well-done/fantastic maps as well as weird/awkward ones is part of an interesting "adventure"... With so much content, you'll probably find something you like. Anyway in the case of Compendium, there is a sort of ingame menu space classifying the WAD's : if you don't like one, you can simply go for another one.
  19. Bri0che

    Doom 2 vanilla wads recommendations

    I advise you to look at : https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=61211 This is basically... well... a compendium of classic megawads, it include a lot of maps in one single WAD (somes that you have certainly already played though, but others that you surely never heard of). May I self-advertise my own creations too ? :) I did a little 4 maps WAD times ago which is not too difficult and only has musics/textures replacement : https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/botl
  20. The name is well chosen considerating the music and the gameplay lol, It's a very simple map where you go forward and do a massacre (and it is very pleasant), I like the idea :)
  21. Bri0che

    Poetry of the Doomworld

    I'm a great fan of litterature so there is no way I wont contribuate here :) Though... There is no Doom link in my poetry, it's more likely to speak about human being... Also, as a non-native english speaker, this is basically written in my own language of born : french, I'll probably put the original first written in french and then approximatively translate in english, but it will kill the feels for sure, sorry for that. This one is particularly personnal as it talk about a girl I used to love deeply, but now she's just gone : French : (original) Oubli J'ai oublié mes peines quand le temps nous fit blessure D'aube à crépuscule seules mes larmes firent figure J'oublie nos rancœurs mais je garde nos sourires Dans l'haut-delà peut-être nous pourrions guérir J'oublierais notre future qui n'existera pas J'oublierais nos bagues qui sont tombées bien bas J'ai oublié tes yeux bleus parfaits et ta bouche Tes cheveux ensoleillés ton corps qui se couche J'oublie encore non sans mal mon âme trébuche bas Parfois j'aimerais qu'elle retombe dans tes bras J'oublierais tout même nos amours entrelacés J'oublierais nos caresses y compris nos baisers J'ai oublié toutes les autres mais pourquoi pas toi Au fond de moi de toi à la haine il n'y a qu'un pas J'oublie de te dire tant de choses le doute me ronge Le regret est une pluie je suis une éponge J'oublierais mes tristesses tu as oublié les tiens Et ton tendre bonheur rayonnera sur le miens Mais je crois que je n'oublierais pas qui tu es Dans mes souvenirs cette fille que j'ai aimé Tu trône encore et pour toujours dans mes ardeurs À jamais sur le piédestal de mon pauvre cœur English : (translation) Forget I forgot my pain when the time made us wound From dawn to dusk only my tears were visible I forget our grudges but I keep our smiles In the hereafter perhaps we could heal I'll forget our future that won't exist I'll forget about our rings that have fallen so low I've forgotten your perfect blue eyes and your mouth Your sunny hair your body that lies down I still forget not without difficulty my soul stumbles low Sometimes I wish it would fall back into your arms I would forget everything even our intertwined loves I would forget our caresses including our kisses I have forgotten all the others but why not you Deep inside of me from you to hate there's only one step I forget to tell you so many things the doubt gnaws at me Regret is a rain I am a sponge I would forget my sorrows you have forgotten yours And your tender happiness will shine on mine But I don't think I'll forget who you are In my memories this girl I loved You're still and forever enthroned in my ardor Forever on the pedestal of my poor heart I know that's really out of the Doom atmosphere, prehaps that's why I'm here today :) Doom is a great game, and even more its community.
  22. As a great fan of horror/fantastic fiction, I'm definitively following this. Plus I really like your composition !
  23. Bri0che


    About the comments above : the informations are written in the download page, but well I guess you guys are still right about rewrite the informations here, it take two seconds to copy/past.
  24. As the title say, Shorhell is a short E2M1 replacement that I made months ago. This heavily follow the way Sandy Peterson and Tom Hall designed episode two, by this I mainly mean the aesthetic design, IDK that much about the gameplay : I guess this is a little bit more difficult than the original ? I originaly planned to make a full replacement of episode two of Doom I as this is my favorite episode of the four ever released, but I simply abandonned the idea since I lost my motivation to do it ; a very unfinished E2M2 is also present in this WAD as a result of my abandon, but this is not important... You can still try it though. - IWAD Doom I needed ! - It's absolutely vanilla compatible so no jump, no crounch, no mouselook (jk, do what you want), no sh*t c: Screenshot of the start point (E2M1) : As said above, it's a very short map, about 10, 5 minutes, or even less ? Even if this is a release of an abandonned project, I still hope some appreciations and comments, maybe this would help me to regain interest into this project :D Thank you. Download link >>> https://www.mediafire.com/file/jz9irkn6jrlbgss/Shorhell.wad/file