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About NotSoSeriousNick

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  1. NotSoSeriousNick

    Vanilla Doom smooth weapons

  2. NotSoSeriousNick

    Vanilla Doom smooth weapons

    PrBoom + has a launcher? Never appeared to me, always had to use a .bat file. I did manage to make it work via .bat file, turns out I had made a mistake writing it, a missed space between the .wad file and the complevel. I appreciate the help! EDIT: I do have a question, in a bat file, if I want to add more than one wad, do I have to just write -file and then every wad I want to add, or to I need to write -file before each individual wad?
  3. NotSoSeriousNick

    Vanilla Doom smooth weapons

    Hi, sorry to bother anyone with my beginner questions, but I just wanted to know if this .wad was compatible with PrBoom +, seeing as that is the best source port I can use right now. If it is, how do I go about installing it? I'm kinda lost when it comes to this stuff, I'm sorry.