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Everything posted by Kan3

  1. Kan3

    Randomizing switches

    script "Random_Switch" (int time, int nswitch, int telid) { //set in the line special arguments the time you wish for the timer in seconds, the switch number from 1 to 10 and the id of the teleport destinations if you have more than one and you want to change if(!correct || timer == 0) { int erng = random(1,10); int trng = random(1,10); while(trng == erng) { trng = random(1,10); } ACS_NamedExecute("StartTimer",0,time,0,0); correct = true; } if(nswitch == erng) { Exit_Normal(); } else if(nswitch == trng) { Teleport(telid, 0, 0); } else { DamageThing(0, 20); } } It should do the trick
  2. Kan3

    Randomizing switches

    With a script it would something like this: int timer; bool correct; script "Random_Switch" (int time, int nswitch) { //set in the line special argument the time you wish for the timer and the switch number from 1 to 10 if(!correct || timer == 0) { int rng = random(1,10); ACS_NamedExecute("StartTimer",0,time,0,0); correct = true; } if(rng == nswitch) { Exit_Normal(); } else { DamageThing(0, 20); } } script "StartTimer" (void) { timer = time; while(timer > 0) { timer--; Delay(35); } correct = false; } Note that the timer is completely unnecessary if the player is playing in single mode, because if he presses the wrong switch he dies and the script will reset and a new random switch will be picked up
  3. Kan3

    MAPINFO suddenly isn't working & I don't know why

    You left a comma right after the cluster 126 enter text
  4. Basically the title explain it all! Here, with the help of a magic video, I'going to show you how you can easily make a weapon (or whatever you want, actually) that can slow down monsters with the use of a Speed Powerup copycat. Everyone (I guess) knows that powerups work on monsters too, except for a few exceptions, among which we have the infamous PowerSpeed powerup. In my searching for answers, I found out all fo the reason behind this seemingly weird thing and with that knowledge I've been able to find a very easy workaround! Behold! I'm about to show you how to make a weapon that can slow down monsters on hit! In the description you can find a couple of more useful links and the download for the ZSCRIPT of the weapon I made.
  5. Kan3

    Suggestions about creating a sprite-sheet

    Welcome in the maddening world of making sprite's rotations x) I don't think there are any shortcut without an actual 3d model, you just have to arm yourself with patience and good eye and draw them in every degree needed. It sucks, I know, I have several unfinished product with just the front sprite for this reason. What might help you out, is looking for similar custom monsters around, like on Realm667, and try to see if you can extrapolate some part of the sprites to copy-paste while making the remaining sprites. For example, again on Realm667 there are a couple of grey Cacodemons that you could use to help you out with the missing rotations sprites, same goes for the imps and lost souls (Also, they look awesome, I would be really interested in the pain elemental there *_*)
  6. BEHOLD! The amount of dialogues a couple of npcs require...




    And all of the random lines they can say!



    If something breaks... May God have mercy on my soul...

  7. Man, I can see a HUGE improvement in your mapping skills! The map looks really good and the progression is too! Really enjoyable map here
  8. Not if you use an external site like imgur ;)
  9. Kan3

    How can you make custom blood sprites?

    You basically have 2 ways to achieve that: Place your modified (or even blank if literally want to remove blood) sprites into your mod with Slade3 (like jo2ukegappy already said) and rename them exactly like the blood sprites are named in Doom (BLUD and SPRY) You make a new Blood actor in DECORATE/ZSCRIPT replacing the default blood class and do with it whatever you want (if you want to just replace/remove blood, the first option is the easiest and fastest way)
  10. Don't take it personally, but you're quite bad at promoting your mod, because this thing looks amazing! The maps look impressive, especially the sector and texture work. You definitely need to "pump" this "advertisement" a bunch more: Add some screenshots Add more description of it Add something about the mod in general, like: Why you made it, how etc.
  11. I just found out a huge limitation in the Strife/ZDoom DIALOGUE system if you want npcs to have random lines of dialogue...


    I have to write down in the LANGUAGE lump exactly 10 lines of random text for each dialogue T_T and I have 36 unique dialogues (for now) D:


    I wanna die

  12. Kan3

    How do you make Exclusive Summons?

    Have you tried creating a Master/child relationship between the player and the spawned minion? In this way you can call for A_RemoveChildren and get rid of them whenever you're about to summon a new one. I think it should work as that, without necessarily pointing to the item owner directly (so, just add A_RemoveChildren just before the summon function and add the SXF_SETMASTER flag in A_SpawnItemEx).
  13. Have you ever thought that Lost Souls are just a little too clumsy, not enough scary and just annoying sentient (partially) fireballs?


    Well, you're lucky! I got the solution for ya! :D



    Kind of...

  14. Libraries can be a pain in the a** even because the infos about them are not "cohesive" in the wiki, same goes for scripting in general
  15. What I see is that you made a "global" script file defined as a library (with a different name than the name of the script file itself), library that you never import (?), but you're importing a .txt (presumably the library?) from a specific location in your pc. This kills the point of having the script file defined as a library x) Also, you have another script compiled in the acs folder which is not to be found. I then entered map 2 with UDB to check the script activation. Since I couldn't use the library, I fixed the issue directly: I'll send you the file back with the little modifications I did so that you can see what I did (on light.acs and map 2 scripts). The important part that you were also probably missing, was to have the light.acs file inside the same folder where you have the ipk3. Once I exported the global script, I could use all of the library scripts and variables within the map and also use the map scripts with no trouble. Here you go: Template_acsfix.rar
  16. You have to post the wad or at least the scripts, because there's nothing wrong in having both working together
  17. I'm all up for some more creepy stuff :D


    Time for a damned floating nightmarish head, lost souls are just too friendly




    Soon, somewhere, in the dark

  18. The end product is here!




    Just need a couple of adjustments to the sounds, the frame duration and brighmaps :D

  19. It's been a while, but I can finally start operating on my mod!


    Today we got our... WEREWOLF sprites done! :D




    Soon, in some lost old Scottish village in the hills.

  20. Here's a bruh answer: Make a new item that inherits from CustomInventory, that will be your backpack (closed bag) Make another purely decorative actor for the opened bag Add a Pickup state in your CustomInventory In the state call A_GiveInventory to give the player whatever you want Then call A_SpawnItemEx to spawn the opened bag Add all the flags and properties you need to and you're done
  21. Kan3

    Doom Monster Death Tally/Death Counter

    Delay() needs to be called inside the while loop, you can't "open" the loop if you call stuff before opening the brackets. Also, sorry, I made a mistake in the scripts, dumb me. You also have to set the points value inside the while loop or it won't update. So something like this: script 6 (void) { int points = 0; while(points < GetLevelInfo(LEVELINFO_TOTAL_MONSTERS)) { points = GetLevelInfo(LEVELINFO_KILLED_MONSTERS); if(points == 9) { Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8(147, 2, 20); Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8(145, 8, 20); } if(points == 18) { Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8(147, 2, 20); Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8(150, 2, 20); } if(points == 27) { Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8(147, 2, 20); Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8(151, 2, 20); } Delay(35); //No need to call it every tic. } } Untested again, I hope I didn't write something else wrong D:
  22. Kan3

    Doom Monster Death Tally/Death Counter

    Pretty "heavy" way to deal with this thing x) You have several solutions: If you want to stick to this way: if you use ACS_ExecuteAlways on the monsters (I believe you're calling the script from each monster for every wave), should fix the problem. Otherwise, if you want cleaner way to do things: Just give the monsters a different tid for each wave (for example: monsters of the 1st wave with tid of 1, monsters of 2nd wave tid of 2 etc.), then you could just call a script with multiple loops like this: script "Waves" (void) { //You can let the player activate the script by crossing a line or whatever int points = 0; while (ThingCount(T_NONE, 1) > 0) { //until there are at least 1 monster with a tid of 1 alive points++; //better than points = points + 1; Print(i:points); Delay(35); //wait and repeat every second (change the tcs to whatever you like) } Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8(....); //when everyone's dead, do your stuff //Fall straight through the next wave loop while (ThingCount(T_NONE, 2) > 0) { //until there are at least 1 monster with a tid of 2 alive points++; Print(i:points); Delay(35); //wait and repeat every second } ...etc. } Just use the Doom monster counter: script "Waves" (void) { int points = GetLevelInfo(LEVELINFO_KILLED_MONSTERS); //it directly retrieves the monster count while(points < GetLevelInfo(LEVELINFO_TOTAL_MONSTERS)) { //while points is lower than the total number of monsters in the map Print(i:points); if(points == X) { //with X being the number of dead monsters of your choice Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8(); //do your stuff; } if(points == Y) { Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8(); //do more stuff; } etc. } Floor_LowerByValueTimes8(); //When everyone's dead, do the end stuff }
  23. It has now been 2 years since I started my first steps into the doom modding and basically into this wad. That's what I said the last time, but hey, there's always room for improvement! Jokes aside, I have to thank @skepticist for the huge thoughtful feedback, testing and advice I received, cause I decided to re-work tons of stuff of this wad to push it to the limit (or better, to push me to the limit). From now on, I will take come "vacation" and start with other project and, who knows, maybe in the future, with D.N.A. 2. Well... I fixed some minor bug, that's for sure... WITHOUT FURTHER ADO! I present you Declared New Apocalypse. Lore: Description: Here's The vital info: IWAD: Doom II Port: GZDoom (Tested in 4.8.2) Format: UDMF Render Mode: Hardware Accelerated (highly recommended or there'll be unavoidable HOMs in some maps) Type: Custom maps, monsters, weapons, decorations, powerups, ammo, graphics, GLDEFS, scripts, sounds, musics Levels: DNA01-12 + 2 secrets (DNA13-14) + Reliquary hub (RELIQ) + Wave based arena mode (ARENA) Game Mode: Singleplayer only Difficulty: Hard Freelook: Highly Recommended (or you'll definitely miss some secrets) Jump/Crouch: Not allowed Starting Weapon: Fists Pistol (Fists) Start: Implemented for every map (forced fists start if playing the Reliquary episode, which is the hub) Skill Levels: All of the vanilla difficulties have been implemented and slightly reworked, + Doom and Apocalypse skill levels have been added Mods Compatibility: For now, I cannot guarantee compatibility with mods that alter vanilla actor classes, so it would be better to not use any possible conflicting one. Light Mode: Doom (Suggested, since every light level has been adjusted with this setting). (You can find more info and the credits in the txt files inside!) Screenshots: UPDATES: And last, but not the least, the download! File: Declared New Apocalypse (September 23th 2022) I promise, I won't touch this again, for real this time! (Promise already broken...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey! Wtf is with this file size?" "It's due to the intro cutscene video, my apologies, but it was too cool to not include this feature and despite the video dimensions (960x540p) it still weighs over 30mb" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can find the special thanks in the Credits. txt and Infos.txt files! I will leave this here if you want to see some "footage" and I will update the playlist with a new map every (some) day: Known bugs: Map 11: automap floor arrows in the dark room are not shown properly. Spider Mastermind can get stuck in map 8. UDB: false BlurSphere GLDEFS error. UDB: map 12 portal with displacement mismatch and portal with both sides in the same group error. Invisible floor stops the player fall in a map 12 trap. I hope you can enjoy it and don't hesitate to give me advice or any kind of critic! Thanks a lot! My other works: The Marshes Redone Twilight Descends Redone The Mansion Redone Threshold of Pain Redone MimicPack From the original post:
  24. I wasn't expecting a came back like this ahahah Thanks mate! I love the fact that you handled the entirety of the map greatly! (And thank God the boss was more fair for a "blind gameplay" this time). (The thing that comes out of the ground at the start of the hub can let you set the skill level if you wish, go the testing area, like you saw and from which you can come out whenever you want without loading a save, and exit the game)