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Everything posted by SMG_Man

  1. SMG_Man

    [SBARINFO] Show MaxHealth in status bar

    Gotcha. Then unfortunately, you would probably be better off moving your status bar to being written in ZSCRIPT. There is probably some convoluted workaround to get the player's true max health value displayed and updated via ACS or something similarly unintuitive, but ZSCRIPT should allow you to access and display the value natively. ...though speaking of unintuitive workarounds for SBARINFO... What you could do is make a dummy ammotype (call it HealthAmmo for example), give it a starting max value equivalent to the player's base max health, and have its AmmoCapacity displayed on the status bar where you want the max health value shown. Then, whenever the player's health increases, also increase the player's "HealthAmmo" value by the same amount (this has to be done via ACS or ZSCRIPT), thus updating the status bar and accurately tracking their max health. Does this make sense?
  2. SMG_Man

    [SBARINFO] Show MaxHealth in status bar

    Are you intending to make the player have an upgradeable max health value? If not, then you can just draw 200 as a static number
  3. SMG_Man

    Help with decorate again

    I was about to suggest this, though I don't think you would need ACS (unless I'm not understanding the A_SetSpeed action function). Yes you would have to set it up individually for every monster, but most of it's just copy-pasting the same lines of codes.
  4. Okay, here's the best way to do this using SLADE: 1. Copy and paste the Archvile's death sprites VILER0 through VILEZ0 into your custom WAD. 2. When they're in your WAD: highlight all of the sprites, right click, select "Graphics", select "Convert to...", then in the following window at the top where it says "Convert to: Doom GFX (Paletted)", drop down the list and select "PNG (Truecolor)", then select "Convert all". 3. Now you need to highlight all of the death sprites again, and then right click, select "Graphics", then select "Colour Remap" 4. These are the following changes you will make using the "Colour Gradient" option: Vivid reds: Desaturated reds: if you need the exact RGB values for the target ranges, the first range for the brighter/vivid purples goes from Red 144, Green 32, Blue 255 to Red 64, Green 0, Blue 128 The second range for the desaturated/darker purples goes from Red 54, Green 0, Blue 108 to Red 48, Green 0, Blue 96 ...since I already went through the effort of making them anyway, if you absolutely cannot get it to work, here is a zip with the modified sprites: archvile_purple.zip But the above method is how I did it entirely in SLADE, and if you can get it to work, congratulations; now you can convert paletted images to unpaletted images, and also change palleted color ranges into any RGB-based color range you please. (note: under normal circumstances I would suggest using the Translation property in the actor's DECORATE/ZSCRIPT code, but unfortunately some of these reds are also used in the Archvile's resurrection sprites, so they would be affected as well)
  5. SMG_Man

    Most influential ZDoom maps?

    I haven't played too many ZDoom mapsets so I may be off-base here, but I feel like Knee Deep in ZDoom is emblematic of a lot of the later newer (G)ZDoom mapsets I've seen.
  6. SMG_Man

    Raven IWADs (and Strife I guess) chat

    not only was it a very niche game on release, as far as I remember (unlike classic Doom and Heretic & Hexen) Strife was in publisher/licensing hell for a very, very long time. Whereas Doom and the Raven games have been available on Steam for as long as I can remember, Strife wasn't re-released to the public until Nightdive's 2014 remaster. So between the initial launch in '96 and 2014, your only way of getting your hands on the game (legally) was hunting down a used CD and praying it wasn't scratched to hell. Another unique roadblock was that while Doom and the Raven games had their sourcecodes released not very long after publishing, the original sourcecode for Strife was never released to the public and was in fact lost. This made the task of developing a functional and accurate port for Strife much, much more difficult compared to the other games. Another thing that I think bears mentioning, the advancements offered to the idtech1 engine by Hexen proved fairly popular among the Doom playerbase, giving rise to the "Doom in Hexen" (and later UDMF) map formats in more advanced ports like ZDoom. Some of Strife's more unique features did get folded into the format (or maybe it's more accurate to say into (G)ZDoom's feature set), but by and large for people like myself who got into modding with ZDoom, it was "Here's this more advanced format based on the Hexen map format. You've never played Hexen before? Well you gotta check it out, here it is on steam blah blah blah". And lastly, there was Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom; on the Raven side of things, there was Heretic, Hexen, then (on later idtech engines) Hexen II and Heretic II. On the other hand, there was just... Strife. Strife just never stood a chance.
  7. SMG_Man

    What is your favorite texture from classic doom?

    BLOODSEA.WAD from the Master levels really endeared me to the wooden textures with the ribbons I also love the versatility of FLAT22 - it can be a light, a teleporter, a damaging sector like in E2M2; the possibilities are endless!
  8. SMG_Man

    What exactly is going on here?

    I'm having trouble imagining this happening even "accidentally"
  9. Would you happen to have a link to the original sprites/sprite sheet for that? That axe looks great On the topic of this thread, I always felt an alternate weapon for the rocket ammo would be nice. With mouselook a grenade launcher would be perfect, but that wasn't around until quake, so maybe something like the Phalanx in the Reckoning Quake 2 expansion - fires two small missiles at a time with a small delay between them, and while they have less splash damage than the regular rocket launcher, connecting both would deal more damage on a single target.
  10. SMG_Man

    Is there another editor like SLADE?

    Long long ago an editor called XWE was around that served a fairly similar purpose to SLADE, and I believe you can still find it easily with Google. While an outdated editor is at least better than having no editor at all, I must caution you that XWE is not the most stable WAD editor, and is known to on occasion corrupt WADs for no real reason. If it does work and you do decide to use it, it's mandatory that you keep backups of your files.
  11. SMG_Man

    Any tips for creating a slow/horror map?

    Sorry, I normally try not to be pedantic, but I would like to clear up that UDMF stands for "universal doom map format", not "ultimate doom map format". It was intended to be a map format standard compatible across modern sourceports (it was made with input from several developers across different sourceports after all). Now, whether it's truly "universal" in the end is a different story. In any case, it's not a map format that's like specific to Ultimate Doom or anything lol.
  12. SMG_Man

    What's the Translation string for blue?

    This is Doom and Doom 2's palette. Changing the doomguy's color for example would normally be done with a string like "112:127=176:191", replacing the range of vivid greens in the palette with the range of vivid reds. This works very nicely since all the colors are already inside the existing palette. For that shade of blue above however, it does not exist within Doom's palette. Worry not, (G)ZDoom can still be given a translation string that will accomplish the effect based on the RGB values of the desired colors. So if this is for doomguy's sprite, and you're replacing the vivid greens from the palette, the first half of the string will be the same: 112:127. You'll need the exact RGB values for your blue though, which (in spite of the displayed values in the menu up there) would seem to be [60,93,220] at its brightest, and [0,0,0] at its darkest. Therefore your translation string should be "112:127=[60,93,220]:[0,0,0]". Let me know if this doesn't work and I'll try looking into it more deeply.
  13. SMG_Man

    Post your Doom textures!

    using Slade for palettized recoloring is pretty easy. Some image editors (photoshop, corel painter, maybe GIMP) will also let you choose only part of the color spectrum to adjust, instead of shifting the hue of everything.
  14. SMG_Man

    Gravity of Phobos and Deimos

    this actually comes up in the (definitely non-canon) doom novels from the 90s. The explanation they went with was that there were artificial gravity zones already on the moons when the UAC went there, and that the bases were constructed around them. Same thing with the teleporters and the Gates connecting Phobos and Deimos; they weren't human-made, just incorporated into the overall design of the bases.
  15. SMG_Man

    Why doom for playstation 1 sounds like doom 64?

    think my eye just twitched there
  16. SMG_Man

    Things about Doom you still don't understand

    Ah, so that's the thing; if you follow that guide to the letter, there shouldn't even be a flat bleed or HOM effect when your door is opening. Check out here, I used the BSP method from that tutorial in my recreation of TNT MAP21:
  17. Finished my recollection of MAP21. Difficulty settings and coop are implemented, no deathmatch starts. edit: Did a run without secrets and adjusted the difficulty of a few things as a result (mainly the yellow key area and a few co-op encounters) bitcoin_mining_center_revised.zip Compare and contrast (original on the left, mine on the right): Enemy counts seem fairly similar on UV, but I ended up with an extra secret somewhere. If it seems like there's not much health, trust me; that's what the original feels like as well lol. I'm not sure if it's reasonable or even possible to UV-MAX this level as it is, but it's certainly winnable with 80-90% of kills on UV. Maybe through clever use of some monster infighting near the end.
  18. SMG_Man

    Things about Doom you still don't understand

    For me, following this tutorial was pretty easy to understand and worked perfectly. If you've already looked at this one and still don't get it, let me know and I can try either making a more step by step post or commentated video about it. It's a very neat effect to have in your maps. (Note: from my testing, using this method to make transparent doors works like a charm in Chocolate and Crispy Doom. In GZDoom, the effect works in Hardware-accelerated mode, but breaks when using either the Doom or True-color Software Render.)
  19. SMG_Man

    Noclip Powerup?

    There are a few ways it could probably be accomplished in GZDoom: • ZSCRIPT (can't really elaborate here since I don't really know the limits of zscript that well) • Using an ACS script to toggle Noclip for the player temporarily • Using a Morph-type powerup that changes the player into a playerclass that has the NOCLIP flag set temporarily • Modifying select map geometry via a script so that the player can pass through it while the "powerup" is active (The most tedious to set up, but on the other hand it's almost certainly the safest way to implement such a powerup)
  20. It's getting there. Hopefully will have it done by the end of the week edit: Nearly finished with the main building now, so all that's really left is uh yeah, just gonna finish it over the weekend lol
  21. Got the main area blocked out for map 21. idk if this is gonna be big enough for all the stuff there lol
  22. SMG_Man

    Silly question about level names not being shown

    If I'm not mistaken, the automap names of each level in Doom, Doom 2, and Final Doom are all hard-coded into each game's executable. Therefore if you're only opening a replacement WAD file, there can be replacement graphics for the level names in the intermission screens, but not for the automap name since that's not actually stored anywhere in the WAD. DeHackEd allowed for modifying the executable, which (among other things) allowed changing the automap names, but this information was stored in a separate file and not the WAD itself. Nowadays most modern source ports do allow this info to be stored directly in the WAD file via UMAPINFO or similar lumps, but these didn't exist back in the day.
  23. I cannot find an ACS function on the ZDoom wiki to alter the brightness of only the floor or ceiling of a sector, so this is probably how I would achieve the effect you're looking for: lighting hack example.zip There is a script attached to the BFG9000 that runs when you successfully pick it up. What it does is A) lower the bars on the window, and B) increase the brightness of the "shadow" that the bars were casting until it is gone. In-game the effect is convincing enough, but if you open it up in UDB you'll see why I consider it a crude hack, since it's exploiting the way GZDoom handles rendering sunken floors/ceilings that are surrounded by sides with missing textures. quick edit: If you're really averse to scripting, you can have two separate line triggers near each other, one with the floor lowering/ceiling raise action you want, and the other with the action "113: Light Fade".
  24. @Engired do I have the OK to work on map 21 then?
  25. I would suggest looking around the zdoom forums for things like this. It'll be a lot easier to find people working with ZSCRIPT there compared to here on Doomworld.