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About MrGigglefingers

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  1. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Nothing here is any harder than Plutonia lmao. Skill issue.
  2. The beta lost souls are total bastards
  3. I think the Banshees are a pretty solid addition, exploders are a dime a dozen when it comes to dehacked monsters but this is one of my fav implementations of that gimmick. I need to mess around with the other monsters more before I can fully form my opinions on 'em.
  4. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Can't imagine Simpsons Doom is gonna stay up for long but it's cool seeing it get love all these years later
  5. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Yeah the PWAD upload tab will become more manageable when bad actors lose interest. It's gonna be real bad for a couple weeks but with enough moderation it should settle into something halfway usable.
  6. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    The current way user-submitted PWADs are implemented will require heavy moderation. I really hope the studio is up to the task cuz if word gets out that they don't moderate this thing, there's gonna be all kinds of insane exploitation.
  7. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Wads that look normal but suddenly hit you with something offensive to the eyes and/or ears, ex. pornography, ear piercing loud noises, seizure-inducing flashing lights etc.
  8. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    It's only a matter of time before people start uploading Terry wads disguised as popular wads.
  9. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    There should be some kind of verification system so random people can't just upload Eviternity 2. This is a cool system and I appreciate it but it's gonna be rife with theft and trolling.
  10. MrGigglefingers

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    It's MBF21 compatible??? How the fuck
  11. MrGigglefingers

    Worst official level?

    Kinda trite answer (to a kinda trite topic) but Betray from the Doom Xbox port. It's a Wolf3D level where every texture is nukage. SLIGE could shit out better maps than this. Just abysmally, unsalvagably bad in every way.
  12. MrGigglefingers

    Rate That Custom Enemy!

    4/10 Design is uninspired, I don't like how tanky they are, attack is overwhelming in a way that feels more cheap than challenging. They get points for fitting the Doom aesthetic and offering something somewhat unique (a threatening flying monster) but I dislike them and I don't really get why it is one of the most popular custom monsters.
  13. MrGigglefingers

    Wads without slaughtermaps?

    The problem with this thread is that one man's definition of a slaughtermap can be completely different from everyone else's, and they would be completely valid cuz there's no real consensus. Imo I think it's really hard to do a compelling map set nowadays, especially a long one like a megawad, without occasionally veering into slaughter territory for the sake of variety.
  14. MrGigglefingers

    What do you think is Doomguy's favorite wad is?

    Has anyone made a WAD where there's no demon shenanigans and Daisy is alive? It would be terribly boring from a gameplay perspective but that's probably the only situation he actually wants to be in at this point.
  15. MrGigglefingers

    Best Megawad of Each Decade

    90s: wow.wad 2000s: UAC Military Nightmare 2010s: Brutal Doom: Black Edition 2020s: The Ancient Gods Part 2