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About Grum

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  1. Grum

    Custom Weapon has no Frames Error

    Ah, that did the trick. I was following a guide on youtube and they were using namespace markers to put the sprites in. The mod works now. Thanks for the help!
  2. Really enjoying it! The levels have a good length where they don't overstay their welcome and has a classic feel to it. Thinking this is will be my current favorite WAD.
  3. Hey peeps, first time poster here. I'm working on making my first custom weapon and learning DECORATE scripts. My pk3 file loads into GZDoom just fine but when opening up console command it says "[weapon name] has no frames" and won't load in the custom sprites. I wanted to know if there's something missing in the code that's keeping me from spawning my new weapon. Here's my code: ACTOR SNOOB-SG: Weapon Replaces Shotgun 20000 { Weapon.SelectionOrder 50 Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the SN00B-SG, wicked!" Weapon.AmmoType "Shell" Weapon.AmmoUse 1 Weapon.AmmoGive 35 Weapon.SlotNumber 3 States { Spawn: SNOO A -1 Stop Ready: SNOO A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Select: SNOO A 1 A_Raise Loop Deselect: SNOO A 1 A_lower Loop Fire: SNOO A 4 SNOO B 4 SNOO C 4 SNOO D 4 A_FireBullets(5.5, 3, 6, 8, "BulletPuff", 1) SNOO E 5 A_Recoil(3) SNOO F 5 SNOO G 5 Goto Ready } } Let me know if there's anything else I can provide. Thanks! TutorialShotgun.zip