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About Breidr

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  1. Breidr

    Low Skill Recommendations?

    I went and grabbed Doom Explorer and set things up. I can start a server and join as a player. Haven't convinced any suckers to play with me yet though. :P
  2. Breidr

    Low Skill Recommendations?

    Oh man, chaingunners are my bane. It feels like this is why Doom 1 was easier.
  3. Breidr

    Low Skill Recommendations?

    Thanks for all the recommendations! I'll get cracking on these tomorrow.
  4. Breidr

    Low Skill Recommendations?

    Awesome, thank you!
  5. Breidr

    Low Skill Recommendations?

    A friend of mine on discord has always been a big fan of old school shooters. Doom Engine, Build Engine, you name it. He even introduced me to Civvie-11. I've always had an interest in these types of games, they just have a certain thing about them, but due to my disability, fast reflex shooters never meshed well with me. Despite that, I've been plugging away at GZDoom since I discovered it was free, and was even gifted a copy of Doom II to go with it. I also have FreeDoom, and Chex 3. I thoroughly enjoyed Chex 3, played on difficulty 2. I could probably have done it on 3, but that is most likely the limit of what I can handle. Doom II raked me over the coals. I was feeling pretty hot when I got through Dead Simple, but tricks and traps put me in my place. Since then I've been playing Ashes on "relaxed." Could probably up it a bit, but I like the chill vibe for now. I came here to ask what else it out there that might be more suitable at a lower skill audience. So far I've found the Adventures of Square, and that is fun too. It's a nice middle ground between Chex and Doom proper. I'm really glad I found these games. Despite having no extra mechanics other than shoot enemy with gun, they're great. I find myself just secret hunting, and I really want to push to be proficient at difficulty 3. Hurt me Plenty is my current plateau for Chex and Doom 1, Doom 2 is a whole different animal, forget master levels. I'm rambling now, but I hope I got the point across. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any recommendations you leave!