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Everything posted by Drum

  1. This is a brand new WAD released by me with the help of people like CBM, numsOic, A Handsome Fridge and Makros the Black!! It has 10 levels and one secret level. Each being pretty difficult by my standards. It requires any ZDoom source port, the 32-in-24-15 texture pack and Doom II. Pistol starts recommended. Crouching/jumping disabled. I tested this with Beautiful Doom and one of the custom monsters is pretty broken so I guess just don't play with that mod. Below are some screenshots and the file. Have fun!!! <(0_0)< drums_experiment.zip
  2. I'm back to making WADS with a singular level! This is a WAD that requires a boom-compatible source port for Doom II, with about 4 minutes of gameplay. Below are some screenshots and the download: wooden_maze.zip
  3. Drum

    Wooden Maze

    There's a hidden misaligned texture in the first Hell Knight room that lowers a platform in the starting hub 👀
  4. Drum

    My first doom wad.

    I agree with Wr3nch. Check out some other WADS on the internet to see how they use textures. You can also follow tutorials on YouTube made by members of the community. And also something important to note: Once you've made your first WAD, do not upload it on the internet. because no one wants to play a bad WAD. That said, I see you have lots of potential.
  5. i'd say his videos where he dies 80 times in No Chance and his playthroughs of Italo Doom.
  6. decino, i guess. He uploads rarely but has great playthroughs and outtakes.
  7. Drum

    How Do I Make Custom Things?

    You can browse this section in the wiki for more info, I guess. I'm not really an expert on this. Here
  8. Usually Nugget Doom when I'm playing any Wads but I play with GZDoom if it's required. I don't really play with any additional mods but if I'm playing with GZDoom I'll most likely play with Beautiful Doom. UV most of the time but if it's too hard i go for HNTR or ITYTD. I'm more of a purist when it comes to Doom mods. That's it.
  9. tried it in nugget doom. love it!!!
  10. Drum

    "best" doom laucher

    zdl is objectively the best launcher. its barebones but its all you need
  11. Drum

    Drum Pack Remix

    I haven't posted anything on Doomworld in awhile, and this is a project i made to come back here. This is a map pack with 8 levels and a secret one! This WAD works with any of the ZDoom sourceports and requires Doom II. Pistol starts are recommended. Crouching/jumping disabled. Below are some screenshots and the download. drum_pack_remix.zip
  12. LETTSSSSS GOO!! This WAD has multiple levels! This has some basic ACS scripting so it will need a ZDoom based source port like GZDoom, LZDoom, QZDoom or ZDoom (obviously). Just run it with Doom II and enjoy! I tested it out with Always Run on and it's about 15 minutes of gameplay. Here is some gameplay of the WAD here: Anyways, below is the download and some screenshots: the_drum_pack.zip
  13. Second map I made! I listened to everyone's advice and made something 100x better than my first one! This one is a map for Doom II, same as my other one. Just unzip the provided ZIP file, and open the WAD file inside with GZDoom. Extremely Simple! I made a walkthrough of it on Youtube, check it out!: https://youtu.be/m2ZWC03WtwU BTW There's a secret in the map! Comment down below if you found it! heightfight.zip
  14. Drum


    First map I made! This is my first one so don't expect anything crazy. This is a Doom II map that runs with the GZDoom source port. Just unzip the provided ZIP file, and run the WAD file inside with GZDoom. first_map.zip
  15. Drum

    3D DOOM logo

    I will officially trademark them as Doomlets©.
  16. -Hire Playtesters -Make the textures slightly better and make it kinda like a different style -Add new weapons -??? -PROFIT!!!!
  17. IDHELF - Increases max health and armor both to 500%
  18. Drum

    Wads that have good short maps

    The other one was called Deepend. Here:
  19. Drum

    Can you guess what this wad is about?

    A remake of a real house in Doom.
  20. Drum

    What color is your doomguy?

    My doomguy is grey!
  21. Drum


    6TH DOOM MAP!!! NO WAY! I used LZDoom to run this map but I'm sure any other source port is capable of running it. Just open it with Doom II and enjoy! I'll come back later to add a YouTube video. (Edit: It's here) underneath.zip
  22. Drum

    making my own doom wad

    I played only the first 2 maps, but so far, it's fine for a first WAD. You should definitely playtest your levels before you post them, and that's pretty much it.
  23. I've been pretty inactive on Doomworld for just a bit cuz I've been working on a brand new WAD! This one is much different than my other ones, because it has multiple levels. Yep, multiple. This WAD is planned to have 8 levels, and as of now, I've finished 3 and I'm working on the 4th one. 5th one. 6th one. 7th one. final one. none. Edit: Level 4, 5, 6 and 7 and 8 are done. Edit 2: I've been working on the 6th map so far and it looks like this WAD is only going to work with ZDoom-derived source ports. So stuff like GZDoom, LZDoom and ZDoom (obviously). Edit 3: The WAD is now officially done and uploaded here: Here are some screenshots of the levels:
  24. Drum

    Game that everyone hates but you like?

    I like Call of Duty: Ghosts. I don't know why people hate it.
  25. Interesting looking source port. Also I pretty much have the same profile pic as you LOL.